Because Guanyin Bodhisattva thought that Sun Wukong would not agree, she directly released her Buddhist power, and Sun Wukong couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay, monkey, just wait. A pilgrim will come to release you, and you must remember what you promised and protect him when he goes west to seek scriptures. Don't worry, I will accompany you. Let's go west together, which is considered a blessing. Let’s give you a chance in Buddhism!”

Seeing that Sun Wukong had figured it out for himself, Liu Mingcai left with peace of mind.

And just now he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva waiting for him in the void.

Guanyin Bodhisattva said: "Prince of the demon clan, you have gone too far. You asked the poor monk to call you, but now you have disappeared!"

Liu Ming snorted coldly, he really thought he was someone!

Aren't you the original Taoist Cihang of Yuxu Palace? Although you have become a Bodhisattva in Buddhism, you can't be so arrogant!

Liu Ming is someone who doesn't mess with me, and I won't mess with you. Now that Guanyin is venting her dissatisfaction on him, naturally he can't remain indifferent.

Only Liu Ming said directly: "Haha, Taoist Cihang, do you think this prince is deliberately trying to keep you out? You are wrong. Although you have received Sun Wukong's promise, you must know that Sun Wukong agreed because he had no choice but to do so. He didn't do it willingly, so I went to communicate with you well, so that the monkey can figure it out on his own.

It turned out that you were kind enough to blame me. Humph, you mistook your good intentions for a donkey’s heart and lungs. It’s really disappointing and sad! After all, if Sun Wukong can't figure it out on his own, it will be troublesome in the future. Something will happen to your Buddhist journey to the west to measure the calamity! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva's face became a little ugly.

What Liu Ming said was correct. It would be best if he could explain it to Sun Wukong. This would indeed be able to smooth out the changes that occurred during the calamity.

But the problem that made Guanyin Bodhisattva a little dissatisfied was that Liu Ming actually called himself Taoist Cihang.

Although he was once one of the twelve golden immortals in Yuxu Palace, now he is a Bodhisattva of Buddhism.

Not a Taoist!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said directly to Liu Ming: "Prince of the demon tribe, you'd better remember that the poor monk is the Buddhist Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. As for the Taoist, he was from the previous life. The poor monk has practiced Buddhism for more than ten lives. , now you are the Bodhisattva, please don’t do this, do you understand?”

After Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips. Although Guanyin Bodhisattva was very angry when he said it, he was originally a Taoist Cihang. You can't get rid of this fact even if you have been reincarnated hundreds of times!

But since people were concerned about this matter, Liu Ming didn't say anything about it.

Liu Ming said with a smile: "Okay, I know this. You can leave now! Guanyin Bodhisattva, it's time to find the Buddhist scripture seeker!"

Guanyin snorted and left directly with Muzha.

And Liu Ming followed them out.


Ever since Liu Ming came back from the Conferred God Tribulation, it has been spreading throughout the world for a long time.

Changes in dynasties are happening all the time.

Now it has spread to the old Li family of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Shiming is now the emperor of the world, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty!

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva brought Mu Zha and Liu Ming to the human dynasty, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an.

As soon as the Guanyin Bodhisattva landed on the ground, he and Muzha turned into two monks.

The appearance has also changed.

Liu Ming, on the other hand, didn't change at all, because he felt it didn't matter, no one would know him!

As for Liu Ming's unwillingness to change his appearance, Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't say much.

The three of them came to a land temple in Chang'an. As a result, the land god directly discovered the difference between the three of them.

Although their appearance has been changed, it is also to prevent ordinary people from discovering their identities. As for the earth god, he is a god in heaven. Although his status is not high, he is a god after all. He naturally has a strong sense of perception. He can see Guanyin Bodhisattva at a glance. Recognized.

He hurriedly told the nearby city god and other gods of all sizes in the world.

These people all ran over and bowed to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is also helpless, after all, he cannot hide himself so that these people cannot find him.

After meeting these people, Guanyin Bodhisattva said with a serious face: "This time, I came here to help Buddhism find Buddhist monks, so I changed my appearance. Since you already know my whereabouts, I ask you Please remember not to reveal my identity, otherwise you will be punished, but I understand!"

Upon hearing this, the group of people nodded hastily. Guanyin Bodhisattva had spoken, how could they dare to leak it out?

Liu Ming couldn't help but curl his lips, these people are from heaven! They are under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Emperor Haotian, and the City God is the underworld official in the underworld. No matter where you say this, you don’t need to be so diligent in your faith in Guanyin Bodhisattva!

However, we can also find some problems from it, that is, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of the underworld is now considered to be in control, and then the earth is probably like Zhunti and Jieyin, and has been emptied out!

I have to say, this Buddhist method is really powerful!

After watching everyone leave, Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Liu Ming and said: "The poor monk and his disciples are going to the city to look for the Buddhist monks. Where are you, Prince? If you don't want to go, you can stay here! I guess this group of land , the City God knows your identity, and he doesn’t dare to serve you improperly!”

Liu Ming waved his hand and said: "No, the prince is here just to find the pilgrims with you. How can you be lazy on your own? Let's go together!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't say much.

Liu Ming came here this time just to find this Buddhist monk, out of curiosity!

How could he not go out? In addition, Liu Ming could only listen to what Guanyin Bodhisattva said, because these land and city gods would not serve him well.

Although Liu Ming's strength and Guanyin Bodhisattva's reputation may be enough to give him some care, after all, Liu Ming is not their immediate boss. In addition, these little gods don't understand the strength of the demon clan at all, let alone understand the demon clan's meaning in prehistoric times.

A group of three people strolled around Chang'an City.

Liu Ming looked at Chang'an City and remembered the great Zhou Dynasty back then.

He supervised the Fengshen Calamity Tribulation and watched with his own eyes the decline of the Great Shang and the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but he did not expect that time flies so quickly!

Because I had no sense of time in the prehistoric period, it felt like not long had passed. However, earth-shaking changes had taken place in the world, and it was now the Tang Dynasty.

After so many dynasties, I really feel some inexplicable emotion in my heart!


Liu Ming sighed directly.

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