Tang Sanzang was about to pray, praying for Sun Wukong to come quickly.

But now that Sun Wukong came here, he couldn't find any monster's cave.

After searching carefully, he found nothing.

I couldn't help but become a little anxious.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie arrived. He looked at Sun Wukong and greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Monkey, the old pig is here to help you. Tell me what to do!"

Zhu Bajie asked.

"I can't even find the monster now, how can I do anything!"

Sun Wukong said angrily.

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he looked around and it seemed that nothing was going on!

"Brother Monkey, what should we do? How about finding some land and asking the mountain gods? They are the local snakes here, so they must know it well!"

Zhu Bajie said this, but he gave Sun Wukong a way. He directly called the land to come out.

When the land heard what Sun Wukong said, it understood a little bit.

"This is really some clues, but the monster is not here. There is a hollow mountain thousands of miles away from here, and there is a bottomless pit there! There is a monster in there, which is somewhat similar to what you said. You might as well go there and have a look! Maybe we can find some clues!”

After talking about this land, Sun Wukong disappeared with a somersault cloud.

When Zhu Bajie saw it, he hurriedly chased after him.

After the two came to this place, they saw that there were high mountains nearby and there was no bottomless pit.

Sun Wukong suddenly saw a deep valley near the mountain.

He just jumped down and after some checking, he finally found the monster's cave.

"You wait here, Lao Sun will go take a look first!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he transformed into a moth and flew into the cave.

Zhu Bajie was also happy and leisurely, waiting for Sun Wukong leisurely outside.

After Sun Wukong entered the cave, he saw this monster.

He did not alert the monster and flew directly to Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang was so excited when he heard Sun Wukong's voice.


"Don't talk, listen to me. Later, Lao Sun will tell you what to do. Just do what I say. Did you hear it?"

Sun Wukong whispered something in Tang Sanzang's ear.

Tang Sanzang nodded hastily and agreed.

Later, Tang Sanzang took the initiative to invite the monster to come, but he did not expect that no matter how Tang Sanzang planned, the monster would not take the bait, and Sun Wukong's plan did not succeed.

Later, Sun Wukong turned into a peach, which allowed the monster to eat it.

The monster didn't know that Sun Wukong was already in his belly. She just talked to Tang Sanzang. She thought that Tang Sanzang had already figured it out and wanted to get married to her.

As a result, she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach!

Then, it was rolling all over the floor!

This monster's demeanor already made Tang Sanzang feel relieved.

And Sun Wukong was beaten violently in her stomach!

"Huh, your grandpa and I are in your belly, why don't you surrender quickly?" Sun Wukong said to the monster!

When the monster heard it, it turned out to be like this! No wonder she had a stomachache, but just when she wanted to resist, Sun Wukong stabbed his internal organs several times with the golden cudgel, which made the monster feel fearful and did not dare to move at will.

"Come out quickly, come out quickly, I'll let your master go, let your master go!"

After the monster begged, Sun Wukong agreed that she could come out.

But she was asked to send Tang Sanzang away.

How dare this monster refuse to agree? The feeling of Sun Wukong in his stomach was too uncomfortable. Then he agreed and hurriedly took Tang Sanzang out.

Along the way, the little demons looked at their king in surprise, how could he be so obedient?

She was also feeling miserable!

She didn't dare to be disobedient. If she didn't, Sun Wukong would probably tear her insides apart.

After sending Tang Sanzang out, Zhu Bajie happened to see him.

Zhu Bajie raised his nine-tooth rake and hit it.

This monster now has Sun Wukong in her belly causing trouble, and Zhu Bajie attacks her outside. She is really miserable!

Fortunately, Sun Wukong didn't torment her anymore and just asked her to open her mouth. After Sun Wukong came out, he didn't feel sorry for the monster, but wanted to beat her to death with Zhu Bajie!

I have to say that this monster is really quite capable. He actually dropped an embroidered shoe again and ran away!

Sun Wukong looked at the monster with a headache. When he looked back, Tang Sanzang was gone again.

This made Sun Wukong furious instantly.

It turned out that after Tang Sanzang came out, he didn't rush to a safe place. He even watched Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie deal with the monsters with great interest.

As a result, when the monster ran away, he snatched him back again.

"This damn bald donkey really succeeds more than he fails. Damn it, let him die in this monster cave. It's really hateful. He's a big fool. It's better now. Old Sun has wasted so much effort!"

Sun Wukong directly stuck the golden cudgel on the ground, his face full of anger.

Zhu Bajie on the side also looked unwilling.

Just as he was rescued, he was snatched away by the monster again.

Neither of them spoke, just sulking outside.

It is said that before Tang Sanzang woke up from the joy of being saved, he felt dizzy for a while!

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was back in the monster cave again, and the monster was still staring at him.

"This, this, what's going on!"

Tang Sanzang was a little dumbfounded.

The monster looked at him and kicked Tang Sanzang away.

It hit the ground hard, and Tang Sanzang felt pain all over his body.

To be honest, since the advent of the Tang Dynasty, no one has ever beaten Tang Sanzang, even though he was tortured by this monster and the minions of various gods!

At most, they would be tied up and suffer some restraint.

Well now, I was actually beaten by a monster.

"The poor monk is a monk who goes to the West to learn scriptures and worship Buddha. You actually..."

Before Tang Sanzang finished speaking, the monster took action again and directly captured Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang instantly felt like he couldn't breathe, and his whole body turned purple from suffocation.

"You monk, you dare to plot against me and let me be tortured in my stomach by your disciple, which makes me hurt all over. Now that you are in my hands, I will let you be proud of me again. Come on, Take this monk down and clean it for me, and I will steam him and eat him directly!"

The monster said angrily.

When Tang Sanzang heard this, he fainted and wanted to eat himself!

I just escaped and haven't come back to my senses yet!

As a result, he was arrested again and beaten! Now I have to eat myself!

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