Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 82: The war begins, the demon clan is in difficulty

Listening to Nuwa's sudden message coming to him, Di Jun looked back.

The solemn look in Nuwa's eyes made him feel helpless.

“You two, sit down, are you still waiting for me to invite you personally?

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, and the word "please" was filled with endless murderous intent.

Di Jun sighed and sat down directly.

Dong Huangtai sat directly next to Di Jun.

The current situation has left them with no choice but to look forward to Liu Ming.

But without the two of them, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation would not be able to exert its strength at all, and the two of them were now despairing.

They had already planned to fight back no matter how hard they fought if the situation changed.

But now Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieyin and Zhunti have clear attitudes. Although Taishang Laojun is ambiguous, he still faces the three of them.

They have no chance or hope of winning.

Just when Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were forcibly detained in the void, there was already some panic in the Heavenly Court Hall.

Liu Ming's face was solemn now.

"Everyone is quiet. Now that Emperor Father and Uncle Donghuang have not returned, it must be difficult to escape. This time we can only rely on ourselves. If we can deal with it, the two of them can naturally handle it with ease. Otherwise, we monsters will The clan is in danger!”

Liu Ming looked at everyone and said.

Bai Ze and the others quickly calmed down.

Now that Liu Ming is the backbone, everything is not so scary anymore.

"Prince, you give the order. Now the demon clan obeys the prince's order and fights against the witch clan!"

Bai Ze saluted directly to Liu Ming.

After Bai Ze expressed his attitude, Ji Meng, Yingzhao, Shang Yang, Gui Che, Jiu Ying, Fei Lian and others behind him all saluted Liu Ming.

Liu Ming's pressure suddenly doubled. This was his first time giving orders as the person in charge of the demon clan.

"Prince, make a decision immediately!"

Kunpeng reminded him from the side.

Liu Ming came back to his senses instantly.

"Brothers from the demon clan, listen to the order and mobilize the army to follow this prince to meet the enemy!"

With a wave of the God-killing Spear in Liu Ming's hand, the demon army immediately headed towards the border.

Now the two armies are facing each other with great momentum.

The entire border atmosphere of the Thirty-third Heaven is gradually solidifying.

"The bold witch tribe has not changed its stubbornness and dares to provoke me, the demon tribe. Last time I allowed you to survive, but this time you all must die!"

Liu Ming stood in front of the demon clan, and the God-killing Spear in his hand instantly released a monstrous murderous aura.

Feeling the anger of his master, Taotie added the brutality of his ancient beast to the God-killing Spear!

Xuan Ming saw that only Liu Ming and the demon commanders came out, but not Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, and couldn't help but feel reassured.

This time the demon clan is doomed.

"Stop talking nonsense, you and I will fight until death! Set up a formation!"

Xuan Ming waved his hand, and the six great ancestral witches and the six great witches stood directly in their respective positions.

Gradually, a majestic power was released directly from the thirty-third heaven.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun had already cast a shadow in the void.

It was said to be a discussion, but in fact it was just a few great men from ancient times watching the battle between lich and lich.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked pale at the movements of the Wu clan.

"This is the great formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods, it's not good!"

Just as Di Jun was about to stand up, a huge force suddenly pressed directly on him.

"Fellow Daoist Dijun, why are you going? Do you really want to force me to take action?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly.

"Calm down, respond to your prince, and trust your people!"

Nuwa sent a message again.

But Di Jun still has no confidence at all.

He was so disheartened that if the demon clan was destroyed, he would even blow himself up and drag Yuanshi and the three of them on the road together.

At this moment, behind the ancestral witch of the Thirty-third Heavenly Witch Clan, a shadow has gradually become clearer.

"The great formation of the Twelve Capital Gods, what a witch clan, the centipede insect is dead but not stiff, I was careless!"

Liu Ming was extremely anxious at this moment.

"Prince, what should I do? The Wu Clan can actually gather the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation. Now that the Emperor of Heaven and Lord Donghuang are not here, our Zhoutian Xingdou Formation has no formation eyes!"

Bai Ze asked hurriedly.

At this moment, Pangu Xuying had already stood up.

The Wu Clan once again summoned Pangu's true body through the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

At this moment, the demon clan is already panicking.

Pangu's true form is not something they can resist!

Liu Ming was already sweating on his forehead.

"The demon clan obeyed the order and set up a formation. Three hundred and sixty-five demon generals occupied the stars and formed a star-fighting formation without a circle in the sky!"

Liu Ming suddenly shouted and directly occupied Sun Star's position.

He wanted to occupy the place where Emperor Jun set up his formation.

But Kunpeng's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he flew away directly to occupy the position belonging to Donghuang Taiyi!

When Bai Ze saw it, he didn't care. He was treating a dead horse as a living horse.

"Quick, follow the prince's order and set up the formation! Set up the formation!"

In an instant, three hundred and sixty-five demon generals formed their formations directly according to the direction of the stars.

However, without the two treasures of Hetu Luoshu and Donghuang Bell, although the Zhoutian Star Formation has taken shape, the power of the stars has not been gathered yet.

Liu Ming closed his eyes and imagined the stars in the sky in his mind. After all, he learned this formation from He Tuluo's book.

Liu Ming suddenly stretched out his hand and a beam of starlight poured into his body.

"Use my body to attract the stars in the sky!"

Liu Ming shouted loudly and directly communicated with Zhou Tianxingdou with his own body.

But at this moment, Pangu's true form, which was condensed in the twelve capitals' formation of gods and demons, had already struck with a giant axe.

In an instant, the sky became dark and the earth became dark, and a powerful force that destroyed the world and destroyed the world rushed straight towards the demon clan.


The entire thirty-third heaven trembled directly, as if it had been moved by a huge force.


Liu Ming fell directly to the ground, and all three hundred and sixty-five demon generals vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Without Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, Zhou Tianxing Dou was vulnerable.

Liu Ming, who was pale, felt pain all over his body at this moment. Pangu's blow, even though it was just a shadow, even the saint did not dare to hit it hard, let alone the great Luo Jinxian Liu Ming.

This is also the strength of Liu Ming's Hongmeng Hegemony, otherwise his body would have been destroyed at this moment.

After the witch clan succeeded with one blow, the six ancestral witches and the six great witches used their strength again, preparing to strike again.

After all, this is not a large formation formed by the twelve ancestral witches, and neither the speed nor the power are of the same level.

Liu Ming looked back and saw that his Zhoutian Xingdou Formation had been destroyed.

Most of the three hundred and sixty-five road demons will be damaged.

Is it really difficult for the demon clan Mo De to change his destiny?

Is there really nothing I can do?

Suddenly, a raging fire burned in Liu Ming's body.

The Sun Sutra, the most powerful and Yang technique, has been directly sublimated.

The entire Sun Star suddenly emitted bursts of dazzling light.

Liu Ming stood up.

He walked towards his position step by step.

"Three hundred and sixty-five demon generals can still fight with the prince!"

Liu Ming shouted loudly.

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