In fact, Taishang Laojun still hasn't said a word. He is still testing one person, and that is Daozu Hongjun.

He wanted to see what Daozu Hongjun's views and attitude were towards his layout this time.

But this time Taishang Laojun was a little disappointed, because he didn't see anything, and Hongjun didn't say anything.

He didn't even use the way of heaven to express his views.

It seems that everything doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter.

But the more this happened, the more the Supreme Lord became uneasy.

I am not afraid of you getting angry, nor am I afraid of you expressing your opinion. What I am most afraid of is being indifferent!

Because the more this happens, the more people are afraid of it, whether they are angry or not, whether they care or not!

Don't know any of this. The next time Taishang Laojun takes action, he feels that he still can't grasp the right measure.

Perhaps this is Hongjun's brilliance.

There is no attitude at all, but if Hongjun is touched, it is no joke.

Kui Mulang learned that Taishang Laojun knew that he would not succeed this time. This is where you feel relieved, at least you won't blame yourself.

"By the way, Supreme Saint, that Zhu Bajie is really hateful this time. He originally cooperated very well with me and gave me a chance to take action step by step. But who knew that after Sun Wukong came back, he would directly come to drain the cauldron. He simply turned his back on me and actually pushed me to the edge. This guy has now betrayed the Supreme Saint. Please tell me from the Saint that this person cannot be trusted in the future. It is best to kill him, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

Kui Mulang said angrily.

At the critical moment, Zhu Bajie betrayed Sun Wukong because he came back. He encouraged him to kill Sun Wukong, scratched his skin and cramped his muscles, and beat his own son to death, forcing himself to fall into Sun Wukong's trap.

It was really shameless, so Kuimu Lang was severely sued by Zhu Bajie!

But he thought wrong. After listening to his words, Taishang Laojun had no expression of anger on his face, but a look of helplessness.

"Hey, this Zhu Bajie is not a poor person, so he is justified in helping you, and it is justified in not helping you!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Kui Mulang was dumbfounded.

Not someone from Taishang Laojun?

No, this? this?

"The Supreme Saint, then, who does this Zhu Bajie obey?"

Kui Mulang asked with some confusion.

Taishang Laojun shook the whisk in his hand and said: "As for who he is, you don't need to know. Your mission has been completed. You can stay here for a while and then go back to your star!"

Upon hearing this, Kui Mulang could only nod his head.

And the light in Taishang Laojun’s eyes flashed!

Everything has just begun, hasn't it?

Baoxiang Country!

Tang Sanzang was so happy to see his disciples eating and drinking so well every day that he completely forgot about their journey to the west and was a little dissatisfied.

He summoned everyone and said: "After what happened this time, it's natural for you to relax, but it's been several days now. It's time for us to leave. After all, we still have to go west!"

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he was a little reluctant.

How nice it is to stay here with delicious food and drink!

"Bajie, you don't want to. If you don't want to, you can stay here. I won't force you!"

Tang Sanzang said calmly.

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he quickly cheered up and said beside Tang Sanzang: "Master, you can't leave Old Pig alone, Old Pig will accompany you to the West to learn scriptures!"

Tang Sanzang ignored him and walked directly to the white dragon horse, got on the horse, and the king of Baoxiang Kingdom also came out to see him off.

The four masters and apprentices once again embarked on the road to the west.

At this moment, Liu Ming's expression suddenly changed in the void and he disappeared.

In the Wa Palace.

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming who had already arrived and pointed directly to the seat next to her.

"Sit down, I didn't expect you to come so quickly!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming sat down without any politeness.

I could only hear him say: "Haha, Saint Nuwa invites you, even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire, you have to come quickly! Otherwise, you will be letting down the beauty!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he couldn't help but regret it again. He couldn't change his problem. He glanced at Nuwa secretly. She didn't seem to be angry. Not bad, not bad!

Nuwa looked at him and couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

"You are still in the mood to joke. Haha, it seems that you are living a leisurely life in the world with these Buddhist disciples! I called you here today because I wanted to tell you something. I originally wanted to find you. , but it’s not very convenient, so I’ll let you come over!”

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming couldn't help but sit up. From Nuwa's tone, Liu Ming felt that something had happened.

Liu Ming asked softly: "Did something happen?"

Nuwa shook her head and said: "It's not that something happened, it's just some changes. I called you here to let you know. At least you know what you know. But you know that the Yuxu Palace has recovered from its previous state of seclusion. Now The disciples of Yuxu Palace have already traveled throughout history!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming's expression suddenly changed, and the disciples of Yuxu Palace came out.

At the beginning of the Journey to the West, it seemed that all the saints had gone into seclusion and no longer showed up due to the intention of Taoist Hongjun.

Only Taishang Laojun found a bug and used his own Yi Qi to transform the three pure beings into a clone of Taishang Laojun and went to heaven.

But I didn't expect that just how long had passed now, a disciple would actually appear in Yuxu Palace.

It can be seen from this that this is the precursor for Yuanshi Tianzun to participate in the calamity!

"That's not right, Saint Nuwa, hasn't Taoist Hongjun already made a decree that the saints can't participate? Even Taishang Laojun also used Yi Qi to transform the three pure beings. If the Yuxu Palace appears, wouldn't it be the same as Hongjun's? Jun Daozu is against you! Yuanshi Tianzun is not so stupid!"

Liu Ming asked with some confusion.

After hearing this, Nuwa laughed and said: "I didn't expect that the clever prince of the demon clan would also be confused sometimes. Think about it for yourself, this Yuxu Palace has not been punished by Daozu Hongjun now, but there are still disciples. Why don't you understand the meaning of the prehistoric era?"

After Nuwa just finished speaking, Liu Ming suddenly became enlightened and became clear.

"Hey, I understand, you mean that Taoist Hongjun acquiesced in this matter, right? I didn't expect that Yuanshi Tianzun was so popular with Taozu Hongjun. He had obviously been allowed to go into seclusion, but in the end he still acquiesced to Yuxu. The appearance of the palace!"

Liu Ming said something angrily.

Nuwa, on the other hand, sneered, looked at Liu Ming and said, "Acquiesce? Haha, what you are thinking is simple again. Whether it is acquiescence or Taozu personally ordered Yuanshi Tianzun to appear, you and I don't know!"

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