Soon, Official You Yi and True Lord Yi Sheng came directly to the Western Lingshan Mountain.

Today, Western Lingshan has become the center of Buddhism, and Zhunti and Jieyin are no longer in Mount Sumeru.

In the Leiyin Pagoda, after the two people came in, they hurriedly saluted the Tathagata.

After explaining his intention, he waited for Tathagata to express his stance.

When Tathagata heard this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Haha, such a little monkey head actually makes the Emperor of Heaven so distressed, that's all, I just want to go there!"

After the Tathagata finished speaking, he stood up, and the two venerables followed him and left.

Soon, Tathagata came to the Heavenly Court. He happened to see the people in the Heavenly Court besieging Sun Wukong, and said: "Everyone, stop it!"

As soon as Tathagata spoke, everyone in the heaven glanced at him.

Official You Yi and True Lord Yi Sheng hurriedly took everyone away.

When Sun Wukong looked at the Tathagata coming, he became a little surprised.

The Tathagata asked: "Who are you? How dare you act like this in heaven!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he smiled and said: "Humph, you don't know! The old Sun was born from the spiritual stone of heaven and earth. This old man of the Heavenly Emperor bullies others too much and really can't stand it, so I just want to teach him a lesson!" In addition, the throne of the Emperor of Heaven should be given way to Lao Sun!"

After hearing this, Tathagata laughed and said: "What a monkey who doesn't know the heights of the sky. You have disturbed the heaven and now you are still thinking of replacing the Emperor of Heaven. It seems that you deserve to die! I thought you might be able to persuade me, But I didn’t expect you to have such a plan, I can’t let you be so presumptuous, what ability do you have to be able to ascend to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven!”

Sun Wukong was very unconvinced by Tathagata's words, and he said directly: "I have seventy-two transformations, and the art of somersault clouds. I can fly in the sky and walk on the earth. How can I not!"

When Tathagata heard this, he sneered, and then made a bet with Sun Wukong. If they escaped from Tathagata's hand, they would agree to let the Emperor of Heaven hand over the throne to him. If they could not, they would be punished.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he burst out laughing. He couldn't escape even with just one hand. What a joke!

This time I am afraid that I will become the Emperor of Heaven!

After Tathagata stretched out his palm, Sun Wukong went up directly.

Just after he stepped on it, the small palm turned into an endless world. Sun Wukong was not afraid, but directly launched a somersault cloud, and immediately flew out, thousands of miles away. It's time to arrive.

Sun Wukong saw that he had not arrived yet, so he used the somersault cloud again, and then he saw the five pillars in front of him. They were all towering into the clouds. There was no way forward, and these five pillars had already blocked the way. Stopped.

Sun Wukong thought, this is the end of the world!

It was probably out of Tathagata's hand a long time ago. Later, Sun Wukong was afraid that Tathagata would not admit it, so he carved traces of Sun Wukong's visit on the pillars.

Just before leaving, Sun Wukong peed next to the pillar.

After Sun Wukong returned to Tathagata, he stretched out his hand directly towards Tathagata and said: "Come on, hand over the throne of the Emperor of Heaven to Old Sun. The two somersault clouds of Old Sun have already gone to an unknown place! If you don't believe it, Old Sun will bring you Go and take a look, I left a mark!"

Sun Wukong said proudly, and Tathagata laughed after hearing this.

I saw Tathagata stretching out his palm. Sun Wukong looked down with some doubts, and his expression suddenly changed. It was written on Tathagata's finger that Sun Wukong was here to visit!

There are also some traces of urination.

Seeing Tathagata looking at him with a smile, Sun Wukong's face changed greatly and said: "Impossible, Old Sun has gone somewhere under the somersault cloud, why is it still in your hands? Wait for me, Old Sun Let’s go and see again!”

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he ran directly outside.

Sun Wukong is not stupid. Tathagata must have used some magic to do this. It seems that this Tathagata is a bit powerful and I can’t afford to offend him!

Sun Wukong is ready to run.

But Tathagata is also a human spirit, how could he not know what Sun Wukong was thinking, so he directly turned his hand downwards, and suddenly the five mountains of gold, wood, water, fire and earth suppressed Sun Wukong.

This is the Five Elements Mountain.

Sun Wukong was suppressed and could no longer move.

Tathagata threw his six-character mantra on the Five Elements Mountain.

Suddenly, Sun Wukong could no longer come out. He could only move in a small area, and he could breathe, but he couldn't come out completely.

Tathagata smiled and was about to turn around and leave.

"Tathagata Buddha stays, stays!"

Suddenly, a shout rang out. Tathagata looked back and saw that Haotian had come out.

Tathagata also walked over.

Emperor Haotian came out with all the gods from heaven.

Haotian nodded towards Tathagata and said: "Haha, thank you for this matter, Tathagata, otherwise I should have taken action myself!"

After Haotian finished speaking, Tathagata didn't pay much attention and said: "Haha, the Emperor of Heaven is too polite. It's just a simple effort. Besides, this demon monkey is not that powerful. I suppressed him with just a move of my hands and feet. I just didn't expect it." He is actually so arrogant in heaven!"

When Haotian heard this, his expression changed. This Tathagata was secretly saying that he was incompetent in heaven!

He easily surrendered Sun Wukong, but his own heavenly court was powerless. It was really hateful!

If it weren't for some reasons, Sun Wukong would have been killed by him long ago!

Haotian's face was already a little ugly, and he said: "Haha, that's Tathagata who is now the ruler of the west! It's really powerful. However, this monkey is now pinned down by you at the foot of the mountain. Why don't you kill him directly? Execution, he has committed such a heinous crime in heaven, how can he be forgiven!"

Haotian questioned.

The Tathagata shook his head and said: "Firstly, this monkey has a predestined relationship with my Buddhist sect. Secondly, I am here today to relieve the siege of the Heavenly Court. If the Emperor of Heaven thinks that he deserves to die, he will do it himself! Naturally, I will ignore it!" "

When Tathagata said this, Haotian's face became even more ugly.

The Queen Mother looked at Haotian and Tathagata from the side, and said: "Tathagata Buddha is here, how can we talk to each other again? Please, please invite Yaochi to the banquet, as a thank you for Tathagata's intervention, please!"

Yaochi said and made a gesture of invitation directly.

When Tathagata saw it, he did not refuse and went directly with his two disciples.

The Queen Mother hosted a banquet for Tathagata in Yaochi, and the Emperor of Heaven brought many gods to accompany him. After all, the visitor was a guest!

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