Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 632: Interesting things in Chang'an City

Guanyin Bodhisattva on the side heard Liu Ming sighing and asked in surprise: "What makes the prince of the demon tribe sigh like this!"

After hearing this, Liu Ming glanced at her and said, "Nothing, I just feel emotional about the change of dynasties in the world. Do you still remember? The scenes in the Conferring God Tribulation, the alternation of the two dynasties of Shang and Zhou!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva glared at him and mentioned various things about his previous life, but how could she not remember what Liu Ming said.

It was because of the disaster of the twelve golden immortals in the mortal world that they suffered calamity, and the cause and effect of the twelve golden immortals was resolved when they were cut off from the top of the three flowers in the nine-bend Yellow River Formation of Sanxiao.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was reminded of the past by Liu Ming, and she also felt some mixed feelings in her heart.

But she quickly retracted her expression, because now she is a Buddhist Bodhisattva, and naturally has boundless Buddhist teachings, so she will not be affected by such sentimentality.

But at this moment, something interesting happened in Datang City.

It is said that two people were talking about a magic fortune teller in the city outside the Jinghe River.

They say that as long as the fortune teller is given one fish every day, he can tell you where to set the net in the Jinghe River and guarantee that you will catch a fish 100% of the time.

Originally it was just a conversation between two people, but unexpectedly someone heard their conversation at this time, and the person who eavesdropped was this Jinghe Yaksha.

After hearing this, he quickly ran back to his Jinghe Dragon Palace.

He went directly to see the Jinghe Dragon King.

I saw Yaksha saying anxiously: "Dragon King, something big has happened! Something big has happened!"

Then Yasha told the Dragon King of Jinghe what he had overheard.

When the Jinghe Dragon King heard this, his expression changed, but soon his expression turned disdainful.

He said: "Humph! There is such a thing, but this matter is just a rumor spread by mortals and cannot be taken seriously. Even if such a thing really does happen, it doesn't matter. How many fish can the two fishermen catch in their lifetime! There are so many fish and shrimps in my Jinghe River that I can’t even count them!”

After the Dragon King of Jinghe finished speaking, Yaksha didn't say any more.

The crab general on the side frowned and said: "Dragon King, we can't take this matter seriously! Think about it, two people can't catch many fish, but if this person really has this method, he can find fish. The gathering place for shrimps is ruined! In the future, more and more people will be looking for him, and eventually everyone in Chang'an City will know about this method. If this goes on, the fish and shrimps in our Jinghe River will probably become extinct. !”

When the Dragon King of Jinghe heard this, his expression turned gloomy again. This Crab General was right!

It doesn't matter if it's just one or two people. They can't catch tens of thousands of them in a lifetime. There are millions of fish and shrimps in the entire Jing River.

But if the entire city of Chang'an is mobilized, it won't take long for everything to be salvaged!

I am the mighty Dragon King of the Jing River, and I rely on these fish and shrimps to strengthen my momentum and maintain the majesty of my Jing River!

The Jinghe Dragon King directly pulled out his sword and shouted: "Send the order, Yaksha, the shrimp soldiers and crabs will follow me to Chang'an City. I want to see how this divine fortune teller can calculate everything accurately."

After saying that, the entire Jinghe Dragon Palace took action.

The crab general on the side directly stopped the Dragon King of Jinghe River and said: "Dragon King, it is inappropriate to mobilize a large number of troops like this! This matter should be done secretly. Think about it, if the Dragon Palace of Jinghe River were mobilized, how big the momentum would be. It’s huge, and when the Dragon King goes out, it will be accompanied by clouds and rain. I’m afraid it will alarm the Heavenly Court, and it will be difficult to deal with it then!”

After hearing this, the Jinghe Dragon King slowly put down his sword. This is indeed the case!

I almost got into trouble!

Then he made arrangements for the Dragon Palace. He turned into a scholar in white and went ashore to Chang'an City.

There is no need to search for it at all, you can find out just by asking around.

Because this divine fortune teller is already quite famous in Chang'an City.

There was an endless stream of people coming to tell fortunes.

The Jinghe Dragon King walked over directly, pushed everyone around him away, and sat down in front of the divine fortune teller.

And this divine fortune teller is none other than the uncle of Yuan Tiangang, the Imperial Supervisor of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Shoucheng.

They are all strangers who can calculate a little bit of secrets.

Looking at the scholar in white in front of him, Yuan Shoucheng showed no expression at all. After pouring a cup of tea, he asked: "Your Excellency acts so domineeringly. I guess there is something urgent. Let's talk about it!"

The Dragon King of Jinghe snorted and said: "Let me ask you something. If you are accurate, you will be given fifty taels of gold. If you are not accurate, your sign will be smashed. It will also show to people that you are a gift." He is a swindler!"

After Yuan Shoucheng heard this, he burst out laughing and said, "Okay, let's talk about it!"

The Dragon King of Jinghe asked: "Then you can calculate whether it will rain tomorrow, how much it will be, when will the clouds move, and when will the rain begin?"

When Yuan Shoucheng heard this, he directly picked up the pen and put it down.

Then he gave it to the Dragon King of Jinghe River. The Dragon King of Jinghe River read it and wrote it in great detail, including when clouds will move, when rain will fall, and how much rain will fall.

But he still felt happy because he already wanted to smash Yuan Shoucheng's stall.

As the Dragon King of Jinghe River, how could he not know when it would rain?

And this Yuan Shoucheng wrote in such detail.

Yuan Shoucheng looked at him and said: "If the time above does not come true tomorrow, you will come to me, smash my sign, or kill me, I will admit it!"

When the Dragon King of Jinghe heard this, he said, OK, just wait for him to come back one day, which will save him from having to give any excuses.

The Dragon King of Jinghe took the things given by Yuan Shoucheng and left.

After the Jinghe Dragon King returned to his Jinghe Dragon Palace, he burst into laughter.

Many of his subordinates didn't understand why he was laughing, so they asked.

The Dragon King of Jinghe directly recounted his conversation with Yuan Shoucheng and showed the note to them.

After reading it, Crab Jiang threw it directly to the ground and said: "It can be seen that this divine fortune teller is just like this, just deceiving everyone. Haha, Dragon King, it is the right of my Dragon Palace to make clouds and rain, how can I let him It's accurate, haha, I'm afraid he didn't calculate it correctly this time, and tomorrow he will smash its sign, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

When the Dragon King of Jinghe heard this, he laughed. Yes, he got rid of the harm for the people. Not only did he deal with a harm to the world, but heaven would probably not blame him.

The Dragon King of Jinghe felt very happy at the moment. This matter was just a trivial matter.

At this moment in Chang'an City, after Yuan Shoucheng closed the stall, he looked into the distance and shook his head.

"Hey, that's all!"

Yuan Shoucheng sighed and left.

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