Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 741: Liu Ming knew what he was thinking, Taibai used his secret plan

When Nuwa saw that he refused, she felt dissatisfied.

"Hmph, do you have to show off your strength? You really think you are invincible!"

Liu Ming smiled bitterly and said: "That's not the case, Saint Nuwa. In fact, the purpose of calling you here is to build up your momentum, and secondly, I want you to stop the Second Saint of the West. After all, if these two guys are really It's a threat to us and it's a bit difficult to deal with.

As for the Sanqing, I planned from the beginning that the demon clan and I would deal with it ourselves, because in fact, from the bottom of our hearts, they, the Sanqing, may have never taken our demon clan seriously, so this time, I want to tell them, They were also convinced. The Monster Clan now also wants to have a say in the ancient world. From now on, it is not what Sanqing says! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, a glimmer of light flashed in Nuwa's eyes.

I didn’t expect Liu Ming to have such a plan!

It seems this guy is really crazy!

Not only do they want to challenge the five great saints, but they also need to bring the demon clan directly out of the predicament of retreat, and they also need to have the right to speak in the prehistoric era!

But where did he get his confidence?

"Okay two saints, this matter has been settled. I am not a fool, and I will not seek death. I naturally have a way to deal with them! Please believe me! After all, I still want to live, haha!"

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming's heartless smile and felt a little relieved. Maybe this guy really had some tricks up his sleeve!

"Emperor Father, Uncle Donghuang, there are three of us, one each. No matter which one we are dealing with, we should not show off our strength and directly inspire the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to fight them in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation. There is the threat of the power of the stars. Some of their strength has also been suppressed. If their lives are really in danger, don’t hold on, call Kunpeng and ask him to draw out the Star Tree to increase their power!"

Liu Ming looked at the two of them seriously and ordered.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi also listened very seriously. After all, this was a major matter related to their lives, and no one dared to be careless.

Seeing that everything had been arranged, Liu Ming was now full of expectations.

Now he feels that he can't wait, eager to see if he can turn over completely this time.

Can you lead the demon tribe out of trouble?

It all depends on this battle!

Of course, there may not be a battle. Maybe after they arrive, they plan to invite the demon clan directly in, and then the three parties will discuss the calamity together. This is also possible.

If that's the case, that's not bad, at least we don't have to take this risk.

But Liu Ming's idea was destined to be shattered.

The car will arrive domestically.

Taibai Jinxing transformed into a Taoist priest and came here.

He kept preaching Taoism in this Chechi country, and he was a confidant of the Emperor of Heaven. Naturally, he understood the Emperor's will thoroughly.

With the promotion of Taibaijinxing and its actions on some things, a wave of Taoist upsurge arose throughout the Chechi Kingdom.

Taoist priests all respect Taoist temples.

Seeing that the time was almost ripe, Taibai Jinxing felt proud.

Taibai Jinxing, on the other hand, left here after arranging all his plans in Chechi's country.

After he left, Chi Chi suddenly encountered a severe drought.

The entire Chechi Kingdom is about to die of drought.

At this moment, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have received the news that no rain will fall on Che Chi.

In desperation, the king invited all kinds of strange people to pray for rain!

As a result, no one can ask for rain.

Finally, Buddhist disciples came and recited the scriptures without any effect.

The king was almost disappointed, but he saw the remaining three people.

These three people are all dressed as Taoist priests.

Nowadays in Chechi's country, this method is promoted quite well.

So the king placed his last glimmer of hope on the three of them.

These three people are none other than the tiger who has become a powerful tiger, the white-horned deer who has become a deer-powerful person, and the antelope who has become a sheep-powerful person.

After the three of them watched the king salute, they started to operate directly.

But the king took one look, and his heart was filled with despair, as if it was still of no use!

At this moment, in the void, the Taibai Venus suddenly appeared.

"Dragon King of the Four Seas, it's time to take action. Thunder God and Lightning Girl, let's start!"

After Taibai Jinxing finished speaking, the Thunder God and Lightning Girl started fighting with lightning and thunder.

The king of Chi Chi watched the sky suddenly turn gloomy, followed by a burst of thunder and lightning.

There was a glimmer of hope in his heart. Could it be that he really asked for rain?

When the Dragon King of the Four Seas saw that Thunder God and Lightning Girl had already taken action, they stopped hiding and waved directly.

Suddenly, heavy rain fell directly towards Che Chiguo.

Suddenly, the entire Chechi Kingdom was enveloped in rain.

"It's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining!"

When King Chechi saw it, he couldn't help but feel excited.

And people across the country are already excited.

The rain seemed to be free of charge and kept falling all day and night.

Chechi Country is now experiencing drought, and some are even on the verge of experiencing waterlogging.

The dry land has become moist, and the dry rivers have returned to their former turbulence.

After the rain cleared and the sky cleared, King Chechi called the three immortals.

"You three Taoist priests are really amazing, amazing! Our Chechi country has been experiencing drought for so long, and I didn't expect that you all asked for rain to save us. Now we no longer suffer from drought, people's livelihood is stable, and everything Everything has returned to normal, you three tell me what reward you want!"

The king of Chechi said that it was thanks to these three people this time.

So now it can be regarded as a reward based on merit.

The three of them glanced at each other, and the Great Immortal Huli walked out.

"Your Majesty the King, this is our duty. The people have suffered from a severe drought, and the anxiety in the King's heart has touched God. So as soon as we took action, God knew the situation and rained in time. This is a credit to us. It belongs to the king! It is the king who cares about the people and loves them like his own son!"

When the Great Immortal Huli said this, the king felt even more pleased!

"Haha, but it's because of you that I can convey my thoughts to God. Tell me, whatever you want, I will satisfy you!"

Great Immortal Huli stepped forward again, and this time his face turned a little ugly.

"Your Majesty the King, actually it doesn't matter what the reward is, there is just one thing I have to say!"

When the king heard this, he hurriedly asked him to tell him.

"Your Majesty, this time the gods praying for rain said that their perception was deceived by others, so they were unable to feel the situation in Chechi Kingdom. What deceived their perception was that the Buddhist disciples secretly arranged the Buddhist formation. ah!"

After the Great Immortal Huli finished speaking, he looked at the King of Che Chi.

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