When Zhu Bajie said this, Tang Sanzang became furious instantly.

He looked at Sun Wukong and the cold light in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Master, this is a monster. Think about it, how did he know that those two people were dead, and how did he know that I was the one who killed them? Isn't this a monster? He has always been here, so he knows everything Chu!"

"Shut up, shut up. You beat all three members of this family to death, and now you are still looking for excuses for yourself. Sun Wukong, you really blinded me. I shouldn't have let you go. Where did you have any According to the rules of Buddhist disciples, you are an out-and-out monster!"

Tang Sanzang pointed at Sun Wukong's nose and cursed.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong's expression changed and he said: "Master, what did you say? I am a monster. Haha, yes, Lao Sun is a monster. If it weren't for the enlightenment of your Buddhist Bodhisattva, do you think Lao Sun is willing to accompany you? ? Old Sun would rather stay under the Five Elements Mountain for a thousand years and follow you, an indiscriminate monk, and Old Sun will be blinded!"

Sun Wukong's words completely angered Tang Sanzang.

"Get out of here, get out of here, I don't need you, just get out of here!"

As a monk, it was not easy for Tang Sanzang to tell him to get out. It was obvious that he was already going crazy.

And Sun Wukong said: "Okay, I'm leaving. I want to see how the two of them can protect you from going to the West!"

Tang Sanzang shook his cassock fiercely and said: "Humph, you don't have to worry about it anymore. If I leave you, I will suffer less karma. You go!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he realized that he had been said to be like this. What else could he stay at? Just leave!

"Master. He still wants to share some of the salutes with you!"

Zhu Bajie said from the side.

And Sun Wukong looked at Zhu Bajie and his teeth were itching with hatred.

"Salute? Huh, okay, you can take whatever you want, and we'll settle the matter in the future!"

Tang Sanzang pointed to the luggage.

Sun Wukong shook his head. He said: "I don't want anything. You rescued me. I protected you this far and repaid your kindness. Bodhisattva asked me to protect your journey to the west. Now you want me to leave. If Bodhisattva blames you in the future, , you have to explain it clearly to the Bodhisattva yourself, and you can’t take off this golden hoop, so you are giving me a pledge that I will no longer be your disciple, and you can no longer recite the tightening mantra!”

Sun Wukong's words made Tang Sanzang feel angry.

"Okay, keep what you say, monks don't lie. I will make it clear to the Bodhisattva that I am driving you away, not that you want to leave. Okay, as for the tightening curse? Okay, I will write it for you!"

Tang Sanzang took out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone and started writing instantly.

After writing it, he threw it to Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong took a look and put it away.

He knelt down and kowtowed directly towards Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang was still furious.

"After I leave, you have to be careful. If someone wants to make things difficult for you, you can report my name, and maybe someone will give you some face. In addition, Lao Sha, you have to be careful about this pig head, he is not a thing! Save you from being killed by him. Plot!"

After Sun Wukong gave his instructions, he looked at Zhu Bajie showing a hint of murderous intent, and then left directly.

Tang Sanzang looked up and saw that a somersault cloud had disappeared with Sun Wukong.

Zhu Bajie finally breathed a sigh of relief and drove him away!

After Tang Sanzang watched Sun Wukong leave, he also had mixed feelings in his heart, neither happy nor sentimental.

Then the three of them were on their way again.

In the void.

Liu Ming looked at Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie, their expressions darkened.

These two people are really ignorant.

However, Monk Sha made Liu Ming feel a little strange. Why did he just say that? Now that the conflict is so tense, he didn't say more.

Could it be that he is also planning it?

Liu Ming's heart skipped a beat, yes, that must be the case.

This monk Sha is a general who can roll the curtains. Even if he breaks a glass lamp, he won't have to suffer the pain of flying swords piercing his body every day. Now he is probably here with some purpose.

It’s interesting, it’s interesting!

This time I wanted to see how Tang Sanzang could move forward without Sun Wukong and two disciples who had their own evil intentions.

I wanted to protect him, but that was only when Tang Sanzang was about to die. It didn't matter that he suffered some, because it was also a kind of suffering.

How could I bear to interrupt other people's experience?


Sun Wukong flew back directly, and this was his base camp.

But after returning, Sun Wukong found that he didn't have many monkey grandsons left.

After careful questioning, I found out that when they made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, they fought with the heavenly soldiers and generals, and some of them were lost. Others were afraid of revenge, so they left and hid.

So there are not many monkeys left in Huaguo Mountain, but even these few monkeys are still on tenterhooks every day, because some hunters don't know how they discovered this place, and they often come to hunt and shoot a lot of monkeys.

The monkeys staying in Huaguoshan now dare not go out anymore.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he couldn't help but became furious. This was simply too much!

Not only was he trapped under the Five Elements Mountain, but he still treated his monkey grandson like this. Damn it.

In addition, it’s just the Heavenly Court, because it’s true that the Heavenly Court was a little dissatisfied and angry after he made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, but this hunter actually dared to come to his Huaguo Mountain and killed and injured so many monkeys. He really couldn’t calm down until he killed them all. The anger within myself.

After Sun Wukong inquired directly and in detail, he made up his mind. How dare this group of hunters be so arrogant.

He asked his monkey Monkey Sun to go to Huaguo Mountain to hide, and then Sun Wukong came outside.

After waiting for a long time, they really found the hunters. There were not just one or two hunters, but nearly dozens of them.

Okay, I thought there would only be one or two, but now that there are so many, it’s just time for me to vent.

Sun Wukong tightened his grip on his golden cudgel and struck it directly.

These hunters were just ordinary people. They couldn't resist Sun Wukong's attacks. After a few hits with the golden cudgel, they had all been killed.

Looking at the dead hunters, Sun Wukong felt relieved. After he was forced to leave by Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie, he had been feeling a fire in his heart.

I was originally supposed to protect him to learn scriptures and subjugate demons, but I didn't expect that Tang Sanzang actually said that he had killed someone.

Fighting monsters is not so comfortable. How is it like now, just kill whoever you want to kill directly. This is life. Sun Wukong sneered, returned to Huaguo Mountain, and rearranged his Huaguo Mountain properly.

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