"Haha, I didn't tell them either. It was because I was afraid that if they acted lightly and someone saw it, their secret would be revealed! What do you think, Zhu Ganghyena?"

The Golden Horn King said.

"Hmph, what did you call me? You little Taoist boy, how dare you call me that. I am the general manager of Tianting Tianhe, Marshal Tianpeng. Do you really think you can bully me now that I am in the lower realm?"

Zhu Bajie's expression suddenly changed.

When the Golden Horned King heard this, he laughed.

"You are a general in heaven, but who are our two brothers? You won't forget, right? You are a disciple of the saint. If I call you marshal, are you worthy of it?"

After the Golden Horn King finished speaking, Zhu Bajie's expression suddenly changed from angry to calm.

"Haha, old pig, I was just joking. Why should you take it seriously? That's all. Since you and I have already met, let's not say more. Just tie me up! Wait for Tang Monk to come and you can take action directly. Bar!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, he stood up and walked out. King Silver Horn waved his hand and asked these little demons to accompany Zhu Bajie out.

And the Silver-Horned King looked back at the Golden-Horned King and said: "Brother, this Zhu Ganghye is the canopy of heaven after all. Why do you have to say that to him again? Just say good words and that's enough. What's more, we are now The purpose is the same, what do you think?"

When the Golden Horn King heard this, he snorted coldly and said: "Although he is the canopy of heaven, you and I are not bad, so why should we care about him? Besides, what happened this time is that you and I accepted the teachings of this Buddhist Bodhisattva." Invitation, otherwise you and I wouldn't come here, okay, get ready, this Tang Monk is coming too!"

After the Golden Horn King finished speaking, he stopped talking.

"By the way, brother, it is said that this Tang Monk can live forever if he eats it. Do you think we should eat him, so that maybe you and I can have a chance to achieve a higher level of cultivation!"

King Silver Horn said suddenly.


King Golden Horn slapped him away.

The silver-horned king suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

"Do you want to die? If you eat Tang Monk, the whole West will probably hunt you down. In addition, if you touch Tang Monk, not only the three great Buddhas in the West, but also Zhunti and Jieyin Saint will take action. Are you afraid You didn’t die badly enough!”

After the Golden Horned King finished speaking, the Silver Horned King shivered all over.

"Brother, I was wrong. I just said this and that. Even if I really ate him, I just dug out a piece of meat to taste it. How could I really eat him!"

King Silver Horn said timidly.

King Golden Horn snorted and said: "You'd better stop thinking about this idea. This Tang Monk Meat is just to confuse others. Do you really think that a body can make people transcend the mortal world? Are you kidding me?"

Afterwards, the golden-horned king organized his magic weapons and warned the silver-horned king to get ready to go out and look for Tang Monk!

They had finished talking, but they didn't know that Liu Ming had sneaked in in their cave.

Liu Ming seemed to be asleep at this moment, without any movement.

In fact, it was not that Liu Ming was asleep, but that Liu Ming was thinking, meditating, and analyzing what the two gold and silver demons just said.

Including their conversation with Zhu Bajie, it contained too much information.

Liu Ming had never thought of this information before, and even thought it was impossible to happen.

Now it is happening so openly.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, Liu Ming slapped himself hard twice.


King Golden Horn took a look around and saw that there was no one else except his little demons!

"Brother, maybe someone else bumped into something, so you don't have to be so nervous!"

After King Silver Horn finished speaking, King Golden Horn nodded, because Liu Ming was hidden so deeply that they really couldn't see it.

"Go ahead and remember to use some means to get down, otherwise you won't be able to take down Tang Monk. Sun Wukong, this stone monkey, is quite powerful, so don't be careless!"

After the Golden Horn King finished speaking, the Silver Horned King killed him directly. There were some little demons following behind.

He saw that King Silver Horn had left, and he had nothing to do, so he lay down.

Little does he know that right next to him is Liu Ming.

Liu Ming felt angry at this moment, he had been betrayed.

Sold by Hongjun!

But everything Liu Ming originally thought was wrong now, so wrong that it completely reversed the yin and yang.

Liu Ming just thought clearly and slapped himself twice.

Now he still has a lot of doubts in his heart.

Looking at the little demons around him, Liu Ming raised his hand, and a quasi-sage law was directly deployed.


The golden-horned king instantly jumped up from his bed.

When Liu Ming was setting up the barrier just now, he deliberately revealed a trace of his own aura, and this aura had already been captured by King Golden Horn.

He sat up and stared around, holding the Seven Star Sword in his hand.

"Seven-star sword? Haha, Taishang Laojun is really willing to spend money!"

Liu Ming suddenly appeared, and the Golden Horned King was shocked when he saw it.

Now he understood where the uneasy feeling he had been feeling came from. It turned out to be because of this!

"How brave, this is my king's cave, who are you?"

The Golden Horned King waved his Seven Star Sword and said.

Liu Ming didn't speak and sat directly on a stool nearby.

"Okay, please save it. A boy who is just looking at the stove is pretending to be a wolf in front of this prince. Return me to the king, and I will treat you like a wolf!"

Liu Ming said directly and viciously.

At this time, King Golden Horn's expression changed. He watched Liu Ming clenching his sword tightly and said, "Prince of the Demon Clan, please don't bully others too much. How dare you insult my two brothers like this? Since you Knowing our identities, you should understand the purpose of our coming down!"

The Golden Horned King stopped pretending and turned directly into a little boy.

"Huh, your uncle, he insulted you two. Who do you think you are? Since you have also met this prince, now I ask you, are you sent by Taishang Laojun to kill Tang Sanzang or Guanyin this time? The Bodhisattva asked you to temper Tang Sanzang!"

Liu Ming asked coldly.

When the boy heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head.

"No comment, this is our secret!"

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but sneer, what a secret!

Now Liu Ming was very dissatisfied and angry. This boy actually dared to provoke Liu Ming. How could Liu Ming tolerate their wantonness now?

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