After Tathagata said goodbye to the Emperor of Heaven, he returned directly to his own Western Paradise.

Many Westerners hurriedly asked about the situation, and Tathagata told them.

Then the Tathagata summoned all his bodhisattvas, arhats and aluos.

The Tathagata said: "This time I went to heaven and took a look at the four major continents. Oh, it really makes me feel unbearable! Dongsheng Shenzhou respects heaven and earth, and Beiju Luzhou is killing people everywhere. Continuously, it’s just to make a living. In Nanfanbuzhou, people are greedy and prostitute and often kill, but I, Xiniu Hezhou, are neither greedy nor murderous, just because everyone in Xiniu Hezhou believes in my Western Buddhism."

After the Tathagata finished speaking, he looked at everyone's expressions thoughtfully and couldn't help but continue: "So in order to relieve the suffering of all living beings, I want to spread the Dharma of our Buddhism. I originally wanted to send this Dharma to these places. , but then I thought that those who delivered it to my door would not cherish it, so I thought of letting them pick it up!"

After the Tathagata finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva on the side couldn't help but ask: "No matter which continent it is, it is extremely far away from me, Xiniu Hezhou, how can we get it?"

Tathagata smiled and said: "Haha, it doesn't matter. Although it is a bit far away from the road, it can be said that they are sincere and spiritual. I believe they have a way. Of course, we can also help them!"

As Tathagata and Guanyin sang in harmony, everyone understood that they were going to spread the Buddhist Dharma!

Then Tathagata looked at everyone and asked who was going to arrange this matter.

Finally, Guanyin Bodhisattva came out and said: "Go ahead, poor monk. This matter is related to the suffering of the world and the education of the four major continents. There is no room for loss!"

After hearing this, Tathagata nodded. It would be best for Guanyin Bodhisattva to do this.

At this moment, Western Buddhism has decided to spread Buddhism throughout the ancient world.

It was also at this moment that a change occurred in the way of heaven, and the calamity had begun.

Tathagata looked at the strange image of heaven and earth, smiled, and then went to see the ancient Buddha on the burning lamp.

The burning lamp has now evolved into twenty-four heavens.

He no longer cares about anything else at this moment, because after being injured by Liu Ming, he almost destroyed his Dao roots and was no longer able to attain enlightenment.

But by some mistake, he was introduced to Western teachings, and then he found hope.

At this moment, as a past Buddha, Ran Deng no longer has any ideas. He only has one idea, and that is that he can attain enlightenment!

After the Tathagata came, he told him about his upcoming journey to the west. When Ran Deng heard this, he nodded and said: "Now that you are the living Buddha, the inheritance and promotion of Buddhism is your business. You don't have to deal with it." I said that!"

Tathagata smiled and said: "Haha, Brother Randeng, after all, this matter is of great importance. I need your help when necessary!"

After Ran Deng listened, he nodded and said: "Don't worry, if you need it, I will help you. By the way, what's going on with those two now!"

After hearing this, the Tathagata looked at Mount Sumeru and said: "I don't know this either, but this time the calamity is measured by the Buddhist sect. Although they may be a little dissatisfied that we have occupied Western religion into Buddhism, after all, Buddhism is a sect. It is a Western religion that was born out of the West. They have also received their own luck, and they must not cause trouble. Now I am afraid that the Sanqing is in some trouble! Taishang Laojun actually transformed the three Qings in one breath and entered the heaven. He wants to use it Heaven has come to cause trouble for us!"

Ran Deng laughed and said: "Don't worry about this. Firstly, Dao Ancestor has made it clear. Secondly, isn't the prince of the demon clan still there? This time, he is in the midst of calamity. Even if Sanqing wants to take action, it is not possible." Easy, after all Sanqing wants to kill his disciple, he won’t ignore it, this is the key!”

Ran Deng could still see clearly that Hongjun's arrangement was precisely because of this relationship.

If you want to hinder the journey to the west, you must deal with the biggest threat, Sun Wukong, and you have to deal with Sun Wukong through Liu Ming.

In this way, Buddhism, Heavenly Court, and Liu Ming are restraining each other.

Liu Ming still has the same purpose as Buddhism in the general direction, because he wants to help Sun Wukong overcome the tribulation, and Sun Wukong has already determined that this is the key to measuring the tribulation.

Tathagata thought for a while and said: "Could this demon prince also join forces with Sanqing to ruin our plan?"

Ran Deng shook his head and said: "If it weren't for this monkey, not to mention Xuanmen, he would have plotted against Buddhism. After all, no matter which force is powerful, it is a threat to the demon clan. But now, with this monkey, he is Even if you want to do that, you can’t.”

Ran Deng's judgment was so right, Liu Ming was helpless now.

Because he had promised Hongjun to ensure the safe progress of Liangjie.

In addition, it is also because of Sun Wukong that he can only do this!

Tathagata received Ran Deng's explanation and felt relieved a lot.

I am afraid that Taishang Laojun now regrets that he took Taoist Duobao with him when he left Huahu in the west, and allowed him to achieve his own Buddhist merits and directly became the current Buddha of the third generation.

I originally thought that after Duobao became a Tathagata, he would be grateful to me and contribute to Xuanmen's control of the West.

As a result, Duobao, Ran Deng, Taoist Cihang, Samantabhadra, Manjusri and Guangfa Tianzun, and Wei Liusun discussed it among themselves and formed their own sect.

They pushed Jie Yin and Zhunti aside and took the West as their own.

Not to mention Sanqing, they didn’t listen to them at all.

The key is that Hongjun took action at this time. He decided to set this calamity in order to develop Western Buddhism and pass on Buddhist teachings. This was also the last time Hongjun took action for the West. After this time, Hongjun has settled all Western karma.

From now on, he no longer owes anything to the West. Whether the West lives or dies has nothing to do with him.

He Hongjun has settled his debt.

It has to be said that this Buddhism caught a good opportunity, and Hongjun came to settle the cause and effect, and secondly, he did not want Sanqing and Jieyin to mention anyone who had too much power, which just gave them the opportunity.

Now all the saints are in seclusion in ancient times, and no one dares to come out.

Only Taishang Laojun made a marginal pass.

Even after using a clone, Hongjun turned a blind eye.

The last time he tried to kill Sun Wukong, he had been severely warned by Hongjun.

From now on, we can only take very subtle actions. If Hongjun gets hold of anything again, I'm afraid this clone won't be able to be saved.

Everything is the result of intricate relationships.

It is also Hongjun's method and calculation as the Taoist ancestor and the representative of Tiandao.

Not even Liu Ming escaped, he was part of Hongjun's plan from beginning to end!

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