Sun Wukong left here and after coming to this hall, he transformed into a little monk.

He directly struck the wooden fish and kept chanting this scripture.

Only he knew that he was actually repeating a sentence. Tang Sanzang was a big fool. He just said it too fast, so no one could hear it clearly.

When it was late at night, the monster came indeed. Looking at Sun Wukong, she adjusted her breath. But just when she was about to eat Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong exploded and hit him hard with the golden hoop in his hand. After the monster was hit, he lost one of his embroidered shoes and disappeared.

Sun Wukong searched for a long time but couldn't find it, so he was a little angry.

This monster is really a bit evil. If you don't see it, it just disappears.

Sun Wukong suddenly saw the black smoke disappearing from Tang Sanzang's place. His expression changed and he flew back in a hurry.

As a result, after he landed, only Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng were there waving the smoke, but there was no trace of Tang Sanzang.

"You two losers, where is Tang Sanzang, ah, where is the master you asked to protect!"

Sun Wukong scolded the two of them.

When Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng saw it, they were a little dumbfounded. There was no sign of Tang Sanzang here.

Just now a black wind hit, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng hid directly. They didn't come out until they heard Sun Wukong's cry. They really didn't know where Tang Sanzang had gone!

"Brother Monkey, this monster is powerful and we are no match for it, so of course we don't know where the master is. But you have gone to slay the monsters! Why didn't you take down the monster now instead of letting him take the master away?" It’s over!”

Zhu Bajie looked at Sun Wukong and said.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he sneered. This pig head actually has the nerve to blame himself.

It’s really ridiculous!

They didn't have to do anything, just follow Tang Sanzang, and get the benefits of going to the West. This good thing has made the two of them become more and more lazy now.

It was obvious that Tang Sanzang had encountered a monster, but they were not even willing to at least stop him. This was simply too much.

"Humph, although you came to this calamity with the purpose of obtaining benefits, but you do nothing like this, do you think the Buddhist sect doesn't know? Or do you think that this way you can guarantee that you will get the benefits? Tell me You guys are wishful thinking, I advise you to think about it carefully!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he flew out directly.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng looked at each other thoughtfully.

"Lao Sha, what the monkey said seems to be right. We really can't do nothing! What do you think?"

Zhu Bajie asked.

After hearing this, the Sha Monk sat down directly and said: "I don't care. I came here this time to be taken care of by Buddhism. As for what merits I can get in the end, I don't care, but you do have some ideas. Although you You have your back against the saint, but if you are as calm as me, you can ignore it, but I think you want more!"

After Sha Seng finished speaking, Zhu Bajie's expression changed and soon returned to normal.

I didn't expect that this Sha Monk actually knew so much, and his idea was very simple, just to gain some merit.

But Zhu Bajie didn't want to do this. Although he didn't contribute much, he thought that in the end he should get something similar to Sun Wukong to be able to feel balanced.

So Zhu Bajie didn't hesitate and chased him directly. He wanted to find Tang Sanzang with Sun Wukong.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang was indeed swept away by this black wind.

He was taken to the monster's cave by the monster.

The monster looked at Tang Sanzang and kept flirting with him.

Tang Sanzang was already a little panicked at this moment. He didn't expect that this monster didn't want to eat him, but wanted to marry him!

The monster had just told the little monsters to make good arrangements for the purpose of getting married to him.

"Tang Sanzang, you can't run away now, why don't you get married here with me, and let's have fun together. What's so good about going to the West? It's so painful, it's better to have fun in time!"

The monster looked at Tang Sanzang and said.

"Let me out. You were in trouble, but the poor monk saved you! You can't repay kindness with enmity, you can't treat the poor monk like this!"

Tang Sanzang looked at the monster and begged bitterly.

But when the monster heard this, he laughed directly.

"You think I'm really in trouble, just to lure you there. If Sun Wukong hadn't come back in time, you and I would have been married a long time ago. Hmm, if you want to leave, there's no way. You'd better stay here honestly. That's it, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless, those monks were eaten by me, and if you don't obey, I will eat you too, and you won't be able to marry Tang Monk, so it's not bad to eat Tang Monk's meat!"

After the monster finished speaking, Tang Sanzang trembled all over, what should he do?

If you don't obey, you will eat yourself.

But if he had to obey her, he might as well have promised her directly to the king of the daughter country. At least he was still a human being and a king. Now he is a monster!

In addition, if I follow her and release my body essence, how can I learn from the scriptures and become a disciple of Buddhism?


I regret it!

If Sun Wukong had been tougher in his persuasion, maybe he wouldn't have saved this monster!

This is Tang Sanzang. Instead of thinking and reflecting on his own problems, he only blames others.

Seeing the reluctance on Tang Sanzang's face, the monster snorted coldly.

"If you don't want to, I will eat you and you won't be able to leave anyway, so I advise you to think about it carefully and how to decide for yourself! Since you haven't thought about it clearly yet, I will give you time. You must give me an explanation at this time tomorrow, otherwise I will use force, come here, take this Tang Sanzang down and guard him!"

After the monster finished speaking, Tang Sanzang was immediately taken away by a group of little monsters.

This made Tang Sanzang at least feel relieved. He still had one day to think and deal with it.

In fact, the most important thing is that Tang Sanzang feels that he still has time to wait for Sun Wukong to save him!

After all, if he only relied on himself, even if he was given one year or ten years, there was nothing he could do. In the end, he would either be bullied or eaten.

"Wukong, where are you? Come and save Master! Master is in danger now! Master can't let anything happen here, seeing that the West is approaching!"

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