Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 785: Someone from Buddhism invites Liu Ming

Sun Wukong saw that there were no more monsters before he walked into the cave.

He quickly found Tang Sanzang and the others.

Although the three people at this moment have not been eaten by the green cow, they have been tied here for so long and are already extremely haggard.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and put the three people down.

When Tang Sanzang saw Sun Wukong coming, he hurriedly cheered up and asked: "Wukong, you're here, great, hurry up and take Master out, this monster will find it soon, but it's too late!"

Sun Wukong said calmly: "Master, don't worry, this monster has gone and been taken away. Now you are safe!"

Tang Sanzang felt relieved after hearing this.

When Zhu Bajie saw Sun Wukong coming, he couldn't help but said with some dissatisfaction: "Brother Monkey, why are you here? We have suffered enough. Have you given up on us and enjoyed yourself outside? Humph, just I know you definitely don’t take us to heart!”

Sun Wukong also doesn't have the same knowledge as him.

"Look, Master, you must have been right. This monkey really didn't want to save us! It's probably because the monster left on its own now that it came here, huh!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, Sun Wukong glared at him fiercely.

"Shut up. This monster is the mount of Taishang Laojun, the mount of a dignified saint. Do you think it can be solved so easily? In addition, Lao Sun would like to ask you why you left this circle with your master privately. , and deliberately brought him into this monster's territory, Zhu Bajie, don't think that Lao Sun is a fool. Lao Sun is too lazy to investigate who you are. If you dare to do such nonsense to me again in the future, don't blame me for dealing with you! Let's go. , everyone is out, it’s time to hit the road, otherwise Guanyin Bodhisattva will be dissatisfied!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Tang Sanzang glanced at Zhu Bajie and walked out.

And Sha Seng said in Zhu Bajie's ear: "Second senior brother, just accept it when you see it coming. Don't talk too much, otherwise you will embarrass yourself! After all, what you did is too obvious, even a fool will suspect it!"

Seeing Sha Seng leave, Zhu Bajie's face turned pale.

He was also a little aggrieved. There were some things that he couldn't just give up if he didn't want to!

There is no way, who would let me come here just to act like this.

After the four masters and apprentices left here, no one spoke. They all had their own plans and ideas, and they were silent along the way.

Liu Ming, who was in the void, looked at the few people who had surrounded him and couldn't help but darken his face.

"What do you guys mean?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Haha, the prince of the demon clan, in accordance with the decree of Tathagata Buddha, please go to Lingshan Mountain! I have something to discuss with you!"

Manjushri Bodhisattva looked at Liu Ming and said.

When Liu Ming looked back, he saw that the three great Bodhisattvas, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Guanyin were there, and behind him were the Eighteen Arhats.

And Liu Ming knew that there was actually another person not far away, and that was Ran Deng.

Ran Deng, who hasn’t appeared for a long time, is actually fighting for these people now.

"What do you think you guys can do to me? If Tathagata wants to see me, you can. Let him come in person, otherwise I will not see him. Where does this kind of confidence and airs come from? Hmm, if you don't believe it, you can Give it a try!”

Liu Ming said coldly.

If he takes action against himself during the calamity, that's fine.

But it's useless to put pressure on myself now. I'm not afraid of anyone.

So what if Jie Yin and Zhunti are here? There are so many people in the Demon Clan who are not vegetarians, and it’s not like they haven’t tried it before, so it’s not like they have to be dealt with in the same way!

When the three great Bodhisattvas saw it, their faces became serious.

Now Liu Ming's attitude is so tough, if he fights, he is really not sure!

But if we don't fight, how can we make him follow us back obediently?

"Amitabha, please step aside and go back and tell Tathagata that the poor monk will handle this matter! Go!"

Ran Deng appeared directly and said.

Guanyin and the others looked at the burning lanterns and didn't know what to do.

"Go ahead. The poor monk at Tathagata's place will naturally go back and explain that even if you are spending time here, it is impossible to invite the prince to leave. In fact, you will be the one who suffers in the end. Why don't you leave?"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva and the others left directly.

Liu Ming looked at Ran Deng and smiled and said: "I didn't expect that all the ancient Buddhas from Ran Deng would come this time. Haha, do you also want to try my current power?"

When Ran Deng heard this, he shook his head and said.

"The prince has misunderstood. The poor monk has no such plan. Besides, the prince is much more powerful now. I am afraid that the poor monk is no longer your match. The reason why I came here today is to talk to the prince. There is no malice!"

After Ran Deng finished speaking, he sat cross-legged directly.

Liu Ming was not polite and sat down on the ground.

"Prince, I think you already have the prototype of a saint, right? Haha, congratulations. I'm afraid that the prince will be the second saint of the demon clan in the near future!"

Ran Deng looked at Liu Ming and said, the first one is naturally Nuwa.

After hearing this, Liu Ming laughed directly and said: "Haha, he is indeed the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng. He has good eyesight. Yes, now I have indeed realized a glimmer of opportunity, and may be able to attain enlightenment and become a saint!"

Liu Ming did not hide anything and told Ran Deng about his situation.

I still feel good about Ran Deng and Liu Ming. At least Ran Deng is still a smart man. Unlike Tathagata and Guanyin Bodhisattva, who thought that he was a disciple of the Three Pure Ones in his previous life, no matter how arrogant he is, even if he becomes a leader of Buddhism, it will be difficult for him to do so. Get rid of the bad habits of the Sanqing Sect members, who like to teach this and that every day!

This is not the case with Ran Deng. At least he still has the proper etiquette.

"That's congratulations. The prince's journey along the way has naturally been a bit difficult, but there are also some great opportunities. This is your fate!"

Ran Deng said with a smile.

"Randeng, this is not the first day we have met. If you have something to say, just say it directly. Don't talk too much. I don't have time to listen to your thoughts on life!"

Liu Ming said directly.

When Ran Deng heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then said: "Prince, this poor monk came here just for you and for Buddhism. Now you are constantly competing for Buddhism's luck, which is not good for Buddhism. But it’s also disadvantageous for you, Prince!”

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Liu Ming was a little curious and puzzled.

For me, having more luck is a good thing, but where does it come from?

I'm afraid this Ran Deng is a bit alarmist, or he's trying to deceive himself!

It seems that this is the lobbyist invited by Tathagata to make him give in.

Liu Ming looked at Ran Deng lazily, waiting for him to say something important.

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