Hongjun glanced at Kunpeng and said, "Don't you have something to say? Then just say it, let me see what you have to say!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Kunpeng hurried over and told the story exactly.

After hearing this, Hongjun showed no expression and just waved his hand.

"It's all the fate of the calamity that makes you fight like this. Haha, it seems that it is for the benefit. Sanqing and the West are preparing to divide the fate of the calamity, and you, the demon tribe, also want to participate, right?"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Di Jun said: "Dao Ancestor, this is indeed the case. But it is not that we, the demon clan, want to cause trouble, but Dao Ancestor asked Ming Jian. This matter was done deliberately by Sanqing and others, with the purpose of irritating The demon clan made the demon clan angry, and then everything fell into their calculations, but this time they didn’t expect that the demon clan already had the strength of the fallen saint!”

Di Jun's words made Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West change their expressions.

Only ghosts know that you have such strength. In addition, they have no plans as Di Jun said to anger the demon tribe, because the only thing they have is to ignore the demon tribe. They really do not take the demon tribe into consideration!

"Di Jun, please stop here and confuse the public with your lies. When did we plot against you? We discussed important matters and ignored you. Where did the plot come from? You are a little too confident!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

"Okay, even if you don't plot against us, then we will discuss our affairs. May I ask why you mobilized a large number of people to question us and accuse us? Tell me, why? Aren't you trying to bully others?"

Di Jun also refused to give in and said again.

Seeing the mother-in-law and the father-in-law saying that the mother-in-law is right and the father-in-law is right, Hongjun directly interrupted their quarrel.

"Shut up, everyone. I already know this. Hey, you guys really make me unbelievable!"

Hongjun said and looked at everyone with some annoyance.

"The prehistoric order is the law of heaven. As saints, you almost caused the collapse of the prehistoric order. It is really inappropriate. We will discuss this matter in Pindao Zixiao Palace later.

Monster clan, you have finally stabilized from these two calamities. I didn’t expect that you would cause such a big thing this time. I really didn’t expect it! "

Hongjun looked at Dijun and the others and said.

When Di Jun heard this, his expression changed, and he understood from Hongjun's words that he was blaming his own demon clan?

Di Jun couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

And Hongjun then said: "The demon clan does not want to repent, is not good at living and cultivating, provokes a war between saints, and destabilizes the ancient world. It is really an unpardonable crime, but I am unwilling to punish you. Since you demon clan I chose to retire back then, so this time I will live in the thirty-third heaven forever. If I do anything else in the future, don’t blame me for not giving you face!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, the entire demon clan was silent. And all the anger and fury in everyone's eyes has been released.

Hongjun is going too far!

It was obviously the five great saints who were looking for trouble, but now the blame is on the demon clan!

And Hongjun has already made it clear that he wants the demon clan to retreat all the time without any chance of getting ahead.

The reason why Liu Ming made such arrangements this time was to let the demon tribe show up in the wilderness, but now Hongjun knocked down all the efforts of the demon tribe with one word.

"Daozu, this matter..."

"Hmph, I will discuss your matters later when you return to Zixiao Palace!"

Just when Nuwa was about to speak, Hongjun interrupted her directly.

Nuwa also felt helpless and sighed in her heart.

This Hongjun didn't give her a chance to speak at all.

"Dao Ancestor, it's unfair to the demon clan if you deal with it this way!"

Di Jun said word by word.

When Hongjun heard this, a light shot out of his eyes, and Dijun took two steps back.

"Are you questioning Pindao? Di Jun, huh, you really haven't made any progress. You survived the two calamities and wiped out the Wu clan. But you have to know that you can survive these two calamities. It’s definitely not easy, why don’t you cherish it? Walking in the wilderness, if you monster clan starts trouble again, Pindao thinks that there is no need for the monster clan to exist anymore, what do you think?”

After Hongjun finished speaking, Di Jun was speechless. He didn't know how to vent his anger!

Unfair, so unfair!

This was Di Jun's inner thought at the moment, but it was destined that Hongjun would not give him any chance to defend himself.

Donghuang Taiyi on the side held his Donghuang Bell tightly, and was also extremely angry.

"Stop talking about it now, let's just do this! Wait until he wakes up!"

Nuwa looked at Di Jun and said.

"What if my son can't wake up? What if he dies? One of them counts, no one can escape!"

Di Jun looked at Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West coldly.


"Be bold!"

"court death!"

In an instant, Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West collectively spoke up and scolded Di Jun.

But Di Jun no longer cared at this moment.

"If the demon clan makes any move again, Ping Dao will rain down the thunder and directly wipe out all of you. Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, don't blame Ping Dao for not warning you!"

Hongjun looked at the demon clan and said.

When Sanqing and the others heard this, they couldn't help showing a hint of sneer and disdain.

He is really looking for death. It is obvious who Daozu is looking for.

After all, no matter who is right or wrong, this way of heaven is maintained by their saints.

It is true that Hongjun Daozu is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, but if there is a problem with saints like them, Heavenly Dao will be turbulent and ups and downs, which is a big trouble. This is why the status of these saints is so high. On the one hand, it is strength. On the one hand, it is their role in the way of heaven.

It doesn't matter even if all the demon clan dies, but if one saint is lost, the loss under the Heavenly Dao cannot be made up for.

As the Lord of Heaven, Hongjun would be the one to blame if the order of Heaven were to change like this.

This is the reason why Hongjun favors their saints, because it is clear at a glance who is important and who is not.

They are the maintainers of order in this heaven.

Although your demon race now has the power and strength to withstand saints, even fallen saints, so what, after all, you don’t have saints!

Yuanshi Tianzun was already thinking and calculating in his heart at this moment, because this time he was undoubtedly the most seriously injured, and he was almost no longer a saint. This was unbearable.

Fengshen Liangjie was injured because he was plotted by Liu Ming. This time he was directly injured by Liu Ming, and he almost lost his holy position. He had to settle old and new scores with him.

How could he, the dignified head of the Chanjiao of Yuxu Palace and a saint of heaven, endure such a tone?

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