No, no!

Samantabhadra shook his head directly, he was deceived, that's not right!

Even if you beat your apprentice, you can't beat him like this, right?

In addition, Liu Ming did this on purpose.

Pu Xian looked at Tathagata standing aside, but Tathagata simply ignored him.

Because Tathagata has already anticipated this situation.

This was all caused by Puxian digging a hole for himself, and he ended up trapping the six-eared macaque.

"Prince of the demon clan, what are you going to do? Let's be honest. Buddhism is a pure place and cannot tolerate you being so presumptuous. Now, regardless of whether it is true or not, you really shouldn't have beaten this monkey so seriously!"

Tathagata looked at Liu Ming and said.

"Haha, I shouldn't have beaten him! Then I ask you, my disciple, Sun Wukong was beaten like this and almost died. I want to ask you, is this the right thing to do? If you think this is the right thing to do, That’s fine, then I’m not polite!”

Liu Ming said and walked towards Tathagata.

When Tathagata saw Liu Ming coming over, he felt a little flustered. Wasn't he trying to hit himself?

"Prince of the Monster Tribe, it is considered that the Buddhist sect has not seen this matter clearly and has not protected your disciple, the Buddhist Buddhist disciple. This is our fault. It was not intentional! Don't be impulsive, these two monkeys They are exactly the same, and it is difficult for anyone to tell them apart. It is inevitable that problems and mistakes will occur for a while!"

Tathagata said hurriedly.

When he said this, he admitted that he was indeed wrong. Whether it was true or false, or in order to stabilize Liu Ming, at least Buddhism now has an attitude.

"So, you admit that you were wrong and mistook my disciple for a fake one, right?"

Liu Ming asked.

In desperation, Tathagata nodded.

It’s impossible not to admit it!

Now after waiting for so long, the two saints Zhunti and Jieyin have not come forward. Without them, Tathagata knew that even if the entire Buddhist sect was added, Liu Ming would not be able to do anything.

Once Liu Ming goes crazy now, it will be the Buddhists who get hurt in the end!

If the entire prehistoric people knew that their Buddhist sect was overthrown by the demon prince alone, no matter what Liu Ming's situation was in the end, it would be detrimental to the Buddhist sect.

There is no prestige left.

"Okay, it's good if you admit it. Monkey, did you hear it? Tathagata has already admitted it. He was wrong. You are the real Sun Wukong. You should rest assured! Tathagata has proved it to you!"

Liu Ming looked back at Sun Wukong who had just sat up at this moment and said.

Sun Wukong nodded.

"Master, Lao Sun knows and has heard it, but now that Lao Sun is real, how to deal with the fake ones? I would also like to ask Tathagata Buddha to give an explanation. Lao Sun cannot be allowed to suffer this in vain, let alone We cannot let Old Sun suffer this unfair injustice in vain!"

Sun Wukong is not a good person. Now that Tathagata has given in, he naturally has to find an explanation.

When Liu Ming heard this, he laughed, yes, a boy can be taught!

This is his apprentice. If he seizes the opportunity, he will not miss it.

"Tathagata, please tell me how to deal with it. My disciple has suffered such a big loss this time and suffered such great injustice and injuries. You can't just make a mistake and be done with it. At least you should give us an explanation! Otherwise, this matter is not over yet. If you can give me an explanation, I am not willing to fight and kill you in your Buddhist pure land!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at Tathagata.

When Tathagata heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He understood the meaning behind Liu Ming's words, but as long as he gave him a satisfactory explanation, he would give up on the matter and no longer pursue it!

This is a good thing!

At least he doesn't have to worry too much. As for the explanation, it's nothing more than a six-eared macaque. Now that Liu Ming feels that he has been crippled and he still doesn't understand his hatred, he can just kill him directly.

Although this six-eared macaque has some strength and can be regarded as doing his best in Buddhism, after all, things are a bit tricky this time. If he abandons the dignity of maintaining Buddhism, the score can still be settled.

At this moment, Puxian looked at the six-eared macaque who was still begging and couldn't bear it.

"Prince of the Demon Clan, although the truth has come to light now, your disciple has been wronged, but after all, you have also destroyed this monkey's cultivation and magic power, and has become a useless person. Why do you have to be so aggressive? In my opinion, Sun Wukong It’s not easy to prove one’s identity this time, and this monkey has also received retribution and punishment, and he deserves it, so let’s forget it!”

Pu Xian said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Tathagata sighed again, "Pig teammates!" Pig teammates!

He pressed down with all his strength, but this Samantabhadra actually kept trying to lift him up. Could it be that he was afraid that he would not be able to fight?

Or is it not enough to think that Buddhism is embarrassing enough now that you dislike it?

"In your opinion? Who are you?"

Liu Ming looked at Puxian coldly and asked.

After hearing this, Tathagata felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

OK! Who are you?

Pu Xian's face cannot be described in words now, because he can no longer remember how many times he has been criticized, and he is so humiliated!

"Prince of the demon clan, you..."

"Puxian, please step aside, I have my own arrangements for this matter!"

Tathagata suddenly interrupted Pu Xian's words and waved his hand to Pu Xian, indicating that he should retreat.

Although Puxian was unwilling, he could only take a few steps back.

"Prince of the Demon Clan, the Buddhist sect did not take notice of this matter, and your disciple was wronged. This is the fault of the Buddhist sect. After all, the reason is that this monkey is really powerful, and it has almost been confused with the real one. This is what makes my Buddhist sect Guan Zizi, King Ksitigarbha has been misled by everyone in Leiyin Temple. This is what made this matter end up like this. Now that it is clear, I can't let him go, you monkey, He is the culprit and deserves to be executed!"

After Tathagata finished speaking, the six-eared macaque beside him, which had lost all cultivation, trembled all over and looked at Tathagata in disbelief.

Tathagata means that he has been abandoned!

He became the scapegoat for this incident!

But the majestic Tathagata of the Western Heaven!

The master of Buddhism actually abandoned himself in order to appease the anger of the demon prince!

If you are really so incompetent, why did you put yourself out there to provoke others in the first place?

At this moment, the six-eared macaque was filled with endless anger and dissatisfaction. He stared at Tathagata and Samantabhadra with his eyes red!

"Do you blame me for this? It turns out that I am the body of a six-eared macaque, and I practiced in the ancient times. It was you who found me, and it was you who took each step..."


The six-eared macaque was originally talking, but when Tathagata slapped it with his palm, his soul was completely frightened in an instant!

"Hmph, you made a lot of mistakes. It was you who deliberately messed up the truth. Now that I am giving you death, it can be considered as your atonement!"

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