Ever since, Yuanshi Tianzun took two steps forward.

"Dao Ancestor, please make the decision for your disciples. The whole plan of the demon tribe this time is to kill me. The prince of the demon tribe used his mysterious skills and almost knocked me down from the holy position. And they are targeting me. This matter Things can’t end like this!”

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Hongjun and said.

After hearing this, Hongjun also sighed a little.

"What do you want? Huh, you still have the nerve to say that you, a great saint of heaven, should be beaten to such an extent. It is really not deserved, but it is a bit disappointing!"

When Hongjun said this, Yuanshi Tianzun understood what he meant instantly.

Yuanshi Tianzun showed a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth and said: "Yes, the disciple is incompetent and has disappointed the master, but master. This demon clan prince is really an evil sect. I don't know how powerful he used the God-killing Spear, but he actually seriously injured me. The disciple thinks that this must be the technique of Demon Ancestor Rahu, and it is even very possible that the demon prince has received the inheritance of Luo Hu, and the disciple thinks that he cannot be left behind!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Hongjun hadn't spoken yet, and Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you dare to touch him!"

Di Jun was immediately furious!

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Hongjun.

Nuwa and Houtu stood beside Liu Ming, one on each side.

Although he didn't say anything, he told everyone that it was okay to move Liu Ming, and he had to pass them first.

Hongjun was asking to speak, but seeing the attitudes of Nuwa and the others, his expression changed.

"It seems that you two are no longer prepared to listen to Pindao's words?"

Hongjun asked.

Nuwa shook her head and said: "Master, if you say anything else, it's okay, but he hasn't come back to life. After he wakes up, no one can touch him!"

Then Hou Tu also said: "Yes, touch him, no, the worst is to release the underworld, I summon all the reincarnation power of the underworld, and I can reincarnate you as many as you want!"

Although Hou Tu's words sounded plain, I have to say that they were too cruel.

Let’s reincarnate the saints!

Seeing the attitude of the two of them, and the fact that Di Jun and the others had already occupied the position of the Zhoutian Star Formation, Hongjun couldn't help but sigh. Hongjun looked at Liu Ming, who was still unconscious, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

It seems like this guy still can't move now!

If there were things about Liu Ming that Hongjun hadn't understood, Hongjun would have dealt with him long ago.

Although sometimes Liu Ming is very smart and can understand his intentions and act to reassure himself that at least there will be no problems, his ability to cause trouble is also top-notch!

Every time it was Liu Ming who caused trouble, it was no small matter, it would definitely be a big trouble.

No matter which time it was, if Hongjun didn't come forward, there would be no way to solve it.

There can only be unbearable consequences.

"Okay, since you are so protective of him, Pindao will not let others touch him, but this matter is at its root. It is because of him, so this time Pindao has to give Sanqing an explanation. Let's do this, Nuwa, later Tu, take him with you and let’s go back to Zixiao Palace to talk. The demon clan listens. From now on, you are not allowed to step out of the thirty-third heaven, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!”

After Hongjun finished speaking, Di Jun and the others' expressions changed. They couldn't step out of the thirty-third heaven. Isn't this imprisonment?

And Liu Ming is going to be taken away by them again!

Di Jun was already a little angry.

Nuwa glanced at Houtu and then at Liu Ming.

"Dao Ancestor, since this is the case, it is in accordance with Dao Ancestor's will. However, the demon clan has not figured it out yet. Let me persuade them. What do Dao Ancestor think?"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Hongjun waved his hand and said: "Okay, I'll give you a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, whether the demon clan understands it or not, they must carry out Pindao's wishes, otherwise they can't blame me!"

Nuwa nodded, then called Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi to her side, and started talking directly.

At this moment, no one noticed the changes in Liu Ming's body. His palms sometimes clenched into fists and sometimes stretched out!

Because at this moment, Liu Ming was swinging the ax in his illusion.

After Liu Ming stared at the figure that just appeared for a long time, Liu Ming unconsciously felt that he had become that person.

Keep chopping this chaos.

The vast, chaotic aura as far as the eye can see has been split open by the ax wielded by Liu Ming.

Liu Ming seemed to have seen an oasis in the desert, and hope came.

The light in the darkness has come!

He kept chopping, no longer aware of his fatigue, nor his own expression. He could only repeat one action, chopping, chopping!


Suddenly, after Liu Ming slashed again, the entire chaos collapsed instantly. He was about to be ecstatic when the chaos that had just disappeared condensed again.

It was still dark and blurry.

Have you wasted your efforts?

Liu Ming instantly lost any fighting spirit and passion.

I had seen hope, but now there is nothing.

Everything returned to calm.

This blow is too big.

It was as if I had already completed a difficult task, but found that I had to do it all over again.

In Liu Ming's disappointment and anger, he looked up and saw that the figure was still tired.

Keep chopping!

Didn’t you just chop it yourself?

Why was it replaced again?

Liu Ming rubbed his eyes and smiled bitterly. It turned out to be a dream!

I have been watching others chop at Chaos.

And this person Liu Ming feels very familiar, I am afraid that he should be the great god.

But Liu Ming was a little strange, why did this great god always appear in his dreams.

Do you have to tell yourself something?

After Liu Ming thought for a while, he suddenly looked at the chaos in front of him and felt excited.

After he became a quasi-sage, he never had a clue or time to think about his own enlightenment and becoming a saint.

And now I have figured out one thing from this, that is, I have just chopped open this chaos, seemingly real or fake.

I'm afraid this means using great power to break the rules and prove the truth!

"Hahaha, okay, okay, now I have a clue! Okay, since there is nothing I can do to kill three corpses and become a saint through merit, now that I have encountered this illusion, I can use my strength to prove the Tao and break the laws of heaven. and bondage, become a saint!”

Liu Ming felt excited now.

Suddenly, Liu Ming felt pain in his palms.

He thought it was caused by his dream of chopping Chaos and using too much force.

But Liu Ming felt it, no!

This is someone stepping on his palm.

Yes, that's right, that's what it feels like, the heel of your foot is constantly pressing against the palm of your hand.

Liu Ming opened his eyes instantly. When he looked up, he saw a figure in white clothes and a white skirt, which seemed to be a two-dimensional space with him.

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