Looking at Liu Ming's expression, Ran Deng understood that Liu Ming didn't believe what he said.

"Prince, you understand the meaning of why this calamity is called calamity!"

After Ran Deng asked, Liu Ming waved his hand and said, "Of course I'm not sure about this. Just tell me and I'll just listen!"

Ran Deng continued: "Measuring tribulations is when Heaven releases its own will. It is also due to some reasons that it has accumulated catastrophes, so it is expressed with the help of measuring tribulations! Now this journey to the west to measure tribulations is because this Heavenly Dao senses the arrival of Buddhism, and a brand new The Taoism is formed, so the luck and calamity are reduced to make Buddhism prosper!

The prince must be aware of this, but there is another thing that the prince is not clear about, that is, this luck was sent down by heaven to Western Buddhism, so it belongs to the West. Maybe the prince thought that if he took it away, it would be his own, but it is not! "

Ran Deng paused as he spoke, and Liu Ming's face turned serious at this moment.

Because actually Liu Ming also felt this way, as if he had overlooked something.

"Prince, from the beginning to the end, all luck belongs to the West. It is essentially the Buddhist luck of the West. You can take it away, but you cannot truly enjoy the benefits of luck because it does not belong to you. , you even have the reputation of stealing luck.

Maybe you don't care, but you have to know that Heaven cares, because this is what it gave to the West. If you took it away, not only did you offend the West, but Heaven was also a little angry, so although there is no harm now, wait In the end, I'm afraid you will suffer the consequences. One drink and one peck will determine your fate! In addition, this time you understand why the saint Taishang Laojun gave up his luck!

Think about it, even the great saints dare not get involved in this destiny. They are also afraid of being contaminated by the cause and effect of heaven. Now that you are like this, the consequences will be very serious! "

After Ran Deng finished speaking, Liu Ming's face gradually became thoughtful.

Ran Deng said no more and just waited for Liu Ming to realize it himself.

Liu Ming closed his eyes!

I kept thinking about Ran Deng's words in my mind.

Ran Deng also closed his eyes and directly recited passages of scriptures.

If outsiders saw it, they would definitely be disappointed. This is so harmonious!

An ancient Buddha is chanting sutras, and a demon prince is enlightening. No matter how you look at it, it feels really harmonious and happy.

Time keeps passing!

But Liu Ming still didn't open his eyes, and Ran Deng was not in a hurry and kept reciting his scriptures.

At this moment, the three great Bodhisattvas in the distance looked at them curiously.

Tathagata also appeared here.

"Tathagata Buddha, it seems that the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng has a solution! Could it be that this prince of the demon race has been completely opened up to Buddhism by the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng, and finally converted to my Buddha?"

Manjushri Bodhisattva asked curiously.

Tathagata shook his head.

"Hmph, it's rare to make him realize his mistake. If he converts to Buddhism, I'm afraid it won't be a blessing for Buddhism, but it will be a disaster! This burning lamp still has some tricks! Without beating or scolding, this devil prince will be killed Calm down!"

Tathagata said with some taste.

After all, Ran Deng has this ability, but he doesn't, which makes him a little embarrassed.

Just as a group of them were discussing, Liu Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

Ran Deng also hurriedly stopped reciting scriptures by himself.

"Amitabha, Prince, you have already understood and achieved enlightenment!"

Ran Deng asked hurriedly.

Liu Ming nodded.

When Ran Deng saw it, he felt a little happy for a moment, but his face remained calm as usual.

"I don't know what the prince has suddenly realized. Let me tell you and I, a poor monk, can help you understand!"

Ran Deng said.

"Well, I want to ask you first, Ancient Buddha on the Burning Deng, where did you learn your ability to deceive, talk nonsense, and deceive people everywhere? How could I remember that you didn't have this ability before? Could it be that there is something else in Buddhism? This kind of cultivation technique is called the Dafa of deception?"

Liu Ming looked at Ran Deng very seriously.

Ran Deng's face suddenly solidified. After hearing Liu Ming's words, his face was full of doubts.

"what do you mean?"

Liu Ming stood up and said, "Didn't you ask me what I have learned? Well, I will tell you that my sentiment is that all the profound things you just said are all fart!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Ran Deng's face suddenly turned red, pale, and livid.

"You, what did you say? The poor monk tried to persuade you with good intentions, but you are so stubborn and even hurt others with your words!"

Ran Deng pointed at Liu Ming and said.

"Hey, I don't want this either, but the problem is, this is the fact! What you said is indeed a fart! Apart from anything else, I have really grabbed this luck thing, and it can indeed bring me benefits. As for the punishment from Heaven you are talking about, it is just your fantasy, haha, how can Heaven not have the time to deal with such a thing?

Let me tell you, this calamity is called the Calamity of Luck, and Taoist Hongjun was grateful that he owed the West, and in order to settle his own karma, he gave this calamity to the West! Heaven doesn't care who it is, he just brings this luck down one by one. Do you understand? "

Liu Ming looked at Ran Deng and said word by word.

Ran Deng instantly took a few steps back.

His face was full of embarrassment and unwillingness.

"Okay, Ran Deng, because of our previous friendship, I am giving you face and letting you finish talking about calamity with me. Who do you think you are? How many calamities have you seen yourself?

I have been involved in the two calamity measurements by the Lich, the Conferred God Measuring Calamity, and now the Westward Journey Measuring Calamity. I know much better than you about measuring calamity. Brother, you want to fool me, You got the wrong guy! As for Taishang Laojun, haha, it is because he has not achieved his goal, so he is a little embarrassed to keep this luck! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

How interesting!

Fool yourself with one set after another!

Don’t you just want to stop competing with the West for luck?

I also want to hear what truth this Ran Deng can say. Unexpectedly, he even used tricks to deceive himself.

It’s really all you can do!

Ran Deng's chest was rising and falling.

What Liu Ming just said was so heart-wrenching!

You have known for a long time that I have deceived you and lied to you, so you can just say no directly. It is like watching a monkey show, and you still listen to your spiel very cooperatively, pretending that you are comprehending.

Bai made himself a little happy.

Now it seems that Liu Ming just looked at him like he was a fool!

Ran Deng tried hard to calm down his emotions, it was so irritating, so irritating!

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