Seeing Liu Ming look outside, Kunpeng suddenly became more murderous.

"You actually ambush people outside? You're looking for death!"

Just when Kunpeng was about to take action, Liu Ming held the God-killing Spear directly in his hand, pointing the gun directly at Kunpeng.

"Kunpeng, do you think you can survive if I ambush people outside? Not to mention others, it would be my uncle Donghuang who takes action. What are your chances, Kunpeng?"

Kunpeng looked at the God-killing Spear in Liu Ming's hand, coupled with the Space Law that Liu Ming had just used!

He is already planning how to escape from heaven.

Now that Liu Ming has told everything, his plan for Tianting and Liu Ming has been exposed.

If you don't leave, the consequences will be serious.

"Prince, hehe, do you think you can conquer me? Then try it!"

Kunpeng's eyes kept moving around as he spoke.

Suddenly, there was doubt in his eyes.

Liu Ming actually removed his murderous intent and God-killing Spear.

"Kunpeng, if I wanted to kill you, you would have died at least dozens of times. There would be no situation like this!"

Liu Ming said and sat down again.

Although Kunpeng was a little confused at the moment, Kunpeng would never put himself in danger. Now that Liu Ming had discovered it, even if he didn't kill him, he would probably have no status in heaven.

So, go now, escaping from heaven is the only way!

"You want to leave, right? Kunpeng, stay!"

Liu Ming said and stretched out his hand directly!

Kunpeng was about to dodge, but a sudden burst of fragrance made his eyes widen instantly.

Kunpeng looked at Huang Zhongli floating towards him and directly reached out to take it.

The yellow luggage in his hand that is full of spiritual power is real, not fake!

But soon, the yellow plums floated into the air, and the yellow plums in the sky exuded bursts of attractive smell.

"This is for you, Kunpeng. I said I would kill you. From the first time you did something to me and made Zhu Rong chase me, I killed you and I will not let you go until now!"

Liu Ming walked over step by step.

Kunpeng still didn't know Liu Ming's intentions at this moment and was on guard.

He really wanted to take advantage of Liu Ming's unpreparedness and escape from heaven, but he couldn't bear to part with the Huang Zhongli in his hand.

"Prince, if you don't tell secret words, what do you want?"

Kunpeng asked directly.

Liu Ming stretched out his hand and pointed, and Huang Zhongli fell directly into Kunpeng's hand.

"It's very simple. I need a Kunpeng who only cares about heaven and the demon clan, instead of a demon master who is always scheming and taking every step. The demon clan has finally ushered in development!"

Liu Ming walked over and stood in front of Kunpeng.

"You should also know that today's prehistoric situation is unclear. The demon clan can only work together, and there should not be any hidden dangers. The demon clan must survive and survive forever!"

Kunpeng looked at Liu Ming and couldn't help but let down his guard.

He understood what Liu Ming meant, he wanted Kunpeng to return to the demon clan completely.

"Prince, do you believe me? Or do the Emperor of Heaven and others dare to believe me?"

Kunpeng asked rhetorically.

"If I believe in you, they will believe in you. If I am with you, Kunpeng, you will be the demon master of the demon clan for one more day, a loyal demon master!"

Liu Ming said.

"Haha, Prince, I set a mark on you so that the Witch Clan could find you, but Jie Yin and Zhunti met me and asked me to give the Monster Clan a blow in the Lich War. Do you still dare to believe me? "

Kunpeng said with a smile.

"Kunpeng, first of all, I am still alive and have not been killed by the Wu clan. Secondly, didn't you take action at that time? So, I believe in you, Kunpeng, I believe that I can give you what you want, and I am willing to believe in you. , but this is the last time, my trust in others is not without bottom line and frequency!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Kunpeng didn't speak for a long time.

And Liu Ming, dressed in white, stood in front of Kunpeng!

Neither of them spoke!

"Prince, I, Kunpeng, was born in Hongmeng. I have experienced three sermons by Hongjun. Although I have not become a saint, I am confident that I, Kunpeng, am not weaker than others in any aspect, so I will not convince anyone. But now, I, Kunpeng, believe in you!"

With that said, Kunpeng knelt down on one knee directly towards Liu Ming!

"Kunpeng will only respect the prince in the future and follow him throughout his life. If he violates any of his rules, the law of heaven will condemn him! Please bear witness from the law of heaven!"

After Kunpeng finished speaking, suddenly, a burst of thunder sounded over the entire heaven.

This was Tiandao's reminder that he accepted Kunpeng's oath.

Only respect yourself!

Liu Ming smiled bitterly. It seemed that although he had conquered Kunpeng now, he was still unwilling to admit others.

But it’s okay, if I have Kunpeng, it means that the demon clan has Kunpeng!

"Okay, you want it so much that you are willing to give it to me! Take it, this is for you, I am not testing you, and it is given to you sincerely. You may be able to become a saint with the help of Huang Zhongli. For me, one more The saint’s men are so overbearing, haha!”

Watching Kunpeng carefully take out the Huangzhongli in his hand, Liu Ming said angrily.

When Kunpeng heard this, he put it away directly, not wanting it for nothing, let alone such a treasure as Huang Zhongli.

"Kunpeng, I hope you won't disappoint me. My ambition is not in the demon clan!"

Liu Ming pointed to the sky as he spoke.

Kunpeng looked up, his face changed drastically, and his whole person was full of excitement and excitement!

"Prince, please rest assured. Since you have such great ambitions, I will definitely follow you in my life!"

Kunpeng said solemnly.

Liu Ming laughed and left directly.

After returning to the Heavenly Emperor's Hall, Liu Ming told the story about Kunpeng.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"In the past, we intimidated Kunpeng into joining the Monster Clan. Now I didn't expect that you actually made him truly return home. Haha, what a blessing!"

Di Jun shook his head with a wry smile.

On the side, Donghuang Taiyi looked at Liu Ming with more and more surprise.

My nephew is really a god!

"Father, in fact, the more arrogant a person is, the more capable they are, and the more capable they are, the more they need recognition from others. You have ignored this!"

Liu Ming said.

"Hey, I don't know, but I really don't dare to use it. Who knows if he will attack behind his back? Only you can subdue him. It's okay. Now our demon clan has no hidden dangers. It's time to develop well. Got it!"

Di Jun said with a smile.

Liu Ming nodded.

"Father, I am going to go to Saint Nuwa. In addition, after leaving the Wa Palace, I will go to Honghuang again. It must be very lively in Honghuang this time. I will join in the fun!"

After hearing this, Di Jun finally told Liu Ming to be careful!

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