Seeing that they were at war with each other again, Hongjun waved his sleeves and stood aside.

At this moment, everyone just kept watching without any reaction.

And when he saw Hongjun's expression, he understood everything, and Hongjun became angry again.

But this time it has nothing to do with anyone else. It was Liu Ming who instigated this matter!

Liu Ming saw Nuwa and Hou Tu looking at him with some worry, and shook his head directly, indicating that they didn't need to worry, because Liu Ming had his own plan for this matter.

Liu Ming took a step forward and stood in front of Hongjun.

"Taozu, my disciple believes that the current situation can no longer be described as bad. This matter is really a bit chaotic, especially in the current prehistoric era, when the calamity is still going on. It would be inappropriate if this chaos continues, so disciple It is recommended that all the saints of the prehistoric times retire! Do not directly intervene in measuring the calamity!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed.


You and others finally came out, and now you have to retreat? What a joke!

"you shut up!"


"Be bold!"

The voice of opposition instantly enveloped Liu Ming, but at this moment Liu Ming didn't care at all, he just looked at Hongjun.

Waiting for Hongjun's statement.

Sure enough, after a while, Hongjun waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Pindao thinks that the suggestion of the Demon Clan Prince is not full of nonsense, but actually makes some sense!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone was dumbfounded, especially Sanqing and the others, who were even more shocked.

What did Hongjun say?

Does he think Liu Ming's suggestion makes sense?

What a joke!

So Hongjun wants them to retreat!

Everyone was looking at Hongjun, waiting for Hongjun's explanation.

I have to give an explanation that this is the arrangement. At least it makes sense.

Hongjun did not let them wait too much, and came directly to the crowd and said: "Everyone, I think this calamity is the calamity of the destiny of the West, and it is also a change of destiny in the ancient times, so you are fighting over it. It's also a bit too inappropriate, and luck has always been about chance, so Pindao thought it was better for everyone to retreat!

After all, you are already saints, so you don’t need luck too much. As for the people under your sect who need it, that is their chance and their destiny, so you still don’t need to interfere! "

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone finally understood. What Hongjun meant was that the saints were no longer allowed to come forward or take action at will. As for his disciples who wanted to participate, that was their own business.

In other words, the saint cannot take action, but his disciples can participate at will.

At this moment, Taishang Laojun looked at Liu Ming and couldn't help but feel angry, and said: "Since Dao Ancestor has decided so, then the disciples and others have no other choice. However, this demon clan is not allowed to participate. In addition, the demon clan prince must also You can’t take a step out of the demon clan!”

Upon hearing this, Hongjun looked at Liu Ming.

And Liu Ming laughed and said: "Your Majesty, are you deaf? Didn't you hear what the Taoist said? Saints need to retire, and I am not a saint!

After Liu Ming finished speaking, before Taishang Laojun could speak, he continued: "If you feel that you want me to retreat with you, then well, from now on I will be on an equal footing with you saints! On this point I But let me tell you in advance, don’t say that I won’t give you face!”

When Taishang Laojun heard this, his expression suddenly changed. Liu Ming was forcing him!

Nuwa looked at Hongjun at this moment and said: "Master, since you have already made a will, we should just act in accordance with the will of the master. As for others, if they have not reached the realm of saints, naturally they cannot be forced." He, Master, thinks so!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Hongjun nodded slowly and said: "Okay, from now on, the saints should not participate in it, let alone directly intervene in measuring tribulations. As for the others, it is up to you to rely on your abilities. ! But you can’t go too far, understand?”

After Hongjun finished speaking, he looked directly at everyone with a sharp look. This was Hongjun's attitude, and they did not dare to say anything more.

After all, Hongjun has already made his decision!

If he said anything more, Hongjun might not be able to keep it off his face.

Seeing that everyone had already acquiesced in his decision, Hongjun regained his composure.

"From now on, you saints are no longer allowed to take action directly. Do you understand? This time you made a big fuss, which almost destroyed the entire prehistoric world. You can't do this anymore. In addition, the demon clan, although the poor can I tolerate your wanderings, but you can’t stir up trouble anymore.”

After Hongjun finished speaking, Sanqing and the others nodded, and Liu Ming also expressed his opinion.

I have no choice but to agree, otherwise it won’t end well.

Hongjun turned to look at Haotian and said: "Now that Buddhism is measuring calamities, heaven should also help each other. This is also good for heaven. Do you understand?"

Haotian nodded hastily and agreed, but as for how to assist, that was Haotian's own business.

Jie Yin and Zhunti were a little dissatisfied at this moment.

This is how Hongjun arranged his calamity in the West in three strokes, five divisions, and two divisions.

They didn't even ask for their opinions.

A little too much.

"Since the rise of Measurement Tribulation, Pindao has not participated much, thinking that you can balance it by yourself. Now it seems that Pindao is wrong. You all have your own plans. Pindao understands this, but we cannot let it go. You guys are doing whatever you want, so what we discussed today is the final decision. If you are dissatisfied, tell Pindao now, if you don’t speak up now and trouble will happen in the future, then don’t blame Pindao for not giving you face. I understand. "

After Hongjun looked at everyone and finished speaking, everyone could only nod.

"By the way, there is also Your Majesty. Now you have transformed into three pure beings in one breath, leaving a clone in the heaven. Since you have gone to the heaven, it is just a good effect in the heaven. If you are not willing, take this clone of yours away now. When you come back, Pindao will pretend it never happened!"

When Taishang Laojun heard what Hongjun said, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Master, the disciple's clone has already appeared, so it should stay in the heaven. The disciple will definitely not disrespect it. Heavenly Court, Master, don’t worry!”

Hongjun nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, now that we have agreed upon it, let's all go back. Please remember that this time Pindao's words must be strictly implemented. Pindao is not joking with you, and he will not be merciful. Remember this!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone saluted Hongjun and left.

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