Tang Sanzang looked at Sun Wukong and asked: "What on earth does this mean? What's going on! Why are you so confused as a teacher?"

Sun Wukong looked at him, patted the white dragon horse and said: "Go quickly, Master, this is a place of right and wrong. If another monster comes, I can't save you!"

The white dragon horse flew out directly, and Sun Wukong called Zhu Bajie and the others to leave here in a hurry.

Three days later!

Mount Sumeru in the West!

Jieyin and Zhunti were hiding and waiting with the Buddhist Tathagata and others.

"Senior brother, what if the Sanqing forces force us this time? They will take most of our luck!"

Zhunti asked worriedly.

And Jie Yin smiled and shook his head and said: "Don't worry, you don't have to worry, they know this matter well. After all, this is our Western calamity. Both Heavenly Dao and Dao Ancestor are watching, and they can't go too far. Some The rules must still be followed, they are just unwilling to accept that the West is so powerful, so they are preparing to seize part of the luck!"

After hearing this, Zhunti nodded with relief.

However, Zhunti was already prepared in his heart, and he was not afraid if the Sanqings were greedy. This was in the territory of Buddhism, so there was a fear.

Leader Tongtian does not have the Immortal Killing Sword, and Yuanshi Tianzun is still somewhat injured. It seems that even if they face Sanqing, they have no chance of winning.

Suddenly there was a chorus of cranes chirping in the sky!

Jie Yin and Zhunti took a look and saw that Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Cult Leader, and Taishang Laojun had each arrived on their own mounts.

After they descended from the sky, Jieyin and Zhunti saluted the three of them.

"I've met three senior brothers!"

"Haha, thank you, my two junior brothers, for waiting! Three days have come, and the three of us have come to keep our appointment!"

Taishang Laojun said.

Jieyin and Zhunti hurriedly led the three of them inside.

At the same time, within the demon clan.

Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, and Liu Ming were all standing outside, and they seemed to be waiting for someone.

Not long after, a figure slowly fell down.

"I've seen Saint Nuwa!"

Di Jun and the others said hurriedly.

Nuwa waved her hand and said, "Isn't that person here yet?"

Liu Ming was about to speak when he suddenly saw someone coming. He laughed and said, "Sage Nuwa is here!"

I saw Houtu dressed in green clothes walking over.

Hou Tu, the ancestral witch of the witch clan, is now the founder of the underworld!

Because he was grateful for the suffering of the souls in the Netherworld and Blood Sea, he finally transformed into reincarnation and established the underworld.

Because of this merit, he is directly promoted to the status of saint!

He can be regarded as a saint who has become a saint through meritorious deeds.

But since she established the underworld and transformed into reincarnation, she has never left the underworld!

This time the demon clan actually showed up.

"I've seen Saint Nuwa!"

Hou Tu looked at Nu Wa and said.

Nuwa nodded and saluted Houtu.

No matter what happened before, they are both heavenly saints now, and both have become saints due to their merits, so they have to give each other face.

The other two have a close connection in their hearts, and that is Liu Ming.

"I've seen the saint Houtu!"

Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi saluted Houtu.

Hou Tu hurriedly returned the gift, looking at Di Jun and she now had mixed feelings.

At first, they were fighting to the death, fighting to the death, but now I didn't expect to see each other again, or in this way.

If it weren't for Liu Ming, I'm afraid they wouldn't have met like this.

As the saying goes, once you meet and smile, grudges disappear, so long has passed, and the Wu clan has become history, so naturally there is nothing more to say.

When Liu Ming saw that everyone had arrived, he said, "Since everyone is here, please come inside. It's time for us to start!"

When Nuwa and Houtu heard this, they nodded and walked in accompanied by Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

After returning to the Demon Clan Hall, Liu Ming said to Emperor Jun: "Father, you can start!"

When Di Jun heard this, he immediately cheered up.

"Two saints, then I'm not welcome!"

Nuwa and Houtu nodded.

I saw Di Jun take a few steps and directly unleash his power, and then he said: "I would like to inform all fellow Taoists in the ancient world, now that the ancient world is measuring calamity again, for the sake of the safety of the ancient world, and for the sake of the rules of calamity, we, the demon clan, will be together with you today. Saint Nuwa from the Palace of Wa, and saints from the land behind the underworld, discuss the matter of measuring the calamity together, all for the sake of the great wilderness, for the sake of measuring the calamity, for the creatures of the great wilderness and all fellow Taoists, the demon clan must live up to their heavy responsibilities!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, his voice instantly spread to every corner of the wilderness.

Di Jun let out a sigh of relief, it was so refreshing!

I haven't been this happy for a long time.

This time, I didn't expect that my son would give me such an opportunity.

This was the strategy that Liu Ming suddenly thought of after watching Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West join forces to discuss ignoring the demon clan.

He has been running around these days, first going to the Wa Palace, and then going to the underworld.

It was then that these two saints were invited out.

Although they may not be much more powerful than the Three Pure Ones or the Second Saints of the West, you must know that they are saints.

If a fight really breaks out between the saints, Hongjun is afraid that he cannot and dare not ignore it.

Therefore, the saint is now a nuclear weapon, which can be used but cannot be left out.

In the West, five great saints are discussing how to divide the luck and benefits of calamity.

Then my demon clan is now discussing us with the two great saints and the demon clan.

You can ignore me, that's fine, I don't care about your invitation, I can do it all by myself!

This is the decision Liu Ming made.

Although it will be dangerous to a certain extent, after all, this is a direct declaration of war against the five saints!

He didn't give them any face at all and pressed them to the ground and rubbed them.

But Liu Ming is not afraid, because he feels that he has no chance of winning.

At least, the saints on his side are all devoted to him.

So no matter from which aspect, this announcement is beneficial to the demon clan. It is not that Liu Ming is hot-headed and is deliberately seeking death.

After all, everything was forced by the Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West. If they had not ignored the demon clan so much and completely eliminated the demon clan from this calamity, Liu Ming would not have been like this.

But now they don't save any face for the monster clan, so they can't blame the monster clan for fighting back.

To be honest, if they had just experienced the lich calamity, they could ignore it or bully him. The demon clan will not have any attitude. At most, they are just a little dissatisfied, but their strength does not allow you to make any resistance.

Because it was already difficult for the demon clan to survive in the cracks back then.

But things are different now. After so long, the Monster Clan is no longer what it was before, nor is it its original strength.

It's time to return to the prehistoric forces. You can't underestimate the demon clan!

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