Watching the Wu Clan leave, Houtu was relieved.

How dare you say the synopsis.

Houtu can't get out yet.

After all, she can't get out of reincarnation.

This scene, the demon clan was originally looking forward to it.

Dijiang and Donghuang have been paying attention.

They are spectators and very much hope that the saints will fight with the witches.

In order to weaken the strength of the Wu Clan.

"That's it!" In

the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun had already guessed all this.

I knew this was going to happen.

But I didn't care much.

Nothing has to do with him.

It just takes that the flood and famine develop according to normal development.

"Since this matter is over

!" "Then I'll go first!" said

Tang Yuan, and then left here.

There is no point left here.

After Tang Yuan left, everyone also left one after another.

After returning, Tang Yuan did not do anything else.

Instead, it went into retreat.

Prepare to refine Qiankunding and then integrate it into your own body.

Qiankunding is a congenital treasure.

The improvement in the body is much better than that of ordinary Lingbao.

Tang Yuan stood above the void, surrounded by golden light.

With a wave of his big hand, he stood Qiankun in front of him.

"Qiankunding is worthy of refining the supreme treasure!"

when preparing to refine Qiankunding.

Tang Yuan felt its peculiarity.

It's not the same as the creation gourd.

Although the creation gourd is magical, its power is infinite.

But compared to Qiankunding.

There is less of a mysterious feeling.

But he didn't think much about it, just felt it for a while.

Then it began to refine.


Yuan shot out a streamer blade, and then landed on Qiankunding.

The streamer falls.

Qiankunding has changed dramatically.

Burst out with five-color brilliance.

Rendering the entire hall, it is not mysterious.

The lines on the top of the body are more pronounced, emitting a dull light.

Inside the entire hall.

Five colors shine in every corner.

Tang Yuan ran mana and frantically injected it into his body.

During the refining process, great changes took place on Penglai Island.

Above it manifests a great vision.

Originally, the clouds were peaceful.

When Tang Yuan was refining, drastic changes occurred.

The clouds change back and forth.

Rolling in from afar, it seemed to be the eve of a great war.

"What is Master practicing again!" There

was such a big movement on the island, Kong Xuan must have known.

But exactly what is being done.

He didn't know.

Every time there was movement on the island, it was sent by Tang Yuan.

As a disciple, Kong Xuan naturally did not want to ask too many questions.

After thinking for a while, Kong Xuan went on retreat.

Fell into a concentrated cultivation.

Ever since Kong Xuanhua took shape, he had been thinking about it.

Cultivation must not be left behind in this aspect.

Because he knew that Tang Yuan's strength was extremely strong.

As a disciple, he naturally couldn't be too weak.

It must not damage the reputation of the master.

This is what Kong Xuan thought.

Time flies quickly.

A hundred years later, Tang Yuan had almost refined Qiankunding's prohibition.

And the last few lanes.

He is now at the level of a saint and has monstrous magical powers.

Refining Lingbao is still very fast.

Moreover, Tang Yuan has a lot of spirit treasures, and his experience is very rich.

After refining the spirit treasure, Tang Yuan did not stop.

Instead, he continued to operate Qiankunding.

Then the divine mind moves, and the next moment it appears in the body.

Tang Yuan's body is now almost the same as Hong Huang.

If you only look at the appearance, it may be better than the flood.

The sky is full of fairy fog, and there is no cloud.

There are still many creatures walking around here and living peacefully.

For a moment, Tang Yuan felt many special places.

That comfort that cannot be put into words.

Looking at the scene here, and the feeling of walking on your own.

Tang Yuan was very pleased in his heart.

Originally, there was a barren world in the body, and there was nothing.

It's like a desert, and you can see the past at a glance.

Can't see anything.

Only the pale yellow sand can be seen, which is extremely desolate.

So far, the aura is abundant.

It's a world of difference compared to before.


Yuan swung out a stream of light and appeared in the void, and then Qiankunding appeared.

"Fall!" Tang

Yuan drank lightly, and then operated Qiankunding.

The three-legged little ding constantly changes back and forth in the air.

Aura rolled around them.

At the moment when Qiankunding rolled, the scriptures also appeared.

Around Qiankunding.

The golden light was pervasive, and a divine power bloomed out.


I don't know how long it took, Qiankunding has fully integrated into this world.

After integration.

All the spirit treasures in Tang Yuan's body can be promoted.

The longer he spent in the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, the

faster he would advance.

This made Tang Yuan very happy.

Let's not talk about how long it takes, just as far as Lingbao is concerned.

It's just an amazing thing.

The entire flood world cannot do this.

And after integrating Qiankunding into his own body.

There is such a mystery.

And in the flood world, time is such a thing.

Just not too much.

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the Lingbao in Tang Yuan's body advanced.

Tang Yuan had unlimited time to advance to the Spirit Treasure as a thing in his pocket.

Like the lower grade innate spirit treasure, the promotion time is the shortest.

Innate treasures take the most time.

All in all, the length of promotion time will increase with the high grade of Lingbao.

After feeling it, Tang Yuan left his body.

I came to the main hall and ended this retreat.

Then, Tang Yuan calculated.

A moment later.

Tang Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and then waved a stream of light.

Flew in the direction of Kong Xuan.

After a while, one person came in.

"I wonder what Master Venerable ordered?" Kong

Xuan came to Tang Yuan and handed over his hand.

He was very curious that ordinary masters would not call him over.

Kong Xuan knew this.

So he will have a puzzled face.

"I called you here today, there is something for you to do!"

said Tang Yuan indifferently.

"Master Venerable despite his orders!"

said Kong Xuanzun.

Tang Yuan's answer was similar to what he had in mind.

Tell yourself to do something.

"You go to the Terran and find someone

!" "Bring him to Penglai Three Immortal Island!" Tang

Yuan chuckled, and then waved his hand.

Show the man's information in Kong Xuan's mind.

"Yes, I'll go!"

Kong Xuan began.

Although he was very confused in his heart, what was he looking for this person.

After all, Tang Yuan usually didn't see anyone.

I didn't expect to meet a Terran today.

But Kong Xuan didn't ask more, in his opinion.

The reason why his master would do this naturally has his reason.

"Well, let's go!" said

Tang Yuan lightly.

For Kong Xuan to do things, he is still very relieved.

After Kong Xuan said goodbye to Tang Yuan, he turned into a stream of light and flew out of Penglai Island.

Over here, in the Terrans, somewhere in the Terrans.

There is such a man, who was gifted and intelligent from birth.

Learn something and look at it.

Compared to ordinary people, I don't know how many times stronger.

It's like a small child who doesn't know anything when he first comes out.

And as soon as this person comes out, don't say walk.

It can all be described as flying.

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