After Sun Wukong left, Liu Ming found it difficult to calm down.

Kuimulang originally thought that he was sent by the Emperor Haotian, but he didn't expect that when Taishang Laojun appeared now, Liu Ming knew that it had something to do with Taishang Laojun!

It seems that things will not be peaceful from now on. The Supreme Lord has blatantly intervened!

And this time I was given a reminder not to be careless.

On the one hand, Tang Sanzang and the others cannot be harmed or their lives endangered. On the other hand, they must not offend Taishang Laojun and the others because of these things. It would be very embarrassing for him to be caught in the middle.

"Hey, I'm really speechless. Buddhism wants to develop in the journey to the west, and Xuanmen doesn't want them to succeed. As for me, I want to protect Buddhist disciples, but I don't want Buddhism to develop, and I want to use Xuanmen to suppress Buddhism, but I can't let Xuanmen Kill the Buddhist monks. It’s really brain-burning!”

Liu Ming had a headache when he thought about his future situation.

In the past, it was just a small fight, sneaky, but now starting from Kui Mulang, I am afraid that there will no longer be any scruples in the actions between the two parties.

Sun Wukong returned to the world, found the princess of Baoxiang Kingdom, and took her back to the king's palace.

When the king saw that his daughter, whom he had not seen for more than ten years, was back, he couldn't help but feel happy.

And the princess was reunited with her family.

Everyone is happy!

And Sun Wukong then turned around and left.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing took a look and hurriedly stopped him.

"Brother Monkey, what are you going to do?"

Sun Wukong said: "You said that the yellow-robed monster scolded me, so you tricked me here. This time I helped you and took care of the yellow-robed monster. Now that it's over, it's time for Old Sun to return to Huaguo Mountain. After all, there are still so many monkeys and grandsons waiting, and the old grandson is an expelled disciple, so it is not appropriate to keep him!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he was about to leave.

These are what Liu Ming taught Sun Wukong before.

You can't just drive them away or come back when you tell them to. You must show them some color.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing hurriedly grabbed Sun Wukong to prevent him from leaving.

The two persuaded them for a long time, but Sun Wukong was not moved at all.

"Brother Monkey. You are back after all. Let's see Master before talking!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, he turned to Sha Wujing, and soon Sha Wujing brought Tang Sanzang, who had turned into a tiger.

Tang Sanzang had become a tiger now, but his spiritual consciousness was still there, so he could naturally see Sun Wukong, but he couldn't speak.

"Brother Monkey, look at how pitiful the master is. Please do a good job and change him back!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, Sun Wukong did not refuse. He picked up a bowl of water, muttered something in his mouth, and then sprayed it towards Tang Sanzang.

Soon, the tiger slowly turned into Tang Sanzang lying on the ground.

Zhu Bajie and the others took a look and hurried over to help Tang Sanzang up.

Sun Wukong walked out quietly.

The moment Sun Wukong left a few steps and was about to summon his somersault cloud to fly away, Tang Sanzang ran directly over and shouted: "Wukong, don't leave!"

Sun Wukong turned his back to Tang Sanzang and said: "It's pointless for me to stay here, so I'd better go back to Huaguo Mountain. Out of sight, out of mind!"

Tang Sanzang walked up to Sun Wukong and pulled him back.

"Wukong, you can't leave. Master was wrong this time. He was wrong! I didn't expect that the one you killed was really a monster, but Master didn't notice and wronged you. I'm sorry! Wukong!"

As Tang Sanzang spoke, he saluted Sun Wukong as an apology.

Sun Wukong was already a little uncomfortable, but now that Tang Sanzang expressed this, Sun Wukong was also a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie and the others also came to persuade him.

Sun Wukong felt that it was almost done, and if he continued to be pretentious, it would seem that he was going too far.

Afterwards, Sun Wukong vented all his grievances.

Said that Zhu Bajie and Tang Sanzang broke his heart.

He also said that Tang Sanzang recited the tightening curse and gave him a splitting headache.

Anyway, I explained everything clearly and clearly!

After Tang Sanzang heard this, he did not dare to refute. After Sun Wukong had vented his anger, Tang Sanzang understood that Sun Wukong was no longer leaving!

Something that has been experienced so many times. Tang Sanzang felt deeply that perhaps among these people, only Sun Wukong was dedicated to protecting him on his journey to the west.

Others have their own plans and purposes.

Although Tang Sanzang didn't know it clearly, he could clearly feel it.

Especially this time, Tang Sanzang was no fool. After thinking about it carefully, he understood the role Zhu Bajie played this time.

It's just that there are some things that Tang Sanzang can't explain clearly, so just pretend to be confused!

After all, surviving this calamity well, obtaining the true scriptures, and promoting Buddhist teachings are his ultimate mission.

After the master and apprentice reconciled, it was as if nothing had happened.

Everything returned to calm.

And because Tang Sanzang and the others saved his daughter and got rid of the monster, the king of Baoxiang Kingdom treated her warmly.

The master and disciples stopped for a while in Baoxiang Kingdom.

Tushita Palace!

Taishang Laojun sat on his futon, closed his eyes slightly, and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, Kui Mulang was hesitant to speak next to the Bagua furnace.

Taishang Laojun opened his eyes, glanced at him, and said, "What do you want to say? Just say it!"

When Kui Mulang heard this, he threw down his cattail leaf fan and said: "Sage Supreme, this disciple is incompetent in this matter. He did not kill the Buddhist monk, but when he had the chance, he tried to kill Tang Sanzang." At that time, I don’t know who took action and protected Tang Sanzang!”

After Kui Mulang finished speaking, Taishang Laojun laughed.

"Haha, you didn't know, and I don't blame you. The person who took action was the prince of the demon clan. He has been playing both sides of this calamity!"

When Kui Mulang heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

The demon prince?

He had been interfering in the Fengshen Measuring Tribulation. Why is he still there in this Journey to the West Measuring Tribulation!

Kui Mulang said with a somewhat unwilling expression: "It turns out it's him, so that's no wonder, but the Supreme Saint, judging from his actions this time, he wants to protect this scripture collector. He and Buddhism have the same goal. If this continues , it will not be easy for us to kill this scripture seeker, unless, unless you, the old man, take action yourself!"

After Kui Mulang finished speaking, Taishang Laojun shook his head.

"I know that I will definitely not succeed this time, so I didn't think that you could kill the Buddhist monk from the beginning. It was just a test, to test the demon prince, and also to test the attitude of this Buddhist sect!"

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