The west!

Mount Sumeru!

The Second Sage of the West is having a very happy chat with Sanqing right now!

"I would like to inform all fellow Taoists from the Great Desolate World that calamity is now happening again. For the sake of the safety of the Great Desolate World and for the sake of the rules of calamity measurement, I, the Demon Clan, today, together with Saint Nuwa of the Wa Palace and Saint Houtu of the Underworld..."

Suddenly, Di Jun's voice sounded over Mount Sumeru.

The expressions of all the five saints suddenly changed.

Are the demon clan about to rebel?

Taishang Laojun's face was livid, Yuanshi Tianzun had a gloomy face, and Tongtian Cult Master showed a trace of surprise.

Jie Yin and Zhunti were filled with shock!

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, suddenly, Taishang Laojun burst out with a monstrous rage.

He stood up slowly.

"Monster clan, how dare you!"

The other four people all had their own thoughts, but no one looked good.

"What do you mean by this! What does the demon clan want to do!"

Quan asked.

Jie Yin glanced at Sanqing and said: "No need to ask, the demon clan is going to compete with us! It seems that this time the demon clan is no longer planning to accept all this calmly, they are going to get involved! "

After hearing what he said, Taishang Laojun turned to look at him and said, "Huh, that's just the wishful thinking of his demon race!"

Jieyin didn't say anything else. Maybe Taishang Laojun had his confidence, but if the demon prince was as simple as they thought, it would be easier to handle!

Yuanshi Tianzun also spoke and said: "Brother, this matter is not simple. This demon clan is giving us a disgrace and a warning. They are retaliating against us for discussing calamity and ignoring the existence of the demon clan!"

Leader Tongtian smiled and said: "In my opinion, this matter is also simple. Since the demon clan wants to participate, there are only two choices. One, we acquiesce. We discuss ours, and they discuss theirs. Anyway, In the end, whoever is more powerful and who calculates just right will get the interest.

Secondly, it’s simple. Since the demon clan wants to do this and challenge the power of our saints, wouldn’t it be over if we just kill him? No matter how powerful and powerful the demon clan is, he does not have the ability to deal with our five great saints. , wouldn’t it be the end if we just wipe out the demon clan! "

After Tongtian finished speaking, Jieyin snorted and said: "What you think is simple. If everything is like what you said, it would be easy to handle. The monster clan may not be afraid, but Nuwa and Houtu are Two saints! We cannot ignore their role in it!"

After hearing what Jieyin said, the Tongtian leader just sneered and stopped talking.

Everyone turned their attention to Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, because they were the only two who made the decision now.

For Jie Yin and Zhunti, after all, this was their calamity in the West, sent by heaven.

Naturally, they can get benefits, but now if Sanqing wants to get benefits, they can only talk to the demon clan.

After all, the advantage is just that, with the demon clan, the Sanqing is gone, and with the Sanqing, the demon clan is gone.

Anyway, this is the situation now, and the demon clan is also ready to intervene in a big way.

How to deal with it is Sanqing's own business.

After thinking for a while, Taishang Laojun said: "Huh, Tongtian is right. Now there are only two situations, one is to fight, and the other is to endure! The poor man cannot tolerate it. This is not just a matter of luck, this It is the demon clan seeking death and provoking the majesty of our heavenly saints.

In addition, you in the West should not think that you are as stable as a mountain. The prince of the demon clan is not a fuel-saving lamp! He can eat a bowl and he will definitely not take just one bite. Think about it for yourselves! "

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun nodded towards him.

Jie Yin originally planned to watch the fight between them, but now after what Taishang Laojun said, Jie Yin felt a little nervous.

The prince of the demon clan is indeed not a fuel-efficient lamp!

For Liu Ming, there is indeed some hatred between him and the West, even to the point of undying hatred.

In addition, whether it was the West, Jieyin or Zhunti, Liu Ming had all been plotted, and he knew Liu Ming's character very well.

Seeing that Sanqing was waiting for the two of them, Jie Yin slowly said: "Senior Brother Taishang is right in reminding us that we cannot let the demon clan succeed. The demon clan is too ambitious, especially the demon clan prince! I The West now listens to the advice of Senior Brother Taishang, and we should do whatever you say!"

After finishing speaking, Taishang Laojun smiled.

It would be much easier to deal with this attitude.

"Okay, now that we have all agreed, Pindao is the one who makes the decision. Everyone, let's go to the Monster Clan. Pindao wants to see what confidence this Monster Clan has to dare to be so presumptuous!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, he stood up and mounted his mount and headed towards the demon clan.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader also followed closely behind.

"Tathagata, you are so lucky to arrange to learn Buddhist scriptures. The two of you will go to the demon tribe!"

After Jie Yin finished speaking, he and Zhunti also left.

Tathagata and the others were the only ones left.

Tathagata now has some emotions in his heart that he doesn't know how to express.

Monster clan, monster clan again!

Tathagata knew that all of this was planned by Liu Ming.

Although the current Demon Clan is obviously Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, when encountering major events, Liu Ming is the only one who can control the Demon Clan and make up his mind.

Tathagata did not expect that Liu Ming actually dared to do this. This was a huge blow to the bottom of the pot. If the five saints joined forces, the demon clan would be doomed.

But could Liu Ming not expect this result?

Guanyin on the side had a somewhat happy look on his face and said: "Haha, this time the demon clan is really looking for death! They actually dare to do this. Isn't this a slap in the face of these five saints? At their level of cultivation, others are afraid I don’t care anymore, the only thing I have is face!

The current demon clan doesn't give them any face, and openly declares the Great Desolation, embarrassing these five saints. Tsk tsk, demon clan, what a pity! This time, I’m afraid there will be no monsters left in the entire prehistoric era! "

Guanyin's schadenfreude did not elicit the same sentiments from others.

Because they think Liu Ming is not a fool!

How dare they do this if they really had no preparations or back-ups?

Is it just because of the support of the two saints Nuwa and Houtu?

I'm afraid there's something else they can't think of.

What they can do now is take advantage of this period of time to quickly let Tang Sanzang take the lead and gain some luck.

Otherwise, in the end, regardless of the consequences for the demon clan, Tang Sanzang would not be able to succeed easily.

If the demon clan was destroyed, it would be natural for Sanqing to intervene. If it is not destroyed, it will become more complicated!

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