At this moment, Tang Sanzang and his party had already gone a long way.

Now without Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie has become the one leading the way.

After walking for a long time, Tang Sanzang shouted, asking Zhu Bajie to stop.

Zhu Bajie took this opportunity and sat down on the ground.

"Bajie, we have been walking for such a long time and I am hungry. Let's go and beg for alms!"

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he thought, yes, he was hungry too and just wanted to find something to eat.

Zhu Bajie took out the golden bowl for alms.

"Master. Just wait, I will bring you some food. Don't worry, a monkey can make you full, and an old pig can too. I'm leaving!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, he left directly.

And Tang San hid the white dragon horse and waited.

Sha Wujing beside him was also in a daze while sitting in the salute.

After Zhu Bajie went out with those alms bowls, he spent a long time looking for someone to find them.

He searched all over the area for more than ten miles, but found nothing. Nothing at all!

Even the wild fruits are gone!

This made Zhu Bajie a little embarrassed.

I went out to look for food but found nothing!

If he went back, Tang Sanzang would probably be a little dissatisfied with himself!

At least he could find some food when Sun Wukong was there, but now that he has taken action, there is nothing. Doesn’t this mean that Sun Wukong will compare himself to others!

Zhu Bajie thought for a while and then just lay down on the ground. Forget it, let's go back after taking a nap. In this way, even if Tang Sanzang asked himself, he could tell him that he had been looking for it for a long time and couldn't find it. He couldn't blame himself.

After Zhu Bajie figured it out, he lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang was still waiting hard for Zhu Bajie to come back with food, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't come back. Tang Sanzang was about to faint from hunger.

"Wu Jing, why don't you think Bajie has come back yet? Could it be that something happened?" Tang Sanzang looked at Monk Sha and asked.

Monk Sha shook his head and said: "Master, don't worry, nothing will happen to this second senior brother. Even if there are monsters, they will not eat him. I think he found the food, but because he was greedy, he ate it first." If he doesn’t eat enough, he probably won’t come back!”

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he felt that what Sha Seng said was reasonable. Zhu Bajie was very greedy.

In desperation, Tang Sanzang wandered around here, wanting to take a walk to kill time.

Sha Monk looked at Tang Sanzang walking around and ignored him, as long as he could protect him now.

"Wu Jing, Bajie has been gone for so long. I'm afraid something is really going to happen. Why don't you go find him!"

Tang Sanzang said directly when he saw that Zhu Bajie hadn't come back yet.

When Sha Seng heard this, he couldn't help but frown, looking for Zhu Bajie?

Where can I find this?

Besides, after he left, Tang Sanzang was the only one left!

"Master, the second senior brother is expected to be back in a while. If I go out to look for him, it will be a little unsafe for Master alone!"

After Tang Sanzang heard this, he waved his hand. Said: "This is a place with beautiful scenery. There are no high mountains. Where is the danger? Just go back as soon as possible. I will wait for you here. Now there are only three of you and me. We can't If something happens to Bajie, go ahead!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking. When Monk Sha heard this, he said, okay, if you ask me to find it, I will find it for you.

"Master, you must wait for me here! You must not go out. I will come back as soon as I go!"

Monk Sha gave an instruction and immediately jumped into the air to find him.

Tang Sanzang was sitting next to the white dragon horse waiting, but he looked at the wild flowers and birds around with some interest, so he walked over and started to take a look.

Because Tang Sanzang's mind was not on anything else at the moment, he was only looking at the flowers, so he walked into the depths of the grass unknowingly.

He didn't even know the direction he came in, and walked directly to the other side. He thought about getting out from here, but ended up walking further and further away.

Just as he was walking and calling the names of Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, he suddenly found a shining golden thing in front of him.

I hurriedly walked over and saw that it was actually a pagoda!

The Buddha's light around the pagoda is very dazzling!

This made Tang Sanzang feel a little happy. He even tidied his cassock and bowed to the Golden Light Pagoda.

"Hey, these two disciples are not lucky! Such a beautiful pagoda must be a Buddhist monk practicing here, and the poor monk is here to visit, otherwise it would be rude!"

Tang Sanzang secretly said and walked over directly.

As soon as he reached the pagoda, a force absorbed him.

When he took a look inside, he couldn't help but be a little shocked. It was a bit too big in here!

It is surrounded by beautiful scenery, just like Penglai Wonderland.

This further strengthened Tang Sanzang's idea that there must be some enlightened people inside.

Then he hurriedly walked in, passed one door and then another, and then passed another door.

After walking and walking until he reached a tower door, he opened the door and went in.

But before he had time to be happy, his face instantly turned pale, because there was a person lying on the stone bed in front of him.

No, it's a monster!

This monster is sleeping. It looks very scary, with a green face, fangs, and long fluffy hair. It is sleeping soundly while holding a big knife and covering it with a tiger skin.

Tang Sanzang couldn't help but cover his mouth, God, he had arrived at the monster's lair.

He felt a little weak all over, it was so scary. Seeing that the monster was sleeping, it seemed that he didn't notice him, so he hurriedly turned around and ran away.

Just as he opened the door and ran out, the monster on the stone bed sat up and heard a noise.

"Come here, show me who broke in!"

In an instant, a group of little demons chased him out.

Soon a little demon came to report that he was a white-faced monk who was running away.

When the monster heard this, monk?

This is our own territory, why would a monk come here?

Could it be...

His expression suddenly changed, and he instantly showed a look of joy.

"Go quickly and tell them to capture this monk. If anyone captures him, he will be greatly rewarded!"

Upon hearing this, the little demon hurriedly ran out.

Tang Sanzang had exhausted all his strength at this moment, but after all, he was a mortal, and he had no magic power, so how could he outrun the little monsters on his territory.

Soon the little demons from all directions surrounded Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang was frightened at this moment. His whole body was trembling. Looking at the various monsters around him, he felt a chill in his heart. It's over. It's really over this time!

The group of little demons looked at Tang Sanzang, rushed up to him, grabbed him, lifted him up, and left.

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