Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 83: The Demon Clan’s Jedi Counterattack

Liu Ming raised his arms and shouted!

Let the entire already desperate demon clan see hope and confidence.




Liu Ming listened to everyone's fighting intentions and directly communicated with Xingchen again.

"Use my body to draw the power of the stars!"

In an instant, the power of stars in the entire starry sky was moving towards the Zhoutian Star Formation.

"Pangu's true form, destroy the demon clan, let go!"

Xuan Ming shouted loudly.

The re-condensed Pangu's true body rose directly into the sky, and the giant ax in his hand slashed hard again!

To Liu Ming, to the demon clan!

At this moment, Liu Ming had already forgotten everything. There was only one goal in his eyes, and that was Pangu's giant axe.

Zhou Tianxingdou's concentrated strength still hasn't been reached.

Pangu's giant ax fell.

Liu Ming felt like his body was torn apart.


The entire three hundred and sixty-five demon generals were all seriously injured, and many were suppressed to death by the huge force.

The demon commanders are at the forefront, and no one can escape.

Fei Dan and Bi Tie were already dying.

In addition to the demon commander and the 365 demon generals, the demon army behind them suffered countless casualties.

The entire demon clan fell into despair.

And Liu Ming, the prince of the demon clan and the current backbone, had fallen to the ground motionless.

In the void!

Look at this situation.

Di Jun's eyes suddenly turned red!

"No, no, I'm going to kill you, who dares to stop me!"

Di Jun jumped into the air, and as soon as he started to move, Jie Yin and Zhunti were suppressed by two saintly auras.

The Donghuang Taiyi Donghuang Bell rotates directly, the heaven and the earth turn over, and Yin and Yang suppress.

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly sacrificed the Pangu flag. As the Pangu flag shook, the entire law of heaven directly confronted the Donghuang Bell.

Nuwa had already held the red hydrangea in her hand at this moment. Her face was solemn, and she saw that Emperor Jun was gradually becoming more and more dangerous in the hands of Jie Yin and Zhunti.

"Dijun, Donghuang, calm down, calm down, he's up!"

Suddenly, Nuwa shouted loudly.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked over hurriedly.

Others also stopped and looked down.

That's right, Liu Ming stood up!

"Demons, demon clan, no, immortal!"

Liu Ming said and drank a drop of the Three Light Divine Water in his hand.

And with a flick of his fingers, Feidan and Bie Tie were both gone.

"Use my body to attract the power of the stars and create a star fight in the sky!"

Liu Ming shouted again.

"Use my body to attract the power of the stars and create a star fight in the sky!"

Bai Ze agreed!

"Use my body to attract the power of the stars and create a star fight in the sky!"

The same goes for Kunpeng!

Suddenly, countless stars in the entire starry sky were heading towards the Zhoutian Star Formation.

The positions of the three hundred and sixty-five demon generals who died were replaced by other demon clan members.

Although the others are not strong enough, they still hold on and line up again!

When the life and death of the demon clan is at stake, no one can retreat!

At this moment, Xuan Ming is fierce and ferocious, with a ferocious face!

My own witch clan has dispatched Pangu's true form twice.

The result did not play the role of completely annihilating the demon clan.

"Cheer up and summon Pangu's true form again!"

"Xuan Ming, we only have six ancestral witches now. Being able to take action twice is already the best. If we take action again, we will suffer backlash!"

Ju Mang said hurriedly.

"I said, get in formation. In the current situation, do you want to stop here? Can you stop?"

Xuan Ming's true form of the ancestral witch has gone completely crazy.

When Ju Mang heard this, he had no choice but to take action again. Xuan Ming was right, there was no way out and he couldn't stop!


Pangu's true body condensed again, and this time Pangu's true body seemed to have lost its power. The entire phantom looked extremely weak, and the giant ax in his hand also lost the power of the previous two times.

On the other hand, in the Monster Clan's Zhoutian Starry Formation, all 365 demon clans used their own bodies as carriers to attract the power of the Zhoutian Stars.

The collision between the giant ax and the starlight once again caused turmoil in the thirty-third heaven that had been peaceful for a quarter of an hour.

But what surprised everyone in the demon tribe was that the force of the impact seemed to be much smaller this time.

"It's saved, it's saved, our Zhoutian Star Formation is showing its power!"

Ji Meng shouted regardless of his injuries and the blood all over his body.

"No, it's Pangu's true form in the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation that has lost its power!"

Kunpeng saw the problem at a glance.

"Kunpeng is right. Now that there is no Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation, I see how your Wu Clan will continue to fight. Kill them for me and slaughter all the Wu Clan. No one will be left alive. The Six Paths will not tolerate it. Heaven and earth will not survive!"

Liu Ming directly took out the God-killing Spear in his hand and killed Xuan Ming.

The demon clan finally got rid of the shadow of Pangu's true body and killed them all.

As for the witch clan, the six ancestral witches and the six great witches all looked pale. They had spent too much energy on gathering the twelve heavenly gods and evil formations.

Soon, the menacing monster clan started killing.

With Liu Ming's God-killing Spear in hand, the law of space immediately descended, imprisoning and killing each one.

Imprisonment kills one pair.

Others also went on a killing spree.

The Wu Clan was originally small in number, but now without the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, they had even lost their will to fight.

"Damn it, damn it, no, my Witch Clan can't be destroyed. No way, get up. Even if you blow yourself up, you'll drag the Monster Clan along with you!"

Xuan Ming suddenly roared crazily.

And with Liu Ming's space confinement law, although the Wu army cannot be completely enveloped, it is even more difficult to self-destruct and die together.

And in the void at this moment.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, who had always had red eyes, finally released their clenched hands.

Both of them were breathing a little faster now, not nervous, but excited.

Hold on, the demon clan holds on!

The prince, the prince of the demon clan, is worthy of being the hope of the demon clan.

Saint Nuwa also breathed out gently.

The sweat on her hands made her realize that she was worried, worried about Liu Ming!

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun, Yin Yin, and Zhunti looked gloomy.

Especially Jie Yin and Zhunti.

The expressions on their faces were extremely ugly.

I saw Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly looking at the two of them, and an unconscious look came out.

As soon as Jieyin hesitated, Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly.

In an instant, Jie Yin and Zhunti suddenly set off.

"Where are you two fellow Taoists going?"

The red hydrangea in front of them directly released a force!

"Nuwa. You!"

Zhunti pointed out his hand.

Di Jun and Dong Huangtai also reacted instantly and stood directly beside Nuwa.

"Isn't it about discussing the Tao? What, you two have to leave, haha, the supreme saint, the Yuanshi saint, this discussion about the Tao cannot leave, but what you said, what? You don't care, you still say what Jie Yin and Zhunti said to you It’s a fart!”

Di Jun asked directly.


Yuanshi Tianzun was immediately furious.

"Okay, everyone, sit down and let's talk about Tao, talk about Tao!"

Taishang Laojun shook his head, and Yuanshi Tianzun was filled with hatred!

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