After Kui Mulang finished speaking, Haotian nodded, and now it depends on what his Buddhist say.

One just gave him a simple lesson, but this Buddhist disciple directly killed his son. Although he was only a mortal descendant, he was still pregnant in ten months. This is also a bloodline. You Buddhist disciples have gone too far.

When Guanyin Bodhisattva heard this, his expression changed.

"Kui Mulang, don't be so messy. If you hadn't deliberately wronged Tang Sanzang and turned him into a tiger, would his disciples be so angry and take revenge on you like this? After all, you asked for it yourself! "

When Kui Mulang heard this, he said directly: "Okay, even if I asked for it, I dare to ask Bodhisattva, just because he turned Tang Sanzang into a tiger, he will take revenge on me like this, kill my son, and take away My lady, destroyed my cave just because I insulted him?

I once heard that Buddhism is so compassionate, and that the Buddha even cut his flesh to feed eagles out of mercy, but I never thought that the dignified scripture collector would be so cruel to me just because he was teased by some little tricks. Could this be the compassion of Buddhism? ? If this is the case, then I, Kui Mulang, have nothing to say and ask the Emperor of Heaven to demote me to the mortal world. I have used my own immortal book to understand the true meaning of Buddhism clearly, and it is worth it! "

After Kuimulang finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva's expression changed, while Samantabhadra and Manjusri behind him also had ugly expressions.

This Kui Mulang is awesome, so awesome!

A few words were enough to force the three great Bodhisattvas and Buddhists into a situation.

This situation is really difficult to handle now!

Haotian was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai at this moment. He was not in a hurry. However, the three great Buddhist Bodhisattvas thought about it for a long time and didn't know how to deal with it.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Kuimu Lang and felt aggrieved.

"No matter what, if you insult Buddhism again, you can't escape easily, otherwise you will be disrespectful to my entire Buddhism!"

Kuimulang continued: "Bodhisattva, even if I insult Tang Sanzang and he turns into a tiger, I won't say more. I'm afraid the disciples will be able to recover if they go back and use some methods. But I dare to ask Bodhisattva, My two ignorant sons were beaten to death by you, but the Bodhisattva had a way to save them? It was a little joke to kill my whole family. What a big temper, what a powerful Buddhist. ah!"

Kui Mulang stood up as he spoke, exuding a murderous aura.

The other twenty-seven constellations around him also looked at the three Bodhisattvas with some anger.

Haotian waved his hands aside and said: "What are you doing? Retreat, retreat. Buddhism and my heaven have a very close relationship. What are you doing!"

The Twenty-Eight Constellations retreated directly.

And the three great Bodhisattvas here already feel that they are unable to fight for anything for Buddhism in this matter.

After all, now that Kui Mulang used his two lost sons to say yes, he was actually killed!

At this moment, auspicious clouds suddenly descended from the sky. Haotian stood up hurriedly.

The three great Bodhisattvas also stood up straight.

"Hey, everything is determined and caused by cause and effect. I didn't want to get involved in this matter. However, you both insist on your own opinions. You can't let there be a gap between Buddhism and heaven. That's why I'm here. I'm here. Let me just say, if you think it’s appropriate, let’s stop this matter!”

As the voice fell, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

He is Taishang Laojun. To be precise, he is a clone of Taishang Laojun after he transformed into three pure beings.

Now he has moved into heaven, just for convenience.

Haotian nodded, he didn't care about this matter, it just depends on the Buddhist attitude.

The three great Bodhisattvas looked at each other, and Samantabhadra walked out.

"Since Taishang Laojun has said so, let's end it here. It's not that our Buddhist sect wants to do anything, but someone bullies us in front of our Buddhist sect. Naturally, we cannot remain indifferent!"

After Pu Xian finished speaking, Taishang Laojun waved his hand and captured the Kui Mulang.

"Well, you're right. No matter what, this Kuimulang went down to the lower world privately, which brought humiliation to the Buddhist monks. Although he also received retribution, he had to be punished. He followed Pindao to Tushita Palace. He has become a boy who fills the Bagua furnace. If he changes his ways in the future, let him go back to control the stars. If he can't, just kill him in the mortal world!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Kui Mulang nodded hurriedly.

And Haotian also agreed.

Now that Taishang Laojun has come forward and punished Kui Mulang neither lightly nor severely, even the three great Bodhisattvas can't ask for anything more.

After Taishang Laojun left, these three great Bodhisattvas also left after greeting Haotian.

At this moment, Sun Wukong originally wanted to go back, but was called by Liu Ming halfway.

Sun Wukong looked at Liu Ming and complained.

Liu Ming just listened quietly and then said slowly: "Monkey, I know you have a lot of doubts, but now you can only solve these doubts little by little by yourself, because even if I tell you, you also It’s puzzling, and it may even affect you. It’s all if you can figure it out this time. It doesn’t matter if you can’t, because there are too many involved in this matter, and you can’t get involved!”

Although Sun Wukong didn't understand Liu Ming's words very well, he could still understand something.

"Master, I don't understand the other things you said, but this matter cannot be escaped from that pig head. From beginning to end, he was secretly instigating it. Huh, this pig head is not a good person!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he snorted angrily.

"You are right, but you have to know that Zhu Bajie is just following orders. He only played a key role in the layout this time, but he is not the one who can lay out such a big picture!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he was curious and asked the reason.

But Liu Ming didn't tell him. Even though Sun Wukong was not very curious, he still knew the rules. Knowing this, he probably shouldn't and couldn't know too clearly.

"Master. This Kuimu Lang has already become quite powerful this time. If an even more powerful divine general from heaven comes down to the realm, not to mention Zhu Bajie and the others, I'm afraid even Old Sun won't be able to deal with him. How can we protect Tang Sanzang!"

Sun Wukong said worriedly.

"Don't worry, this Kuimu Lang is just a test. Although there will be powerful people, not all of them are powerful. Every time a powerful person appears, it is a competition between many forces. On the contrary, the more this happens, the safer Tang Sanzang will be. Now, you don’t have to worry about this, isn’t it me? I will take action when necessary!”

Liu Ming's words gave Sun Wukong a reassurance.

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