Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 64 Huang Zhongli matures and angers Kunpeng

Just when Liu Ming was about to refine the Space Law Virtual Root, he didn't notice that the bead next to him moved.

And gradually, bursts of glow appeared on the beads.

As Liu Ming was refining, he took a bead and flew directly towards Liu Ming.

Liu Ming, who was originally preparing to refine the virtual root, suddenly felt that the power of space in his body was condensing in one direction.

He looked around hurriedly, and he didn't know when a bead was emitting strong spatial power.

"This? This is the origin of space!"

Liu Ming couldn't help but exclaimed.

It’s really the origin of space!

Now he doesn't care about anything else, and directly injects all his space power into the origin of space.

Gradually, the origin of the entire space began to rotate with the spiritual power in Liu Ming's body.

"Principles of Space, gather them for me!"

After Liu Ming shouted loudly, the power of space continued to come from all directions.

Then the space origin that passed through Liu Ming was released again.

The whole heaven seems to be imprisoned!

"Phew, it's done, haha!"

Liu Ming stood up and took a deep breath, then looked inside his body.

Today's space laws are no longer rootless grass, but have space origins.

Liu Ming suddenly remembered where his spatial origin came from!

While he was wondering, he suddenly saw something falling on the ground.

It was something on top of a dirt bead, but it was empty inside.

Could it be!

Liu Ming quickly figured out why he felt attracted to that bead.

Because it’s nothing else but the origin of space!

What a blessing!

Liu Ming felt happy for a while, and suddenly smelled a strong fragrance again.

When he went out to take a look, he became even more happy.

The yellow plum is ripe!

There are nine fruits hanging on the whole yellow plum!

The richness of the fruit is simply mouth-watering.

The fragrance in Liuming Hall floats directly to the entire heaven.

Everyone was intoxicated with it.

Some people from the demon clan suddenly broke through the realm after smelling it.

This surprised everyone, so Prince Liu Ming’s palace was completely surrounded.

I don’t dare to enter it, I can only smell it from outside!

I have to say that Huang Zhongli is really overbearing. Even the fragrance it emits can increase people's spiritual power for several years or even hundreds of years after smelling it.

Others did not dare to enter, but Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were not so polite.

The two of them appeared directly in Liu Ming's hall.

"This is, this is Huang Zhongli!"

Di Jun looked shocked.

"Impossible! Huang Ling only bears fruit once every ten thousand years, how long has it been!"

Donghuang Taiyi is now a saint, and he still cannot conceal his inner shock.

"Father, Uncle Donghuang, just tell me whether you want it or not!"

Liu Ming asked angrily.

When Di Jun and Dong Huangtai heard this, they couldn't be restrained and picked one each.

Good things like this are hard to come by.

"There are nine in total. I will keep four. You can take the rest and give a few to Bai Ze and the others. We, the demon tribe, can now use Huang Zhongli to improve everyone's strength!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he reached out and collected the four fruits of Huang Zhongli, and gave the rest to Di Jun and the others.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi left happily.

After Liu Ming saw that Huang Ling had lost the fruit, he immediately returned to his newly planted appearance.

This time he was not using Jiu Ning Jade Dew. Although there was still a drop, Liu Ming felt that this thing seemed to be overthrowing the seedlings and fishing in the lake, which was not good and would cause damage to the yellow luggage.

It’s better to have a steady stream of water!

"Master. That, hehe, it smells so good!"

Sun Wukong's eager look made Liu Ming a little funny.

"Give it to you, but keep it for me. You just ate ginseng fruit and you can't take Huangzhongli anymore. Do you understand? Otherwise you will explode and die!"

Liu Ming warned.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he directly packed Huang Zhongli and nodded seriously.

Even if you don't eat it, it tastes great if you smell it every day.

And Liu Ming didn't plan to take Huangzhongli because he felt that he hadn't had the chance to break through to Daluo Jinxian, and taking it now wouldn't have much effect.

It's better to wait until you break through to the quasi-sage and take it, maybe you can reach the peak of quasi-sage in one fell swoop.

Just when everyone was absorbing Huang Zhongli's spiritual energy in Liu Ming's hall.

Demon Master Kunpeng was a little unhappy in his hall.

He clearly felt that his current situation was not good.

From the Emperor Jun to the demon clan guards, they all looked down on him, which made him increasingly dissatisfied.

Because Heavenly Court and the Monster Clan may have never regarded him as one of their own.

"The demon master seems a little unhappy!"

Liu Ming suddenly fell in front of Kunpeng.

A cold light flashed in Kunpeng's eyes, but when he saw it was Liu Ming, it flashed away.

"It turns out to be His Highness the Crown Prince. Haha, what's wrong with you? It's just that I have nothing to do and is a little bored, so I want to think of something!"

Kunpeng laughed as he spoke.

Liu Ming himself sat directly opposite Kunpeng.

"Thinking about something? Haha, what are you thinking about? When do you think about meeting the Second Saint of the West again? Or should you pass on some news about my prince to Di Jiang? No, Di Jiang is already dead!"

As soon as Liu Ming finished speaking, the atmosphere in the entire Kunpeng Hall instantly dropped to freezing point!

Kunpeng's face was gloomy, and the spiritual power in his hands had already been condensed.

It is very possible to take action directly!

"Why, you want to kill me, prepare to kill and silence me, haha!"

Liu Ming's face was calm, as if he was not facing Kunpeng, but some other dog or cat.

"Prince, what do you mean, I don't understand!"

Kunpeng asked coldly.

"No, you should understand, and you understand it very well, right! Demon Master, do you still want me to explain clearly? How did Zhu Rong and Ying Long find me in the first place, and where did the Western golden light on your body come from during the Lich War? How can I explain it more clearly?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Kunpeng suddenly moved.

Liu Ming was immediately enveloped in a murderous aura.

Liu Ming, on the other hand, was still sitting there motionless.

Just when Kunpeng's big hand reached in front of him, Liu Ming said two words softly.


Suddenly, Kunpeng felt as if he could no longer take a step forward.

And Liu Ming blasted out with one palm!


Kunpeng took a few steps back.

The murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Directly transformed into his own body, the roc bird!

The wings flapped directly, and gusts of wind flew towards Liu Ming.

Liu Ming had already distanced himself from Kunpeng at this moment.

"Demon Master, what do you mean by admitting it? Or are you saying that you are angry and want to kill me?"

Liu Ming said and glanced outside.

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