From the old monk's eyes, Tang Sanzang had already seen the problem. The old monk must have misunderstood.

Later, Tang Sanzang explained the origin and situation of this woman.

Only then did the old monk understand.

It turned out that it was not what I thought, but that this was a person saved by someone who had accumulated good fortune and done good deeds and was compassionate!

This shows that this Tang monk did have some kind intentions.

The old monk felt a little admired.

Afterwards, Tang Sanzang and the others were invited into the main hall.

After entering the main hall, the old monk arranged a place for Tang Sanzang and the others, but there was no place for the rescued woman.

After all, this temple is full of monks. It's really difficult to arrange for a woman to come suddenly.

Tang Sanzang naturally didn't care about this, so he asked the old monk to find a place for the woman and arranged it casually in the main hall.

Sun Wukong looked at this woman and sneered.

"Bajie, Wujing, you should be more careful. This woman is not simple. You have to take good care of the master!"

Sun Wukong looked at Zhu Bajie and the two and gave instructions.

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he looked at Sun Wukong in surprise, but since Sun Wukong said that, it must make sense. So Zhu Bajie didn't say much.

This Tang Sanzang was protected by Sun Wukong and the others. After waking up, Tang Sanzang felt a little uncomfortable, so he stayed for a few more days.

Sun Wukong went out and met a monk. The monk was afraid and hid.

Sun Wukong was suddenly surprised and continued to ask.

As a result, the monk said that six monks had disappeared from his temple during the three days they had been here, two in one day!

You can’t see people alive, you can’t see corpses even if you’re dead!

This made Sun Wukong a little confused, how could such a thing happen?

It shouldn’t be!

Even if Sun Wukong went to see one, he would gain nothing.

"The woman we brought here is still there, take me to see her!"

Sun Wukong said.

Upon hearing this, the monk shook his head.

"That woman left at some point and is no longer here!"

Sun Wukong's expression changed instantly. This time he finally understood. This must be the woman causing trouble!

Otherwise, why would these monks suddenly disappear?

After Sun Wukong returned to his room, he looked at Tang Sanzang who was still chanting sutras and snorted coldly.

"Master, you are chanting sutras here to save the dead monks in this temple!"

Sun Wukong said.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he stopped immediately and looked at Sun Wukong in surprise. What does this mean?

A dead monk in some temple.

After Tang Sanzang asked carefully, Sun Wukong explained the situation clearly to him.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, his expression immediately changed.


The woman he rescued was actually a monster?

This is a bit chilling!

I had put so much effort into saving her, and now...

"Haha, that's it. Master, you originally thought that saving a person's life would be better than building a seven-level pagoda to add some merit to you. But it turns out that this woman is a monster and gave away the lives of six Buddhist disciples in vain. Oops. , This is a sin! Master, you made a wrong calculation this time!"

Zhu Bajie said coldly from the side at this moment.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he instantly felt angry and regretful!

"Shut up. The poor monk didn't know, so he saved her. As the saying goes, he who doesn't know is not guilty, so why are you like this? You were there at the time, why didn't you persuade or stop you? Even if you commit crimes, you can't escape. Get rid of your crime!"

Tang Sanzang said angrily.

Zhu Bajie stood up immediately after hearing this.

"Master, what you said is a bit too much! This matter is your own insistence. What does it have to do with Lao Zhu? Besides, the senior brother had already told you at the time, asking you not to save him. It was you who insisted on it. You are trying to be brave, now it is our fault, you are really interesting!"

Zhu Bajie is not a vegetarian either.

He directly fought Tang Sanzang back.

Now the journey to the west has come to an end, and we are gradually getting closer to the west.

Along the way, neither Buddhism nor Tang Sanzang made any big achievements, which already made Zhu Bajie have his own judgment in his heart.

Therefore, he no longer had much respect for Tang Sanzang, but rather looked down upon him.

As long as you go to the West, Zhu Bajie's benefits are indispensable, so why should you be so humble in front of Tang Sanzang?

Sun Wukong watched Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie arguing. Although Sha Monk on the side did not speak, his expression and attitude showed his feelings.

This master is really interesting!

Sun Wukong secretly thought in his heart.

"Okay, don't say anything. It's like this now. Even if you make a big fuss, it's useless. These monks are dead. Now we should find a way to capture this monster and avenge them. Instead of There is a passing of blame here.

Besides, this responsibility does not cease to exist if you shirk it. You are free to judge whose fault it is. Is it useful for you to argue over it? "

Sun Wukong said coldly.

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie stopped.

But now there is a gap in each other's hearts between the two!

"Yes, Wukong, you are right. This matter should be resolved quickly. This monster is so wanton and uses six monks in a row. It can't continue like this!"

Tang Sanzang turned to look at Sun Wukong and said.

But Sun Wukong ignored him, because Sun Wukong wanted to tell him at this moment, since you were in such a hurry, why did you go there earlier? Besides, if you were in a hurry, you should go by yourself!

Easier said than done!

But now Sun Wukong is too lazy to argue with Tang Sanzang on this matter, because it is useless and just a waste of effort. Tang Sanzang is very good at pretending to be stupid.

It is so powerful that Sun Wukong feels that people are shameless and invincible is his most profound experience now.

"You two protect the master. Old Sun will go to check the situation first. Do you understand? Remember, you must be careful. The purpose of this monster is not just to eat a few monks. It can follow us all the way here. Her purpose is self-evident!”

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he glanced at Tang Sanzang.

When Tang Sanzang heard what Sun Wukong said at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. Sun Wukong meant what he said, but the target of this monster was him!

Yes, it must be for him. After all, none of these monsters don't want to eat Tang Sanzang.

This monster has been following them from the beginning, and has been here all the time. Its purpose is Tang Sanzang himself.

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