Monster clan!

In the main hall of the demon clan prince.

Liu Ming has been thinking hard for three days.

But the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this time, I didn't seem to have any chance or way to survive.

There is only one solution, and that is to stop attaining enlightenment and become a saint, and stay at the quasi-sage level.

Because only in this way, nothing will happen to you.

But even in this case, he won't get as much support from Hongjun as before.

Because Hongjun had already noticed his thoughts and abilities, he was naturally on guard and would not help him.

Even if he had always been like this, Hongjun would still have to guard against him if he didn't break through in his own cultivation.

It's even possible that Hongjun just killed him directly because of his low cultivation level to avoid future troubles!

This is not impossible!

"This won't work, that won't work either, I really have a headache this time! Hongjun, this is a big mountain, how can I climb over it this time!"

Liu Ming secretly said.

However, he knew that even if he did nothing now, Hongjun would not let him go. And if he broke through in cultivation and became a saint, Hongjun would still not let him go. Instead of doing this, he might as well give it a try.

What if it works!

If he could really prove the Tao with force and become a saint, even if Hongjun wanted to deal with him, he would probably have to weigh the power of the saint who could prove the Tao with force.

That's right, that's it, just do it!

As for Hongjun's move to stop him during his breakthrough process, this matter was a bit difficult to handle. The key is that no one can withstand Hongjun's move for him, so that he can break free from the shackles of heaven with peace of mind!

When the time comes, as long as Hongjun makes a move, the Sanqing and the Second Sage of the West will not be watching, and they will all take action together to vent their anger on him.

It was really over then.

Even Nuwa, Houtu, and the entire demon clan are unable to resist.

Even because of this, Hongjun will be completely angered. When Hongjun is angry, he may be more than just a river of blood!

The entire demon clan is out of ten!

Or even completely destroyed!

"Hey, I have a headache! I have a headache! Hey!"

Liu Ming felt like he was trapped in an endless loop again.

Kunpeng has been here several times, but he was stopped by the Bull Demon King and the Scorpion Spirit every time, saying that Liu Ming had told him not to disturb him.

When he heard this, he didn't dare to go in.

But after all this time, the prince still hasn't come out.

Kunpeng came again, and this time he still couldn't go in.

"I said, what is this prince doing in there? Do you know why he is so mysterious? Is he in seclusion?"

Kunpeng couldn't help but ask.

"Demon Master, we don't know this either! But it's not like being in seclusion. In the past few days, I keep hearing the prince sighing from the prince's hall. I don't know why!"

Scorpion Spirit said with some worry.

moan and groan!

Kunpeng was a little puzzled when he heard this.

What problem has this prince encountered?

Otherwise, it would not be like this. The prince who is not afraid of heaven and earth would not even look down on the saints, no, the five great saints.

Now that this is the case, could it be that there is something greater than the threat of the saint in the whole prehistoric period.

Kunpeng felt curious now. He felt itchy and wanted to go in.

"Go and tell the prince that I am here and want to go in!"

Kunpeng said.

When the Bull Demon King and the Scorpion Spirit heard this, they became a little embarrassed, but Liu Ming told them that no one would be allowed in!

"Now that the prince is a little upset, it means that he has encountered problems and troubles and has locked himself in. Do you think I should be allowed to go in and persuade him at this time? I can also think of a way for him, so that he can be on his own. If we take people down, I'm afraid something will happen! What do you think?"

After Kunpeng said this, the Bull Demon King was fine, and the Scorpion Spirit was already a little anxious.

"Just wait, I'll ask the prince!"

The scorpion spirit ran directly in. Not long after, it came out.

"Demon Master, the prince lets you in!"

Scorpion Spirit said.

When Kunpeng heard this, he immediately smiled.

"Look, the prince needs someone to give him advice now! Haha! I better understand the prince!"

Kunpeng strode in quickly.

In the Prince's Hall.

Liu Ming saw that Kunpeng had stopped talking and couldn't help but kick him directly.

"Speak, you are not here to give me advice, tell me! What can you do to speak to me!"

Liu Ming said and kicked again!

Kunpeng ran in proudly and asked Liu Ming if he needed help. He also said that there was nothing he couldn't think of.

Liu Ming then told Kunpeng about the problems he was currently facing.

As a result, he looked like this now, without saying a word and with a face full of shock.

After a long time, Kunpeng finally smiled bitterly.

"That prince, that, you, hey!"

Kunpeng muttered for a long time without saying anything.

"Hmph, isn't he a very smart demon master of the demon clan? Why, there is nothing we can do. If you don't have this confidence and strength in the future, don't be so stupid and keep pretending!"

Liu Ming said angrily.

"No, Prince, under normal circumstances, I can give you some advice and help. Who would have thought that this time you would actually have sex with Taoist Hongjun! This, this is beyond my ability!"

Kunpeng said.

"Nonsense, if it were an ordinary matter, even a matter between saints, you would never have seen me worry like this for several days!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he kicked Kunpeng again.

Now he is using Kunpeng to vent his anger.

Kunpeng was also a little aggrieved. It seemed that his calculation was wrong this time.

If I had known earlier, I would not have come in. I would have been kicked several times for nothing.

"Okay, get out of here, I'm sorry, there's nothing you can do about it!"

Liu Ming said.

But after Kunpeng arrived, he kicked him a few times and seemed to be in a better mood.

"Prince, I'll go back first, then I'll go back and pack my things, and then I'll say goodbye first!"

Kunpeng said and walked out.

"Stop, come back, let me ask you, do you want to pack your things? Why? Do you want to run away?"

Liu Ming stood up as he spoke and walked directly to Kunpeng step by step.

"Yes, you are about to fight to the death with Daozu Hongjun. Why don't I run away and wait to die with you! Prince, I'm not that stupid! I still have to live, I'm sorry! I really don’t want to die!”

Kunpeng cried and said.

When Liu Ming heard this, he shouted loudly.

Bang! Bang!

After two calls, Kunpeng covered his face and said: "How about it, Prince, feel better now! Feel better, haha, what a big deal, isn't it Hongjun? He is not also a saint, but He just puts himself in a superior position, you are afraid of him!"

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