After hearing this, Nuwa had mixed feelings.

So what if you become a saint? This is not a prehistoric matter, so who has discussed it with yourself?

Aren’t you not taking yourself seriously?

But Nuwa also knew that this was because she didn't care and didn't want to get involved.

But Liu Ming is different, he is a troublemaker!

If he really became enlightened and became a saint, that would be quite interesting!

The whole prehistoric period is probably going to be even more lively.

Even though he is only one person, with the two saints himself and Hou Tu supporting him, plus the demon clan, I am afraid that Liu Ming will really be able to be on an equal footing with Yuxu Palace and the West in the end.

"Now that you have thought of how to do it, it's up to you! Although I won't get involved in this matter, but if you are implicated, then I can't just sit idly by. In addition, the Hou Tu of the underworld must also be I can give you some help!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming couldn't help but feel cold all over. He looked at Nuwa in surprise. He just said things, why did he mention Hou Tu? Besides, he had nothing to do with Hou Tu.

"I know, I know this well, so please pay attention to the movements of the saints in this ancient world!"

Liu Ming looked at Nuwa and said.

Nuwa nodded, "Don't worry, I will pay attention. Now that they have made this decision, they will definitely continue to take action!"

After Liu Ming said goodbye to Nuwa, he quickly left the Wa Palace.

Because Nuwa just mentioned Hou Tu, Liu Ming felt a little uneasy, as if he had a ghost in his heart!

The west!


In the Great Leiyin Temple.

Tathagata, Ran Deng, Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and the fearful grandsons all looked solemn.

"Tathagata Buddha, Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng, is there no room for maneuver in this matter?"

Manjusri asked again anxiously.

Just now, Tathagata and Ran Deng summoned them to say something.

That is, after discussion between Xuanmen and the Second Sage of the West, they sent people to each other to train Tang Sanzang regarding this calamity. The purpose was to compete for each other's luck, and also to bring some benefits to the men they sent to transform into monsters.

Of course, the more Tang Sanzang traveled to the West, the more he trained and waited until he reached Xitian Leiyin Temple, the greater his luck, the more benefits he would bring to Buddhism, and the more prosperous Buddhism would be.

No one can change this, but they also have to get a share of other things, and they cannot give all their luck to Buddhism.

Therefore, the two parties discussed and sent people down in turns to temper Tang Sanzang, and let the people who went down gain some luck and cultivation during this calamity.

Of course the Buddhists are not very willing to do this, but now they can no longer do it because the Second Sage of the West, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun have reached an agreement.

The problem is that if we put it in the past, the agreement between the two Western Saints had nothing to do with them, but it was just yesterday.

Jie Yin, Zhunti General Tathagata, and Ran Deng called them over and told them the result directly. Of course the two of them objected, but Jie Yin and Zhunti used the power of saints to frighten Tathagata and Ran Deng so much that they almost peed their pants.

Not to mention anything else, because these two saints have already had murderous intentions.

They said that if they didn't agree, they would send them all back to Yuxu Palace, or kill them and make others become the third Buddha!

This made Tathagata and Ran Deng a little speechless. When they returned to Yuxu Palace, Ran Deng knew what would happen to him, and Tathagata was originally a disciple of the Tongtian Cult Master. Do you think what would happen if he went to Yuxu Palace?

It was also at this moment that these two people understood the truth. They originally thought that Buddhism was just an extremely fragile force, and it did not seem to have much strength in the eyes of people like Jieyin and Zhunti.

Because with the help of Hongjun's balancing method, they took the opportunity to rise, but this rise has no foundation. Now once the saint takes action, they will immediately be in danger.

"Amitabha, this matter has been decided, we just need to act according to this idea!"

Tathagata Buddha looked at everyone and said.

At this moment, Tathagata also had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Why, Buddhism was established by a few of us. Although it evolved because of Western teachings, everything is our efforts. We have done so much for the great prosperity of Buddhism. Now the calamity gives us an excellent opportunity. Once we gain luck, we can truly become the largest sect in the world!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva said with some dissatisfaction.

Ran Deng sighed and said: "Your idea is very good, but what should you do if the great saints in the prehistoric times do not give you this opportunity? Guanyin, you still don't understand one thing, that is, everything about us is just an illusion, and there are no saints. Fundamentally, we are destined to always be the fat in other people’s mouths!”

When the ancient Buddha on Ran Deng said this, Samantabhadra already understood.

"So, Jieyin and Zhunti have already threatened? Is that right?"

After Pu Xian finished asking, Tathagata and Ran Deng nodded.

"We were all wrong. We originally thought we had seized an opportunity, found a world where we had worked hard, established Buddhism, and forced the Western religion to abdicate. But now I think about it, because everything about us is in In their eyes, it’s all just a joke, and they can take over whenever they want. The reason is very simple, we don’t have saints!”

Tathagata's words made everyone feel like they were waking up from a dream, and they were enlightened!

After the establishment of Buddhism, everything went smoothly, so smoothly that they had forgotten about the threat.

A few quasi-sages established a Buddhist sect and it immediately prospered. However, they forgot that even a dozen or even a hundred quasi-sages would not be able to match a true saint.

Now they are experiencing the consequences.

"The Second Sage of the West said that if we don't agree, they will send us back to Yuxu Palace. What do you think?"

Tathagata looked directly at everyone and said.

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other and saluted Tathagata.

"Amitabha, we must obey the Tathagata's decree!"

Seeing that everyone's thoughts were very clear, Tathagata breathed a sigh of relief. He was unwilling to leave Buddhism because his master, Tongtian Cult Master, no longer had much power, and Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace was eager to deal with it. Got him.

So staying here in Buddhism is the best choice. Isn't it just to surrender to Zhunti and Jingyin?

No big deal, anyway, even if you don't surrender, there will still be Ran Deng and Maitreya Buddha fighting against you.

Now that I have surrendered to their two saints, at least I no longer have to worry about many things. I have a backer!

"Okay, then let's act according to the will of the Second Saint! Everyone!"

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