Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 752: Liu Ming has the prototype of a saint

After Hongjun finished speaking, the saints were ready to leave.

Liu Ming suddenly turned his eyes and looked back at Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

"Father, Uncle Donghuang, I'm going to visit Dao Ancestor. You don't have to worry. Dao Ancestor is a man of equal taste and won't show favoritism to anyone. There's another thing. Our Monster Clan has been living in seclusion for so many years. , it’s time to go out for a walk, you arrange your men to go down to the ancient world to see if there are any powerful monsters, let’s tame some and come back!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi nodded.

Because Liu Ming spoke loudly, everyone naturally heard it.

Especially Hongjun, he couldn't help but feel angry when he saw Liu Ming's arrangement.

He has asked the demon clan to stay in the thirty-third heaven and not to go out.

Now that Liu Ming is acting like this, he is going against himself!

Taishang Laojun shouted directly and said: "How dare you, Daozu personally issued an order to give your demon clan a decree, so that your demon clan is not allowed to go out and live in the thirty-third heaven forever. Now you actually dare to let them walk in the wilderness." , are you looking for death? You should die for violating the will of Dao Ancestor!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Hongjun snorted coldly, and a thunderbolt from heaven struck Liu Ming in an instant.

Liu Ming looked at the thunder and raised his hand to chop it.

This was exactly the posture he used to imitate the way he chopped Chaos in his dream.


The thunder fell, Liu Ming's arm also fell, and the thunder disappeared directly.

Liu Ming chopped Tianlei into pieces with one hand and disappeared.

Liu Ming was suddenly shocked.

Not only Liu Ming was also shocked, but also Hongjun!

Others thought Liu Ming used some kind of magic power to kill Tian Lei.

But only Hongjun could see clearly that Liu Ming only used the power of his body.

Don't think it's just a matter of simply knocking out the thunder, but it's not easy to do this with your body.

Hongjun looked at Liu Ming in surprise. The action that Liu Ming raised his hand just now contained a powerful law of power.

This guy is really not simple. I don’t know where he got such great power, and he also has the law of power.

"What? You, Daozu, issued a decree that my demon clan is not allowed to go out to the thirty-third heaven. How is this possible? Daozu is not a fool, how could he do this? Taishang Laojun, don't pretend to pass the decree!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Taishang Laojun looked at Hongjun.

At this moment, Hongjun was still immersed in Liu Ming's movements of raising his hands and feet.

The more Hongjun thought about this action, the more strange he felt. The more he thought about it, the more shocked he felt.

Then, Hongjun raised his hand again, and a bolt of thunder shot out instantly.

And Liu Ming made a chopping action again, and Tianlei was chopped and disappeared in an instant.

Liu Ming looked at Hongjun indifferently and said: "Taozu, you will definitely not make such a decree, right?"

At this moment, Hongjun saw a real thing. This is power, powerful power.

Break all laws with one force!

Under the dull chop just now, the power quickly gathered and directly shattered the sky thunder.

That's right, it was broken.

Hongjun looked at Liu Ming, with a hint of inexplicable fear in his eyes.

Perhaps only Hongjun can understand the power and origin of this power.

"Daozu, Daozu, isn't it? Could it be that you really gave the order, Daozu!"

Liu Ming asked again urgingly.

But Hongjun had come to his senses at this moment.

He looked at Liu Ming and said: "Stop talking nonsense, you and I will go back to Zixiao Palace, and you will go together. As for the demon clan, huh, this time is a warning!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he disappeared.

Liu Ming watched Hongjun leave, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Although Hongjun did not directly explain his attitude due to face reasons, he could be considered as giving the demon clan his final decision.

This time it was a warning, not a punishment.

So just do whatever the demon clan should do!

Liu Ming looked at Di Jun and the others and nodded before following Hongjun and leaving.

At this moment, Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West have long disappeared.

Nuwa and Houtu also followed Liu Ming.

Seeing everyone leave, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

This incident really gave him mixed feelings.

I also understood a little bit about the gap between myself and my son Liu Ming.

That is, he does not have the domineering strength of Liu Ming.

He doesn’t have Liu Ming’s handy brain and Liu Ming’s shameless and messy spirit.

"Okay, now that the prince has made arrangements, Bai Ze, please make arrangements and send people to travel in the wilderness. But remember, not too many, just send a few less. The strength cannot be too low. Go and test the wilderness before talking. !”

Di Jun looked at Bai Ze and said.

Bai Ze nodded directly.

"Have you noticed that the thunderous movement that my nephew just raised his hand to strike down seems to contain endless power, capable of tearing apart the world!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Di Jun and said.

Di Jun looked at him in surprise. He didn't see clearly just now!

Just when Liu Ming raised his hand twice, the two thunderbolts disappeared.

I didn’t see anything special!

This is also because Emperor Jun was not as close to the saint as Donghuang Taiyi once was.

Therefore, he could not understand the meaning of Liu Ming's action.

And Donghuang Taiyi almost achieved enlightenment and became a saint, but later found that he didn't have the chance!

But he is still very clear about the matter of enlightenment and sanctification.

"You mean his strength has improved a lot? How is this possible? Wasn't he injured just now?"

Di Jun asked with some confusion.

Donghuang Taiyi showed a slight smile and said: "No, it is inevitable that the strength will increase, but you didn't find something even weirder about him, that is, he now actually has the power to tear apart the laws of heaven, which means that he It’s very likely that it won’t be long before you can attain enlightenment and become a saint!”

When Di Jun heard this, he looked at Donghuang Taiyi in surprise.

Enlightenment and sanctification?

This is the dream of so many people, especially those of them who are quasi-sages, and even the pinnacle realm of quasi-sages!

Di Jun himself has not made any progress for so many years, and he has not even found the threshold.

I don’t even know what chance is!

But now Donghuang Taiyi said that Liu Ming could now attain enlightenment and become a saint. How could Di Jun not be shocked?

"Did you read that correctly? He, he already?"

Di Jun looked at Donghuang Taiyi with some trembling.

And Donghuang Taiyi nodded directly. He read that right. Moreover, there was something that Donghuang Taiyi had not said yet, that is, Liu Ming's road to enlightenment was probably not easy, but once he became a saint, the demon clan would never be able to do it again. Don't let anyone bully you again.

Because Liu Ming’s way of enlightenment is to prove the way through force, it is the most difficult and most powerful.

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