When the king of Chechi heard this, he became furious.

Okay, no wonder there is no rain in my country. It turns out that these bald donkeys are secretly causing trouble and actually deceived the heavens.

Damn it, damn it!

"Come here, catch all the bald donkeys in Buddhism. Kill them all without leaving any one behind!"

The king gave the order directly.

Upon hearing this, the Great Immortal Hu Li couldn't help but frown, wasn't it? It was a bit too cruel!

Killing them all is not an option.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, calm down. Although they have committed a capital crime, killing them will not scare them because they are already dead. It is better to let the Buddhist disciples do labor, hard labor, and torture them well so that they can vent their anger. Angry.”

When the King of Chechi heard this, he thought this was a good idea!

So he ordered all the Buddhist disciples to be arrested for hard labor, and the three great immortals were asked to send their own Taoist disciples as supervisors.

Finally, the king of Chechi State issued an order to confer these three great immortals as national advisors of Chechi State.

In an instant, all the Buddhist disciples in Chechi Kingdom were in trouble.

I was scolded every day to go out and work.

Taibai Jinxing looked at all this and left with satisfaction. He went back to return to Haotian.

Monster clan!

Everyone was waiting in full formation.

Waiting for the arrival of the five great saints.

It feels like before the storm.

At this moment, everyone in the demon tribe is more or less worried and nervous.

After all, this is a joint effort against the five great saints. Although they haven’t come to kill you yet, when the five great saints come, they will definitely not talk to you in a pleasant manner!

This time I slapped them in the face, how could they not retaliate?

At this moment, Liu Ming's face was calm. He looked at the demon clan and said, "Are you afraid?"

Liu Ming's voice spread instantly.

When everyone in the demon clan heard this, they naturally shouted in unison, "Don't be afraid!"

We can't let the demon prince underestimate them, can we?

"Haha, it's a lie to say that I'm not afraid. Not only you, but this prince is also a little afraid, because there are saints, and there are five saints. How can this be dealt with easily?

But what I want to tell you is that fear cannot solve the problem. It is because we have always been afraid that they do not take us seriously. I, the demon clan, do not ask for anything else, but only one thing, that is, within the prehistoric times, I The demon clan must occupy and control the right to speak, otherwise we will always be huddled here and allowed to be bullied by them! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, everyone in the demon clan no longer had any fear, because they already understood that fear was useless.

Now we can only move forward under the leadership of Liu Ming!

"Everyone, this time, for the sake of the demon clan and for you to live with dignity in the wilderness, this prince has made such a determination. If there is a fight later, you can rest assured that I will definitely die in front of you. For the sake of the demons, clan, this prince would rather die than retreat!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he directly raised his arm and waved it a few times.

"I would rather die than retreat!"

"I would rather die than retreat!"

The demon tribe instantly erupted with waves of sound!

At this moment, the demon clan has gathered its fighting power.

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming, smiled softly, and said: "He is really amazing. A few words have aroused everyone's emotions, turning their fear and fear into full of fighting spirit. This guy is really interesting. ! What do you think? Houtu!"

Nuwa looked at Houtu and asked.

"I would rather die than retreat!"

Hou Tu suddenly spoke.

Although it was only four words, it shocked Nuwa beside her.

She looked at Hou Tu with doubts in her eyes, "You, you guys, understand, among you, haha, one of you would rather die than retreat!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, she turned back and glared at Liu Ming fiercely.

Her heart was filled with shock, unwillingness, anger, and a hint of sadness!

Hou Tu's statement has already explained the problem, that is, her relationship with Liu Ming is no longer as simple as Nuwa thought!

Unexpectedly, Hou Tu has already...

Nuwa was a little angry, but she didn't know why she was angry!

"Huh, she can rather die than retreat, so why can't I? Huh!"

Nuwa secretly thought.

At this moment, Liu Ming had no idea what Nuwa was thinking, nor what Nuwa and Houtu had already talked about.

He can't care about this anymore!

Liu Ming suddenly raised his head and glanced at the demon clan in the distance.

Nuwa, Hou Tu, Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi and others also looked up.


After waiting for so long, it’s finally here!

Among the Three Pure Ones, Taishang Laojun is in the middle, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master are on the left and right, followed by Jie Yin and Zhunti.

In an instant, auspicious clouds appeared over the entire demon clan, and cranes were flying.

Liu Ming stood there looking at these five saints, while Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Nuwa and Houtu stood directly beside him.

There are also five people.

Two saints, three quasi-sages!

Although there is a slight gap, there are still people from the demon clan behind Liu Ming, as well as the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation that makes Honghuang terrified!

After the five saints arrived, they did not speak. They were all looking at the demon clan.

Liu Ming didn't say anything, and the situation was awkward and deadlocked for a moment.

Emperor Jun saw Liu Ming being so calm and silent, then he walked out and said: "The five saints who came to the demon clan are really shining brightly! Haha!"

Di Jun felt that he couldn't remain silent and just stared at it with big eyes and small eyes!

No matter what, always speak up!

After all, this is the territory of our own demon clan!

As a host, you can’t help but entertain guests!

After hearing this, the five great saints did not speak, but Taishang Laojun's eyes directly shot a ray of light towards Di Jun and others.

He looked at Di Jun, and then focused on Liu Ming.

"The demon clan wants to be the enemy of the entire prehistoric world and the way of heaven, right?"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, the atmosphere in the entire demon clan became somewhat solidified.

Everyone looked at Di Jun and the others.

Just as Di Jun was about to say something, Liu Ming took a step forward, stood up, and nodded to Di Jun.

Di Jun saw Liu Ming coming out and knew that this matter should be left to Liu Ming to handle, so he took a few steps back.

Liu Ming looked at Taishang Laojun and laughed, and said: "You said that our demon clan wants to be an enemy of the entire prehistoric world and the way of heaven. Haha, then may I ask, what evidence is there? You can't just say it in vain. It’s whatever it is!”

As soon as Liu Ming said this, Taishang Laojun stared at him instantly, as if staring into the abyss of death.

But Liu Ming still had a calm expression on his face, with no change at all.

"Hmph, your demon tribe just announced the prehistoric era. Are you not going to go against the prehistoric world and be an enemy of the way of heaven?"

Taishang Laojun said.

"Haha, our demon clan is just expressing our attitude. How come we are enemies of Honghuang! Let alone enemies of heaven!"

Liu Ming asked.

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