Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, who were outside at this moment, had been silent for a long time. Zhu Bajie couldn't help but sigh when he saw that Sun Wukong was still angry.

When this happened to me, I was very angry.

What's more, Sun Wukong put in a lot of effort this time!

"Brother Monkey, um, what should we do now! Can we save him?"

Zhu Bajie asked.

When Sun Wukong heard this, his expression turned gloomy.

"Hmph, why are you saving him? Don't worry, he can't die. Maybe there are many Buddhist protectors in the void looking at him now. How could it be possible for Tang Sanzang to be killed? Let's just wait like this! Wait and see See who can’t stand it anymore, come down and save him first!”

Sun Wukong said.

Tang Sanzang was not only a few of their disciples, because they needed to charge directly into the battle and accompany Tang Sanzang, but there were also several Buddhist guardians in the void who were taking turns guarding Tang Sanzang.

If there is danger, they will come down directly to help, or go to move reinforcements.

That's why Sun Wukong is so calm!

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he looked at Sun Wukong in surprise. To be honest, Zhu Bajie didn't know that there was such a thing!

But now after Sun Wukong finished speaking, Zhu Bajie finally understood.

So, there are still people watching Tang Sanzang!

Could it be that this group of people saw that I have always been lazy!

After they saw it, they told Fomen about their performance, that is, they might not be able to get much benefit from going to Xitian, because they didn't put in much effort at all.

Zhu Bajie felt a little uncomfortable when he thought about it.

"Brother Monkey, although what you said is correct, the problem is that we are his disciples. If we just watch him doing nothing, we won't be able to bear it if something happens, and there are other things! Brother Monkey, we can't ignore this matter. At least we have found the master now. If we ignore it, I'm afraid there will be something wrong, what do you think?"

Zhu Bajie said in Sun Wukong's ear. In fact, he wanted to show his attitude and wanted the guardians in the void to see that Zhu Bajie had been working hard.

After listening to Zhu Bajie's words, Sun Wukong turned his head and looked aside.

"If you want to save him, that's your own business. Lao Sun is not in the mood right now!"

Sun Wukong still has this attitude.

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he sighed and said, just go by yourself! Anyway, it’s to show what I feel.

"Brother Monkey, if that's the case, I'll go take a look first and find out the situation!"

After Zhu Bajie finished speaking, he also transformed into a small flying insect and flew in.

Sun Wukong was a little confused when he saw that Zhu Bajie was so active this time, but since Zhu Bajie went, it was safe for Sun Wukong to go by himself.

Sun Wukong waited outside, but not long after, Zhu Bajie came back.

"Brother Monkey, it's not good! This monster is going to eat Master! Now they are boiling fire and water, saying they are going to steam Master!"

Zhu Bajie said hurriedly.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he just snorted coldly!

"Brother Monkey, it's true! Now the master has been stripped of all his clothes, leaving only his underwear. He will be cleaned and steamed in a basket soon!"

Zhu Bajie saw that Sun Wukong was still unmoved and hurriedly spoke again.

"So, you've met Tang Sanzang, huh! He's a little regretful!"

Sun Wukong asked.

Zhu Bajie shook his head.

"Brother Monkey, although I saw that master, I didn't go there because I was afraid of being exposed. Also, did you know? I made a major discovery!"

Sun Wukong said nothing, waiting for Zhu Bajie to speak.

As a result, when Sun Wukong heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

"Okay, Old Sun, I said that this monster is so bold, it turns out he is also a person with a background! Haha, it seems that the Heavenly Court does not want to miss this opportunity, and actually sent someone to train Tang Sanzang, which is also a benefit, but You are just getting benefits, but you actually dare to think of eating him, you wait here while Lao Sun goes to heaven!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he disappeared.


Sun Wukong appeared instantly.

When the guard of Nantianmen saw that Sun Wukong was coming, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Although Sun Wukong is now studying under Tang Sanzang, he has gone to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace after all.

Now they are coming with anger on their faces, maybe they are going to do something bad again, and now they happen to be guarding the Nantian Gate. If Sun Wukong wants to cause trouble, they may not be able to eat and walk around!

"Get out of your way, Lao Sun is going to find Li Jing to ask for an explanation!"

Sun Wukong said directly.

When the guard of Nantianmen heard this, he went to find King Li Tian!

He hurriedly appeased Sun Wukong and sent someone to inform him.

Not long after, Li Jing arrived.

"You monkey, what kind of trouble have you encountered? If you need help, go to the Emperor of Heaven. I can only help you if the Emperor of Heaven orders it. Otherwise, I would not dare to go down to the world without the Emperor of Heaven's order!"

Li Jing said.

"Hmph, King Li Tian, ​​you are so brave. You actually dare to let your daughter go down to the human world and endanger someone. That's fine. Hmph, now you are really serious about eating Tang Sanzang. You are not afraid of Tathagata Tathagata from the West and others. Here we go, I’ll eat you alive!”

Sun Wukong shouted angrily.

Li Jing was scolded directly, but he still didn't know why.

"Monkey, you are farting. I only have one daughter. Now in this heaven, where did my daughter come from? You dare to slander this heavenly king. I think you are desperate. Although you have the support of the demon prince, you also Don’t confuse right and wrong! Slander others!”

Li Jing responded directly.

"Hmph, you still don't admit it. Well, even if he is not your daughter, he is still your son. He is a member of your Lao Li family anyway. Don't deny it. If you say this now, Lao Sun will go with you to see the Emperor of Heaven. , naturally someone will make the decision for Lao Sun!"

Sun Wukong said.

When Li Jing heard this, he was furious. Now that Sun Wukong was accused of an unfounded crime, how could he bear it?

"Okay, that is to meet the Emperor of Heaven and ask the Emperor of Heaven to make the decision. If you, Sun Wukong, really slander me, don't blame me for not giving you face. Even if the prince of the demon clan comes, he has to give me an explanation for this matter. Hmph, let's go, follow me. Go see the Emperor of Heaven!"

Li Jing directly pulled Sun Wukong towards the Lingxiao Palace.

The guard of Nantianmen on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he came to see Li Jing and it had nothing to do with them. The time was coming and he would be replaced and it had nothing to do with them.

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