At the moment when the queen vented her anger, a stream of luck flew out of the sky above Xiliang Kingdom and headed towards Tang Sanzang.

Liu Ming, who had been waiting for a long time, his eyes lit up, and he killed him in a flash. He stretched out his hand and directly blessed himself with this luck.

With such lightning speed, Guanyin Bodhisattva had no reaction at all.

When he came back to his senses, he had to ask himself, what did Liu Ming do?

But soon the Guanyin Bodhisattva understood it!

"You, you actually took away the luck that belonged to Tang Sanzang. Are you still a human being?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't know how to vent her dissatisfaction.

"What's the point? Tang Sanzang has almost lost his temper now. As a queen, he is naturally not qualified to enjoy this luck. You might as well give it to me. Besides, I also contributed this time. At least it didn’t interfere with him, right?”

Liu Ming said matter-of-factly.

And this Guanyin Bodhisattva is about to faint now.

I watched helplessly, stared helplessly, and finally my luck ran out.

How could he bear this pain?

"You, you, okay, I..."

Guanyin said a few words but didn't know what to say and left directly.

Liu Ming looked at him and shook his head. He didn't do anything bad!

Isn't this normal?

Sun Wukong led Tang Sanzang directly to catch up with Zhu Bajie and the others.

Just after Tang Sanzang landed, a sudden evil wind blew and swept Tang Sanzang away in an instant.

Sun Wukong thought Tang Sanzang was still behind him, but when he looked back, no one was there!

"Where's the master!"

Sun Wukong asked.

"I was blown away by the wind just now. Senior brother, the monster is coming! Master has been captured!"

Sha Monk said directly.

When Sun Wukong heard this, the monster took him away?

He looked around directly.

There was no one left.

"Did you see the master being taken away?"

Sun Wukong asked.

And the Sha Monk nodded directly.

Sun Wukong suddenly lost his temper and said: "You saw it, but you were indifferent and didn't show any expression? Sha Seng, what do you mean?"

When Sha Seng heard this, he showed an innocent expression.

"Um, aren't I a little stupid too?"

When Sun Wukong heard Sha Seng's reason, he was also drunk!

"Let's go and look for it. It's true. We just left the daughter's kingdom, and now we have left our master in the hands of monsters. I admire you too!"

Afterwards, the three people began to search around.

At this moment, Liu Ming suddenly felt some changes in his body.

I couldn't help but be shocked!

He hurriedly checked and found that his body had condensed a series of laws of power without knowing when.

Liu Ming took a closer look and realized that all the luck had turned into laws of power.

This made Liu Ming feel excited.

The law of power!

This is great!

In the entire ancient world, the power of various laws is extremely powerful!

He now has the Law of Space, and now he has the Law of Power.

But now Liu Ming suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. If you condense these laws of power, and then use them to coordinate with your own Chaos Slashing Heaven and Earth two moves to send them out together.

Will it be possible to directly break the constraints and barriers of heaven!

In this way, I'm afraid I can become a saint in the end!

Thinking of this, Liu Ming instantly became interested.

He started practicing directly in the void. Watching the power in his body continue to gather, Liu Ming felt a burst of joy in his heart.

It works!

This practice of my own has really worked.

Gradually Liu Ming has entered into his own understanding.

At this moment, he also started practicing in the void because of a sudden thought.

Waves of light from the law of power appeared all over his body.

At this moment, the phantom from before appeared in his mind, and it was constantly chopping the chaos.

At this moment, Liu Ming also imitated the movements of the phantom and used his own power laws to accumulate strength to take action.

Liu Mingyi is also very brave, and he is very lucky at the moment, so even if he starts practicing like this, no one will come to disturb him.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will end up being directly attacked by others in the end.

At least he was injured, at worst his cultivation was completely scrapped.

While Liu Ming was practicing at this moment, Hongjun, who was far away in Zixiao Palace, suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing the jade dish of creation shaking at this moment, Hongjun's expression changed.

I don’t know what caused the jade dish of creation to be so unstable.

Hongjun glanced at Tiandao and found that Tiandao was also somewhat obscure and difficult to distinguish.

"Strange, what is going on? Why is such a strange phenomenon happening? Even a poor man can't see through it!"

Hongjun looked into the distance with some surprise.

But nothing was found.

Hongjun then counted with his fingers, and suddenly a ray of light shot directly into the void where Liu Ming was.

Hongjun couldn't see clearly because of some bright reflections.

Hongjun raised his hand and directly hit the Zixiao Palace with a phantom.

At this moment, there is nothing but a ball of light in the phantom.

Hongjun looked at it carefully for a long time, as if there was a figure sitting in it.

But Hongjun couldn't figure out who this was no matter how he looked!


Hongjun's face gradually became serious, and he watched the light gradually dissipate.

He just stared at the phantom, but when the light in the phantom gradually disappeared, Hongjun found that the figure had disappeared.

This made Hongjun a little surprised.

I’ve been watching for so long, but I haven’t seen anything!

What a disappointment!

However, Hongjun's expression soon became calmer.

"The entire prehistoric period is under Pindao's surveillance, and now something like this is happening. It seems that there is no one else except you! I just don't know what you are doing here?"

Hongjun quickly thought of who this figure was!

Who else could there be besides Liu Ming, the demon prince?

After all, he was the only one who was somewhat beyond Hongjun's control.

This is why Hongjun insists on involving Liu Ming in various calamities again and again. The purpose is to see what Liu Ming is going to do and what kind of monster he is.

But Hongjun found that he still hadn't understood it yet. Liu Ming was really a bit unclear!

After Hongjun took down the phantom directly, he watched the jade dish of creation and the way of heaven gradually regain their composure.

"It seems that it is indeed you. Haha, I didn't expect that every move you make now can actually affect the way of heaven and the jade dish of creation. It's amazing. I admire you. I am looking at you so well now. Look. What on earth are you going to do!”

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