Just when so many great things were happening in the prehistoric times, the masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang in the human world encountered something difficult.

They have not dared to enter this car in Chiguo for so long.

Because I just came here and heard the news.

This Che Chiguo hates the monk very much!

I heard that Buddhist disciples in the entire country have been suppressed, but the Taoist disciples of Chechi Kingdom are the most respected by everyone.

All of this is the arrangement of Heaven and a method of Haotian.

What happened to this demon clan was unknown to others, but Haotian knew it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this in the end. Daozu Hongjun came forward to settle the matter.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the demon clan is extremely powerful.

Haotian looked at Taibai Jinxing and asked, "Will there be any problems with the arrangement? Since they have their choice and discussion this time, I, Heaven, also have our choice!"

Taibai Jinxing nodded hurriedly. He understood what Haotian meant. He wanted to take revenge on them and take revenge on them for ignoring his heaven!

Just when Haotian was about to make arrangements again, her expression suddenly changed and she hurriedly looked respectfully at the sky above the heaven.

"Haotian, Zixiao Palace comes to see Pindao!"

Hongjun's voice came down instantly.

When Haotian heard this, he realized that this was Daozu inviting him to Zixiao Palace!

It seems that I am going to invite myself and others to discuss it.

They ignored themselves, but Daozu did not ignore them, and even invited themselves. From this point of view, Daozu was still kind to him.

Haotian said hurriedly: "Disciple understands, set off immediately!"

Afterwards, Haotian looked at Taibai Jinxing and said: "This is the end of the Chechi Kingdom matter. I, the Heavenly Court, will no longer participate or intervene. Let him follow the others and let them do their own thing. Understand it!"

After Haotian finished speaking, he left Heaven. Since he had achieved his goal, why bother with trouble?

After Taibaijinxing watched Haotian leave, he ordered to cancel all arrangements in heaven.

As for Tang Sanzang and the others, they relied on their own abilities.

On the border of Chechi Country.

Tang Sanzang felt a little sad at this moment, because he had seen a group of monks doing hard labor at the border.

There were soldiers guarding one side, and the supervisors were Taoist disciples.

Seeing their arrogant looks, while the Buddhist disciples were being scolded and whipped while working, Tang Sanzang clenched his fists.

"It's really abominable. Our Buddhist sect has always promoted the Dharma of Buddhism, but now it has become like this. Wukong, Wujing, Bajie, how can you just stand by and watch, go and teach them a lesson!"

Tang Sanzang said directly to the three disciples.

Tang Sanzang usually had a look of compassion and could not even kill a small insect, but now he actually took the initiative to ask his disciples to clean up and teach the Taoist disciples a lesson.

This is the first time ever!

This shows that Tang Sanzang is really angry now.

How could he bear to see his Buddhist disciples being tortured like this? After all, he was a disciple of Buddhism, and he still wanted to learn Buddhist scriptures and promote Buddhism!

But after Tang Sanzang finished speaking, Sun Wukong and the others did not make any move.

If you want to vent your anger, you can do it yourself.

What if he strikes hard and beats someone to death, and then recites the tightening curse, and he will suffer some pain in vain.

Sun Wukong thought to himself and just sat aside and ignored it.

Sun Wukong didn't care, and Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng were too lazy to take action. After all, Sun Wukong was the number one fighting force.

One of them led the horse and the other carried the load to salute!

When Tang Sanzang saw that his words were as if he had not said anything, he was instantly furious.

"Don't you care? Can't you see that my Buddhist disciples have been treated unfairly? Don't forget, you are also Buddhist disciples. Can you bear it?"

Tang Sanzang roared directly.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he said: "Master, you also know that Lao Sun's golden cudgel is neither light nor heavy. If one or two people are killed, you may have to say more and blame me. I even recited the tightening curse, but Lao Sun wouldn’t dare!”

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang and said.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he said directly: "I don't care about you this time, as long as you don't kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, Sun Wukong stood up directly.

With Tang Sanzang's guarantee, it would be much easier for me.

Suddenly, several Taoist priests on one side saw Tang Sanzang and the others.

One of them looked at the soldiers around him and said, "Those over there are monks. Go and see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net. If they are monks, catch them for me!"

After the Taoist priest gave the order, many soldiers rushed out in an instant, and they killed Sun Wukong directly.

At this moment, Sun Wukong, after receiving Tang Sanzang's instructions, was ready to teach these Taoist priests a lesson, but when he saw that they actually sent people here, Sun Wukong sneered.

Looking at the group of soldiers coming towards him, Sun Wukong stepped forward to stop them.

"They are really monks, brothers, take them down!"

After this group of soldiers looked at Sun Wukong and his party, their eyes lit up and they wanted to capture them.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang walked over and said: "Why are you arresting us? We are monks from the Eastern Tang Dynasty who went to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. We passed by you and wanted to exchange spies. You should inform us. Bar!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, the group of soldiers heard that they were monks in the Tang Dynasty, but weren't they also monks?

"Haha, are you a monk of the Tang Dynasty? No matter where you come from, you are still a monk. The king has ordered that all monks must enter this border to work. No matter where you come from, it is useless. Catch me stand up!"

This group of soldiers rushed over, trying to catch Tang Sanzang and others.

But when Sun Wukong saw it, he saw that he hadn't met the one who came to die yet!

Sun Wukong's golden cudgel struck directly, and a large pit was opened in an instant, and the group of soldiers fell directly into it.

Sun Wukong also saw that they were all obeying orders, so he did not deal harshly, but only taught them a lesson. Otherwise, if the stick was beaten, none of these soldiers would be able to survive.

"Master, you wait here. Lao Sun will go and see for you who is so powerful, and also find out why this Buddhist disciple is treated like this!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he went directly towards the group of Taoist priests.

After Tang Sanzang watched Sun Wukong leave, he did not stop him, because at this moment, Tang Sanzang was also a little angry.

Why did my good Buddhist family let them bully me like this now? I really shouldn't, it's so wrong, I should be taught a lesson.

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