never mind!

When the Silver Horn King heard this, he was immediately confused.

What does forget it mean?

What are we doing down here?

Brother, you are confused!

However, seeing that the golden-horned king was not very interested, the silver-horned king did not ask any further questions.

Wa Palace.

Nuwa looked a little surprised when Liu Ming came.

Liu Ming left not long after he called him last time!

Could something have happened?

Nuwa didn't say anything. She knew that Liu Ming must have something to do with her.

"Don't you ask me why I came to you!"

Liu Ming said.

When Nuwa heard this, she laughed and said: "Of course you can say it, just say it, I will listen!"

Liu Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Wrong, we were all wrong!"

After Liu Ming just finished speaking, there was a trace of pain on his face.

When he threatened the Golden Horned King, he was punished by Heaven.

Because he was scaring the Golden Horned King at that time, he couldn't show any expression and could only resist.

Now I feel the pain!

"What's wrong with you? Are you hurt?"

Nuwa suddenly asked with concern.

Liu Ming waved his hand, "It's okay, it's a trivial matter. What happened now is beyond our imagination. Now Taishang Laojun's two boys went down to stop Tang Sanzang. I originally thought that this was what Taishang Laojun wanted. I tried to kill Tang Sanzang again, but now everything is wrong! Because this time these two boys were actually appointed by Guanyin Bodhisattva to train Tang Sanzang, and Taishang Laojun actually acquiesced!"

When Liu Ming said this, Nuwa's expression changed and she waited for Liu Ming's next words.

I only heard Liu Ming say slowly: "I'm afraid that the current Xuanmen and Buddhism, no, have reached a consensus with the West. The West is now experiencing calamities. This is the will of heaven, so it is difficult to change, but now Xuanmen Xuanmen has changed his mind and no longer blindly wants to kill the Buddhist scripture seekers. Instead, he has chosen to gain benefits from the calamity, which is the luck of the calamity. Xuanmen is now ready to take a share of the pie! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Nuwa quickly figured it out.

She is a saint after all, and the reason for this is still very clear.

"What you mean is that now Buddhism and Xuanmen have reached an alliance. During the calamity, the West will fulfill its own calamity and gain opportunities and luck, while Xuanmen will use its own people to temper Tang Sanzang and gain part of the luck. Strengthen it. Own?"

After Nuwa asked, Liu Ming nodded and shook his head.

"You are right, that is the current attitude of Taoism, but it is not Buddhism, but the West. To be precise, it is Jie Yin and Zhunti!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Nuwa's expression changed again.

"Zhunti and Jieyin, you said that Zhunti and Jieyin have cooperated with Xuanmen! This? So, Zhunti and Jieyin are going to revitalize the West. How will Buddhism deal with it!"

Nuwa asked.

"It's very simple. Buddhism was born out of the West. Just because of some reasons, Zhunti and Jieyin gave in. But you have to understand, those are two saints. How can Duobao and the others take away their Western foundation like this? Now? Seeing that they have brought Buddhism onto the right track, Zhunti and Jieyin are about to enjoy their success and come back to take charge of the West!

As for Duobao, Ran Deng and the others, because they have deviated from the intentions of Yuxu Palace and Taishang Laojun, now they have no other choice but to seek refuge with Jie Yin and Zhunti! A traitor is a traitor. Even if he returns to Xuanmen, he will not end well. He can only seek refuge with the Second Saint of the West. "

After Liu Ming analyzed it, Nuwa finally understood.

"I understand. It seems that Zhunti, Jieyin, and Yuanshi Tianzun have reached a consensus. They benefit from each other and compete for luck. In the end, they all become winners. It's just that Tathagata and their Buddhism lost! All this must be Yuanshi Tianzun calculated it with all his strength, because only he has so many ideas and methods!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming nodded.

That's it, now Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace has begun to make arrangements.

Jie Yin and Zhunti also started to make plans. The most important thing was that Buddhism could only let things develop. They could not and did not dare to change anything.

After all, strength is the most important thing, and they all ignored this.

Zhunti and Jie Yin found the best time to take action, and Fu Men did not dare to say anything more.

"Your current situation is a bit embarrassing. You have to protect the Buddhist monks, but now there is cooperation and competition between the two parties. It is difficult for you to be caught in the middle! How about you invite Dao Ancestor and come back and let them fight for it? Go ahead, your monkey apprentice will naturally get benefits when the calamity is over, and no one will kill him easily, so you don’t have to worry."

Nuwa advised.

"Haha, do you think I am willing? They now treat me as if I don't exist. They have reached an agreement and benefited from each other. As for me, can I act like I don't know anything? And that Dao Ancestor is even more hateful. Now All this is not the result of his acquiescence and connivance behind the scenes.

Okay, Dao Ancestor, you want this ancient world to become lively, okay, I can’t control it. You are the Dao Ancestor, you are the biggest, but you can’t treat me like a fool. You asked me to protect the Buddhist scripture seekers and directly wiped out Sun Wukong. The memory has been reincarnated, and I have carefully protected them. I can't change this calamity yet, but now these saints are unscrupulous! "

Liu Ming vented some anger.

Nuwa did not speak, but quietly listened.

"So, after I learned everything from the little boy, I understood that my next task was to compete with them for this calamity of luck. Now the West has to take a share of it. , Taoism wants a share, and Buddhism also wants a share, so they only need to occupy a small half, because I want the remaining half!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Nuwa's eyes widened, right?

Do you want more than half of the entire calamity?

This is also a bit too amazing.

Among the three major forces, several saints only share a small half, but you yourself occupy a large half, and you are still a quasi-sage!

"There is no doubt that I will do everything possible to obtain luck, because I now have a wish, that is, to use this luck to directly attain enlightenment and become a saint. I know that there is no hope for me to become a saint through merit, and I also They haven't done any earth-shattering merits, so there are only two other ways. Both of them require a lot of luck to provide power! If they don't become saints, they are nothing in this ancient world, because once something big happens, they won't be able to do it at all. I don’t take you seriously!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking. The heart is full of anger and endless power.

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