Although Hongjun's observation didn't find anything, it aroused Hongjun's suspicion.

At this moment, Liu Ming had already left the void.

He returned directly to his demon clan!

This time's training allowed him to realize some opportunities to break through to the saint, so he returned to the demon clan.

After all, this is my base camp and my home.

It is most secure to practice here.

If Liu Ming knew that Hongjun had discovered him at that moment, he would definitely have chosen to return to the Monster Clan!

At the beginning, I had an enlightenment in my heart, so I started practicing directly. How could I consider so many things?

And he simply didn't know that his practice would cause so many things.

I also don’t understand that I can actually touch the way of heaven.

Just when I came back, I saw Bai Ze, the demon commander, who was patrolling the demon clan.

"Prince, you are back!"

Bai Ze looked at Liu Ming in surprise. Liu Ming nodded and said, "Well, there are some things. Come back for a while!"

Bai Ze hurriedly accompanied Liu Ming back to the Demon Clan Hall.

Just as he was about to enter, he saw the demon general and a few people walking out.

Liu Ming took a look and frowned.

"Who is this person? Why did he fall in love with the demon clan!"

Just now Liu Ming took a look and saw that the demon general was bringing him down was actually a spider spirit.

Although this demon clan is the base camp of demon beasts, not all demon beasts are qualified to enter!

The original Nine-tailed Fox and the others were not qualified enough, so they stayed in Xuanyuan's tomb.

But now that a spider spirit appears in the demon clan's hall, this is a bit inappropriate.

"Prince, you remember that when you went to Zixiao Palace last time, before you left, you told us to send people to go to the human world to find some monsters to come back. These are the monsters you brought back. This is already the third batch. , but none of them seem to have good feet!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, Liu Mingcai finally understood.

He did ask them to go down and find talented monsters. After all, he was discovering talents.

But I didn't expect it to be something like this.

But you can understand it if you think about it, because this powerful monster is now either independent, or has become a vassal of Buddhism, Heaven, or even the Three Pure Ones.

Where else is there anything awesome?

In fact, Liu Ming had another reason for letting them go down, which was to find some monsters in this calamity, so that they could make calculations.

It's a pity that they didn't seem to understand what they meant, and they probably didn't find it either.

Liu Ming shook his head and said: "That's it, Bai Ze, tell them not to look for them anymore. I will go there myself later. By the way, now that you have found these monsters, don't put them back, in case they go down." We have revealed our secrets, so we can stay in the Monster Clan and find a place to settle down! If anyone really has bad intentions, just kill them!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he walked directly to the Demon Clan Hall.

Bai Ze turned around and gave some instructions to the demon generals before taking the spider spirit away.

Knowing that he could stay in the demon clan, this spider spirit never expected.

Especially when I learned that the demon clan prince personally arranged it, I felt even more excited.

But Liu Ming didn't even know who he was.

Just why not let him go down and reveal the secrets of the demon clan?

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming who came in and stood up hurriedly.

"Haha, why are you back? Did something happen?"

Di Jun asked.

Liu Ming shook his head and said: "It's okay, I just suddenly felt something in my heart and wanted to come back to practice for a while. Maybe this time I can find a way to become a saint and try to break through the shackles of heaven! By the way, Dong Where has Uncle Huang gone?"

Liu Ming was a little surprised when he saw that Donghuang Taiyi, who had always been inseparable from Emperor Jun, was no longer here.

"Your Uncle Donghuang went out. Kunpeng couldn't bear the torture of the Red Boy, so he came over and asked if someone else could teach him. And your Uncle Donghuang learned that the Red Boy's flames are very powerful. Just go and have a look, after all, in the entire prehistoric world, our Golden Crow clan is the most powerful when it comes to playing with fire, isn’t it?”

Di Jun said with a smile.

When Liu Ming heard this, he thought, isn't it? The dignified Kunpeng, being tortured by a red boy, actually asked Di Jun for help! How interesting!

"So that's it. This red boy is quite good. He has some deep roots. After all, his father is the Bull Demon King, and he can be considered a powerful Demon King. By the way, the Bull Demon King! Haha, I forgot about him!"

Liu Ming suddenly smiled and said.

Di Jun looked at him curiously, but when Liu Ming didn't explain, Di Jun didn't ask any more questions.

Presumably Liu Ming himself had a plan.

"By the way, you just said that you came back to practice this time, but you have already understood the method of attaining enlightenment and becoming a saint. Do you really want to prove it with all your strength like your uncle Donghuang said? This is a bit difficult! "

Di Jun looked at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, I know it too, but Father, apart from the way and opportunity to prove the Tao with force, I don't know anything else! There are no saints in our demon clan. It's not easy to have one now." I have no choice but to do this. Last time I asked Saint Nuwa about the merits to become a saint, and she actually told me that all I need to do is find the great merits.

Think about it, she said it so lightly, but how could she have such great merit! Hou Tu achieved supreme merit and became a saint when he was reincarnated, but the question is, where can such merit exist now! "

After listening to Liu Ming's words, Di Jun also nodded.

It is indeed gone!

Whoever takes action on this thing first will benefit.

The first person to eat crabs will definitely get the most and easiest opportunities.

"Okay, now that you are back, just practice hard and arrange whatever you need!"

Di Jun said.

Liu Ming nodded after listening.

Now he is somewhat interested in Honghai'er.

He came directly to Kunpeng's Demon Master Hall.

He wanted to see how the red boy harmed Kunpeng, and Liu Ming also thought of the Bull Demon King because of the red boy.

It's time to take the time to find the Bull Demon King. No matter whether he can join his demon clan or not, at least Tang Sanzang and the others will have to pass by the Bull Demon King sooner or later this time. The luck of his suppression must be given to him, there is no doubt about it.

Besides, your son Honghaier is here with you, how can he not do things well for you?

"No, no, please, don't burn me! Donghuang Demon Emperor, you really don't care! You don't care, but I want to deal with him. Oh, don't burn me, please stop!"

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