Seeing the queen's expression, Tang Sanzang felt flustered and his mouth felt a little dry!

It's terrible!

"Queen, please respect yourself. This poor monk came here for the purpose of traveling to the west. He also asked the queen to exchange documents and let me go! Well, now that I have eaten, it's time for this poor monk to leave!"

Tang Sanzang stood up directly.

When the queen heard this, her face instantly became a little ugly.

"You want to leave? Brother Yudi, don't you understand what I mean? I will give you the entire Xiliang Kingdom and the wealth of the entire country with me. Are you still unwilling? You are really so cruel!"

The queen began to cry as she spoke.

Now Tang Sanzang didn't know what to do even more. He wanted to comfort him, but he felt that he was a little inconvenient.

But no matter what, I feel that this queen is pitiful and I can't be so cruel.

"Hey, it's not that the poor monk is unwilling, but he has a heavy responsibility and cannot stay. The poor monk is going to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. How can he stay with you in Xiliang Kingdom!"

After Tang Sanzang finished speaking, the queen instantly showed a smile. It turned out that it was not because of unwillingness, but because of the responsibility she shouldered!

Since that's the case, it's easy to handle!

The queen walked directly to Tang Sanzang and said: "Brother Yudi, since you want to learn the scriptures, don't you have disciples? Just let them go. Wait for them to come back from the scriptures, and you will be on a mission. At worst, give them a The good thing is that all the wealth of our Xiliang Kingdom is at your disposal, what do you think?"

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he thought, This is not possible!

You are the protagonist of the scripture study, so how can you let Sun Wukong and the others take over? If they go there, they may not even be able to find the scriptures!

But if you don't go now, it will be difficult for the Queen!

At this moment, Tang Sanzang didn't know how to deal with it.

Especially when the queen looked at the hesitant Tang Sanzang and started crying again, that was really pitiful.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he felt even more difficult to make a decision.


In the void!

Guanyin Bodhisattva directly released a burst of anger.

Liu Ming was startled by his sudden anger!

"I'll go, what do you mean, you want to hit me!"

Liu Ming looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and asked.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face turned gloomy at this moment, "Humph, shut up. What a Buddhist monk. I originally thought that his mind was already very firm, but I didn't expect that he still had an ordinary mind and wanted to stay! Okay, What a great Tang Sanzang!"

When Liu Ming heard this, it turned out that he was a little dissatisfied with Tang Sanzang's hesitation!

You can't blame him, after all, he is also a human being, a man!

"Hey, look at you, you are boring! Although Tang Sanzang is a little hesitant, he is not to blame for the problem! After all, he is a mortal, and it is natural for him to have a mortal heart. People have seven emotions and six desires. What is this? Ah! Right? Besides, what I want to say is, Tang Sanzang hasn’t made a choice yet, so why should you be anxious? Maybe he may not stay, but even if he does, you don’t have to worry, it’s only a matter of days!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the Guanyin Bodhisattva showed a murderous look in his eyes.

"Shut up. In your heart, I'm afraid you want him to stay and destroy Buddhism, right? Humph, I won't let you succeed. You'd better stay here!"

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished speaking directly, he was ready to remind Tang Sanzang.

Liu Ming on the side didn't say much, because his mind was not on whether Tang Sanzang should stay or not.

He has already stared at this luck!

And just after Guanyin Bodhisattva took action, Tang Sanzang's mind was instantly washed away by a scripture.

His brief pause made the queen think that Tang Sanzang's heart was moved, and she cried even more fiercely.

Tang Sanzang's eyes showed a firm look at this moment.

At this moment, when he looked at the Queen, he no longer had the same pity and pity as before.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang looked around, trying to find Sun Wukong.

When the queen looked at Tang Sanzang, her expression seemed to be a little different, and she stopped crying.

"Brother Yudi, what are you doing? Have you already agreed?"

the queen asked.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he shook his head.

"Your Majesty, please respect yourself. This poor monk is a monk and a disciple of Buddhism. How can he stay and marry you? This is impossible. In addition, I also ask the queen to give me the documents as soon as possible. This poor monk is going to the west!"

Seeing how determined Tang Sanzang was, the queen was already a little angry.

It's really shameless.

My majestic queen has told you so much, but she still disagrees.

Then the queen no longer had a good face. She looked at Tang Sanzang and said: "If you don't agree, I won't give you the document. If you want to leave, just go. Just pretend that I have never met you." !”

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he felt really bitter. If it wasn't for the documents, he would have left long ago.

"Master, you can agree first and let him give us the documents, and then you can use your excuse to send us to the west. Then Lao Sun can just take you away, right?"

Sun Wukong said in Tang Sanzang's ear.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he thought this was a solution, but he was very afraid that the queen would actually make a fake show and make him lose his virginity!

But there is no other way now, this is the only way.

Tang Sanzang then said that he could agree, but he must allow his disciples to learn the scriptures.

When the queen heard this, she thought this was great, so she wrote the document and gave it to Sun Wukong.

And Zhu Bajie was still a little dissatisfied. He felt that Tang Sanzang was enjoying the blessings here, while they were burdened by going to the West.

And just after Tang Sanzang took the queen and the group out, Tang Sanzang found that Sun Wukong didn't seem to have any intention of taking him away, which made Tang Sanzang a little anxious.

"Master, just stay here with the Queen. I will come back to you when I come back from my study. By then, you may have become the father of many children! Haha!"

Sun Wukong said jokingly.

Tang Sanzang kept winking at him, and the Queen shyly turned her head to the side.

At this moment, Sun Wukong stretched out his hand and pulled Tang Sanzang over, and then disappeared in the clouds and mist.

The Queen just came back to her senses and was stunned when she looked at Tang Sanzang leaving!

After a while, I realized that Tang Sanzang had run away!

"You are a betrayer, you are a monk of the Tang Dynasty. You have betrayed me. From now on, no man can appear in my Xiliang Kingdom. Anyone who appears will be killed!"

The king of the daughter kingdom was already a little angry.

I fed the dog on my own wishful thinking!

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