Four kings?

Liu Ming couldn't help but fall into deep thought as he watched the departing meritor. This meritorious officer was sent by the Four Heavenly Kings to remind Sun Wukong.

This surprised Liu Ming!

I originally thought that this meritorious officer on duty was assigned by the Heavenly Emperor and the others, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be the Four Heavenly Kings.

Things are getting more and more interesting!

Liu Ming looked at the sky in the distance and was filled with fighting spirit.

Then he turned his attention to Tang Sanzang and the others.

Rather, we want to take a closer look at how these various forces deal with Tang Sanzang and the others.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang and his party were already a little tired, so they all stopped to rest.

After Sun Wukong received the reminder from the meritorious officer on duty, he felt a little worried. After all, the meritorious officer on duty could not specifically come to scare him, but there must be danger.

Zhu Bajie on the side was a good observer of words and expressions. Seeing some changes in Sun Wukong's face, he felt strange.

"Brother Monkey, what's wrong with you! Is there a monster?"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking. Sun Wukong glared at him.

"Yes, there are indeed monsters, and you are the monster!"

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he snorted coldly.

Tang Sanzang also had a headache watching these two people fighting.

"Brother Monkey, there is something wrong with what you said. You and I are both monks who followed the master to learn Buddhist scriptures. How can you say that I am a monster? Yes, it is true that the old pig was a monster before, but now I have changed my ways! If you say that to me now, you are insulting me!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, he looked at Sun Wukong angrily.

It seemed as if he had been wronged a lot, and when Sun Wukong heard this, he couldn't help but sneer.

This pig head is really talkative and busy every day!

However, after Sun Wukong remembered the words of the meritorious officer on duty, he felt a little moved in his heart. Since there were already monsters, why not let Zhu Bajie go and inquire about the situation in advance.

If it were an ordinary monster, Sun Wukong would have gone there. However, according to the words of the meritorious officer on duty, this monster was a bit powerful, so Sun Wukong was afraid that the monster would leave on his own and capture Tang Sanzang, so he thought of letting Zhu Bajie give him to him. Find out.

But when Zhu Bajie heard that he was asked to go out on inspection, he was unwilling.

This inspection is a chore!

"Zhutou, if you don't want to go out for inspection, then you can make a meal for Master, and I'll go, how about that, but you have to make sure you find something to eat for Master, otherwise Master will be hungry, but you have to know that you don't have it either Good ending!"

After Sun Wukong looked at Zhu Bajie and finished speaking, Zhu Bajie thought for a while after hearing this. Transforming into a vegetarian is not a good job!

After thinking about it, Zhu Bajie felt that he should go on patrol by himself. After all, patrolling was simpler. At worst, he could find a place to sleep by himself.

Zhu Bajie finally agreed to the inspection and left directly carrying his nine-tooth nail rake.

Sun Wukong looked at his back and smiled.

No matter whether this Zhutou is really patrolling or fake, as long as he goes out, he will feel relieved. Firstly, it can prevent Zhubajie from doing anything here, and secondly, if Zhubajie encounters a monster, he can also Let him try the power of monsters.

After Zhu Bajie left, Sun Wukong took Tang Sanzang and Sha Seng and walked forward.

How could Zhu Bajie patrol in peace? He just walked far away and found a place to lie down. He had already thought of a countermeasure. No one knew what he had done anyway.

Just when Zhu Bajie lay down, Liu Ming in the void had already seen the aura of monsters not far away.

There are no monsters here. They are clearly two people from the heavenly realm like Kuimulang.

As for who they are, Liu Ming also knows very well!

But Liu Ming wanted to see how this matter would develop.

I don't know whether Zhu Bajie was in bad luck or he deliberately found an unlucky place. He had just fallen asleep when he was woken up by the sounds around him. When Zhu Bajie got up and took a look, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Because he saw a group of monsters walking towards him.

This made Zhu Bajie feel very helpless. He had already escaped, but he didn't expect to be discovered?

He didn't even think about fighting these monsters, he just quietly prepared to escape.

Liu Ming in the void watched Zhu Bajie raise his hand and directly explode a huge boulder in front of Zhu Bajie.

This immediately alerted the group of monsters, and also shocked Zhu Bajie. The group of monsters looked at Zhu Bajie and rushed over, surrounding Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie was a little angry. How could this boulder explode for no reason?

These little monsters were not easy to mess with, so a group of people immediately attacked and captured Zhu Bajie.

After taking Zhu Bajie with them, these monsters left directly.

At this moment, Liu Ming in the void couldn't help but be filled with surprise.

No, no matter how bad Zhu Bajie is, he is still a dignified Marshal!

After all, he was a top figure in the heavenly platoon, but now he was caught by a group of monsters.

Liu Ming was really puzzled by this.

When thinking about Zhu Bajie's incident with the yellow-robed monster last time, Liu Ming felt that this matter might not be that simple.

He flew directly and followed these little demons.

Soon, they came to a cave.

Liu Ming looked up and saw Lotus Cave!

After they entered with Zhu Bajie, Liu Ming also dodged directly and entered.

Liu Ming was a quasi-sage, and he really didn't take anyone else seriously except the saints in the whole prehistoric era.

Forget about these monsters.

In addition, Liu Ming was not stupid and just swaggered in, but he went in invisible.

After using the star shield that was initially obtained from the system, it would be difficult for the saint to discover Liu Ming, let alone these monsters, unless he used his true character.

"I said, have you told your subordinates to be gentle with me? Your subordinates are so rude, huh, it even hurts the old pig!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Although Liuzhou on the side had not entered the innermost part, how could Liu Ming not know who was talking.

Zhu Bajie!

Liu Ming became more and more confused, who was Zhu Bajie talking to?

He directly accelerated his pace and entered the place where Zhu Bajie was standing.

As a result, Liu Ming went in and saw two monsters eating and drinking with Zhu Bajie.

And these two people are the monsters in the Lotus Cave, the Golden Horn King and the Silver Horn King.

Liu Ming knew where they came from. They were the two boys next to Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace. They came down because Taishang Laojun gave his acquiescence.

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