After Tathagata finished speaking righteously, the six-eared macaques on the ground had completely dispersed.

This is when you will really be beaten to a pulp and nothing will be left.

Tathagata's move made the entire Buddhist sect quiet down.

They didn't expect that Tathagata really meant what he said, and in order to give an explanation to the demon prince, he did it cleanly and neatly.

"Prince of the demon clan, you are satisfied that the person who suffered the sin has been killed. As for my Buddhist sect, I just didn't see it clearly. If you are still dissatisfied, the poor monk called the three great Bodhisattvas, and you can vent your anger one by one! "

After Tathagata finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ming seriously.

This made Liu Ming a little surprised!

This Tathagata seems to have become smarter.

At least these two sentences about holding a gun and carrying a stick are somewhat surprising.

The Tathagata has said this, so I can't go too far.

After all, you can't give no face at all.

The use of six-eared macaques to harm Sun Wukong is over here.

Of course, it's just that this matter has stopped.

After beating Sun Wukong like this, he couldn't let it go and wanted some compensation.

Liu Ming looked at Tathagata and laughed, which made Tathagata's heart suddenly feel beating. He was really not afraid of the demon prince's gloomy face, he was just afraid of his laughter!

Because I don’t know what idea is behind this smile.

"Very well, Tathagata, since you said that you Buddhists didn't see clearly and killed the six-eared macaque, this matter will not be pursued. You just need to be more discerning in the future!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Tathagata still didn't dare to rest assured, because he felt that Liu Ming had some unspoken plans.

Nonsense, if you let them go so easily, I'm afraid Liu Ming himself won't be able to agree.

I haven't seen it clearly yet. This is either obvious or telling lies.

Originally, this was just a strategy set by Buddhism to replace Sun Wukong. I really thought Liu Ming was a fool and didn't understand anything.

I'm just too lazy to worry about it so much.

"That Tathagata, although this matter is settled, there is one more thing you have forgotten. You beat Sun Wukong like this to me. This is a bit unjustifiable. After all, this is my disciple who was beaten by a group of you." I got beaten up, so I can’t show my dignity. Besides, you guys were too cruel. Look at how hard you beat Sun Wukong, he almost died! Shouldn’t there be some expression of this!"

Liu Ming looked at the Tathagata with a smile and asked.

When Tathagata heard this, his eyes widened and he asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

Didn't I already say that I made a mistake and didn't see the person clearly, so I accidentally injured Sun Wukong!

What are you still doing?

You can't be so unreasonable and unforgiving!

I have already killed a six-eared macaque, what else can I do? This is not the same thing inside and out!

Why now that we are here with the demon prince, it has become two different things!

Could it be that he wanted the lion to open his mouth this time and blackmail himself?

Tathagata was a little confused and said directly: "Prince of the demon clan, tell me what you want to do!"

And Liu Ming laughed and said: "Tathagata, you don't need to be nervous, this matter is easy to say!"

Don't be nervous when Tathagata hears this? It would be strange if you are not nervous!

This demon prince doesn't necessarily want to plot against him.

"If you have something to say, just say it!"

Tathagata said directly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he nodded.

"Okay, then there is no need to hide it, Tathagata, now my disciple Sun Wukong has been injured by you, you don't need to say anything, no matter whether it was you who injured him or not, but at least he is like this now, it is you after all. It must have been done by Buddhists, so I thought this luck would be given to him, so it’s not too much!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Tathagata nodded without thinking much.

This time, I originally thought that after the six-eared macaque could replace Sun Wukong, Buddhism would get a loyal subordinate and this luck, a double happiness. But now that the six-eared macaque has also been If you kill him, your luck won't matter. If you give it to Sun Wukong, you'll give it to him!

Anyway, as long as Liu Ming, the god of plague, can be dispatched now.

After Tathagata nodded, a stream of luck dropped directly from the sky above the Western Lingshan Mountain and landed on Sun Wukong's head.

When Liu Ming saw that his goal was achieved, he felt a little happy.

"Also, Tathagata, you see that Sun Wukong has been so seriously injured this time. You said that it would be difficult for him to continue to protect Tang Sanzang on his journey to the west. After all, the injury is serious and needs to be nursed back to health. !”

Liu Ming said with a sigh.

When Tathagata heard this, he immediately had an extra suspicion in his heart. What was Liu Ming planning again?

This can't be allowed to happen.

"What are you going to say? Since this monkey can't move forward, it's better to let him go back to cultivate. We, the Buddhist sect, will just send others to assist Tang Sanzang. You don't have to worry about this."

Tathagata did not follow Liu Ming's wishes, which made Liu Ming frown a little.

This Tathagata is really careful enough now!

But it doesn’t matter, since you don’t say it, Liu Ming can say it himself!

"Haha, it's actually simple. It doesn't have to be so complicated. If you want to change someone, that's fine. Even if Daozu doesn't agree, I'm afraid the calamity will change. After all, it's not good. What do you think? I think What I want to say is very simple, just one thing, since this monkey can’t go, as the master, I can’t just sit by and watch, so let me go and take his place for a while!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Tathagata suddenly opened his eyes wide.




Tathagata, Samantabhadra, and Manjusri all shouted in unison.

Liu Ming looked back at the three people.

What a single-minded person!

I had such a big reaction right after I said it.

However, it is useless for you to oppose collectively this time, because this is the reason why I can endure your calculations against Sun Wukong and keep silent.

That's the purpose.

Of course, this is also because Sun Wukong is fine. Although he is injured, it is not fatal!

If Sun Wukong is really beaten to death, it will be another story, a sad story of Western Buddhism bleeding like a river.

"Tathagata, and you two, this prince is not discussing this matter with you, and is informing you that Sun Wukong cannot go now, and Tang Sanzang may be in danger at any time. Haha, you cannot and cannot send people. So I think this is the most suitable thing for him, and you shouldn’t refuse it, let alone oppose it!”

Liu Ming looked at Tathagata and Samantabhadra, Manjusri said.

At this moment, Liu Ming no longer had the same good attitude as before, and he no longer had the smile he had just now. His face had turned gloomy, and his words also contained some murderous intent.

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