In Zixiao Palace.

Everything that should come has come.

Sanqing, lead to quasi-ti.

Nuwa, Hou Tu, Liu Ming!

They were instantly divided into two groups.

At this moment, Haotian stood aside.

Because Haotian felt wrong no matter where he stood.

They waited for Hongjun to speak.

Since returning to Zixiao Palace, Hongjun just stood there and ignored them.

Hongjun was recalling the time when Liu Ming reached out and shattered the Heavenly Thunder.

Because judging from the aura and strength of Liu Ming's attack, it was a bit weird.

Although Hongjun had a general idea at the beginning, he didn't look too seriously. Now that he returned to Zixiao Palace and looked at the display of Heavenly Dao, Hongjun finally understood.

He knew what it was, it was a force that broke free from the shackles of heaven.

In other words, the demon prince already has the prerequisites and opportunities to achieve enlightenment and become a saint.

Hongjun's whole body instantly released a ray of light!

He opened his eyes and looked at everyone, his expression returning to calm.

At this moment, everyone is still waiting for Hongjun to speak.

Hongjun finally spoke and said, "Everyone is here!"

Taishang Laojun nodded. At this moment, he and Yuanshi Tianzun in Sanqing were a little angry.

Because the thing about the demon clan has challenged their bottom line.

The two of them, especially Taishang Laojun, the eldest brother of the prehistoric era, no matter who they were, wanted to give him some face, but this time it was good, the demon clan not only did not give him face, but also humiliated him severely. How could Taishang Laojun endure this?

"Now that we're all here, let's talk about it. This calamity was originally a fate and calamity. I didn't expect that you almost destroyed the ancient world because of this incident. Haha, this is really something I didn't expect! It seems that you all have your own ideas, in other words, you have also stiffened your wings, right?"

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone stood up and saluted.

"Disciples don't dare!"

Although Liu Ming followed everyone and saluted Hongjun, he was a little disapproving in his heart. Why did his wings become stiff? He was a bully, and he didn't want to be bullied. That's why this kind of war finally took place.

What else can you mention!

Hongjun's face gradually calmed down as he looked at everyone's attitudes.

Then, Hongjun gradually stood up.

"Okay, things have already happened. It's useless to talk about it anymore. Now that you are all here, let's discuss it. You can't let you mess around with this calamity anymore, otherwise something big will happen!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone was waiting.

However, Taishang Laojun felt a little unwilling at this moment. It seemed that Hongjun was no longer prepared to punish the demon clan for provoking their five great saints!

This monster clan was so arrogant that they bullied all five of their saints, and even had Yuanshi Tianzun almost beaten to death, but there was no way to punish him.

How can they be willing to accept this? Hongjun seems to be protecting Liu Ming now, which is a bit strange!

Although Taishang Laojun is a little unwilling, he is not a fool. Now that Hongjun has spoken, he cannot say anything at this time, otherwise Hongjun will be dissatisfied with him.

But Taishang Laojun can bear it, but Yuanshi Tianzun can't bear it anymore.

He was injured, could it be the end like this?

Because of the appearance of Hongjun in the Monster Clan, and the fact that the Monster Clan was indeed very powerful at that time, Yuanshi Tianzun did not dare to push too hard under the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

He originally thought that he could avenge himself by coming to Zixiao Palace, but he thought wrong because Hongjun didn't mention this matter at all.

It doesn't matter if Hongjun doesn't mention it, Yuanshi Tianzun will mention it himself.

He looked at Hongjun and said directly: "Master, this disciple has something to say!"

Hongjun took a look and nodded. He wanted to hear what good ideas Yuanshi Tianzun had about this great calamity.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Master, how about this calamity, I won't say much, but Master, the demon clan and others have made mistakes, injured the disciple, and even intended to kill the disciple, the master cannot just ignore this matter, otherwise I will How can the saints of heaven still have the dignity to walk in the wilderness? Master, please make the decision!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ming coldly.

When Hongjun heard this, he couldn't help but frown. He originally thought that Yuanshi Tianzun said something about calamity measurement, but now it seems that he thought wrong. Yuanshi Tianzun still refused to give in!

But Hongjun is somewhat understanding, because after all, he is a saint!

The saint was beaten, and the beating was quite brutal!

How could I be so willing?

Hongjun was about to say something when a voice suddenly sounded. No need to ask, he naturally knew where the voice came from!

Liu Ming spoke.

"Haha, that's ridiculous! Yuanshi Tianzun, I want to ask you now, where did you get the following crime?"

Liu Ming walked over step by step.

And Yuanshi Tianzun looked at him, feeling angry in his heart, and said: "Humph, you still want to deny it now? We are the saints of heaven, how can we let you bully you like this, let you monsters be so humiliated? Now what are you doing? ? Humph, you demon tribe is really abominable, you don’t need to say more about this, Dao Ancestor will naturally uphold justice!"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Liu Ming and felt a little scared for some reason. Although this feeling was only for a moment, Yuanshi Tianzun really felt it.

So he transferred these words to Hongjun.

When Liu Ming heard Yuanshi Tianzun's words, he sneered in his heart and said: "I'm sorry, Yuanshi Tianzun, saint, you let the demon clan bully and humiliate you. You can only blame your own incompetence for this! Now you still have the nerve to say it Come out, if you weren't trying to bully others, where did all these things come from? Now you want an explanation, so let me ask you, have you ever given me an explanation to the demon clan?"

Liu Ming's words made Yuanshi Tianzun feel aggrieved. He was taught a lesson again. He deserved it!

This demon prince is really hateful, so hateful!

Hongjun watched the bickering between them without any intention or intention to participate.

And this time, not only Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun, Xingfang Jieyin and Zhunti also changed their expressions.

Even they were scolded at the same time!

How hateful.

Liu Ming didn't feel any embarrassment and just looked at them quietly.

Nuwa and Houtu smiled bitterly, this Liu Ming is really a troublemaker!

No matter where you go, you won't worry. You just have to endure it. If you insist on contradicting these saints, it's okay. I'm afraid these people are going to deal with him.

I guess Hongjun was a little dissatisfied with Liu Ming this time because he was too crazy!

He still refused to be obedient in Zixiao Palace.

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