The Terrans here are very ordinary, there are tens of thousands, living in this small village.

Now the Terrans here don't have any spells.

It's an ordinary Terran.

Compared with the previous innate human race, there is a world of difference.

Among the Terrans.

Except for the Terrans that Nuwa first created.

All the rest are acquired, and there is no innate Dao body.

In the Terran village, a golden light fell.

Then I saw a figure appear among the Terrans.

This person is surrounded by golden light, and the fairy air is ethereal.

It gives a mysterious feeling.

Just by looking at it, you know that you are not an ordinary person.

He wore a golden yellow dress with clear eyebrows.

Black hair, flowing in the wind.

The gaze is attentive and exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

"What is the matter with the Immortal Elder coming here?" As

soon as this person came, the patriarch here came over and asked.

So that to help with something.

And the person who came was Kong Xuan.

After leaving Penglai Sanxian Island, he flew to

Kong Xuan at the fastest speed, and Kong Xuan was the only disciple of Tang Yuan, and many people had heard of it.

The Terrans will remember to give to those who helped them.

"I came here to find someone on the orders of my family teacher?"

Kong Xuan said

, looking calm, and did not have a feeling of being high.

"I wonder who Immortal Chang is looking for

?" "Can I help?"

the old man began, a little curious.

At this time, the Holy Master would send someone over.

The current Tang Yuan rarely appears in the deeds of the Terrans.

But this does not mean that the Terrans do not respect Tang Yuan.

Everyone knows that when the Terrans need foreign help the most, it is the Holy Master who is there.

sheltered the Terrans.

"I just need to look for

it!" "Don't bother you!" Kong

Xuan didn't want to trouble this old man, he wanted to find it himself.

Don't bother other other people's business.

He tries to do it himself.

The old man immediately understood what Kong Xuan meant.

After a few casual conversations, he left.

After the old man left, Kong Xuan's body flashed.

Directly become an ordinary person.

This is an ordinary gathering place of the Terrans, and an immortal will be too conspicuous.

If so, it is too ostentatious.

Kong Xuan, who acts low-key, does not like this look.

Kong Xuan, who turned into a young man, looked for it among the Terrans.

There is information given by Tang Yuan.

Kong Xuan would be a little easier to find among the Terrans.

If there is no information given by Tang Yuan, it will be very troublesome to find.

It's like saying that in an ordinary stone, you have to find a different stone.

That's still a bit difficult.

After some searching, Kong Xuan came to a little boy.

At this time he was crouching on the ground.

The gaze has the look of a god.

Although it is a child, it looks like a fairy temperament.

"Strange, this kid behaved like this!"

Kong Xuan said in his heart.

If you are an ordinary person, you can't see what it looks like.

But Kong Xuan was already a quasi-saint powerhouse.

You can see it at once.

"Who are you!"

the little boy asked when he saw Kong Xuan coming.

He's smart too.

You don't want to talk because you're strange.

"What are you doing here.

Kong Xuan spoke, answering what he had just said.

"I'm here every day, just hoping to meet immortals?"

the little boy began.

He is gifted and intelligent, and he is here every day.

The little boy knew that there was martial arts, but his family never agreed.

So he wanted to learn martial arts.

"Are you willing to come with me?" Hearing

the little boy say this, Kong Xuan directly manifested his true body

, returned to his original appearance, and then spoke.

At this time, the little boy suddenly understood.

The person in front of him is not an ordinary person, but an immortal.

"Please also ask Immortal Chang to take me as an apprentice. The

boy in front of him was exactly what Kong Xuan was looking for.

He is the reincarnation of Gentoku.

After Tang Yuan sent Xuangui to the prefecture, his self-corpse immediately arranged for him to be reincarnated.

As for the Houtu side, with Tang Yuan's friendship.

She naturally wouldn't say anything.

You must know that the Hongmeng purple qi of the Houtu is all given by Tang Yuan.

Even if most of the power of the prefecture was handed over to Tang Yuan, it was not enough.

"I'm here today.

"Just to take you to a place."

"Would you like to go."

Kong Xuan said indifferently, he was very strange.

Why should his own master see such a child.

Although he looks a little smarter, his temperament is extraordinary.

But also a Terran.

Tang Yuan is the honor of a saint, no matter how clever he is.

He also has no such conditions.

It can be seen by saints.

"Okay, I'm willing to go.

Xuangui was very happy, he knew that Kong Xuan was an extraordinary figure.

It's very mysterious.

Since it is a master, it must be more powerful than Kong Xuan.

Although I was very curious in my heart, why did I find myself.

But his instincts told him that it wouldn't hurt to go along.

After the two chatted for a while, Kong Xuan took him to say goodbye to his mother.

Although Xuangui did not belong to the Terran in his previous life, he is now a Terran.

Xuangui is leaving now.

There will be a farewell ceremony.

After arriving in front of his mother, Xuangui said goodbye simply.

When it came to saying goodbye, Xuangui's mother couldn't bear it.

But there was no refusal.

They all knew that Kong Xuan was an immortal, as long as they followed.

You can definitely succeed in cultivation.

This is something that many people dream of.

So they did not disagree.


streamers shot straight into the sky, and Kong Xuan and Xuangui flew into the sky.

At the moment when he flew into the sky, Xuangui didn't know how shocked he was.

Heaven and earth, there is mana.

It was the ability that Xuangui had always wanted to have, which greatly raised his expectations.


"Where are we going?"

asked Xuangui curiously, he had flown for so long and had not reached his destination.

So he asked, where to go?"

Penglai Sanxian Island.

Kong Xuan answered Xuangui's words.

Looking at the appearance of the Xuan turtle at this time.

Kong Xuan thought of when he was brought back by Tang Yuan.

This is also the scene.

It's just that Kong Xuan didn't ask much at that time.

"That's not the place of the Holy Master?" Although

Xuan Gui was small, he knew about Tang Yuan's existence.

He heard about it when he was very young.

So Kong Xuan said it, and he knew.

Along the way, Xuangui kept asking.

If there is something you don't understand, ask.

And Kong Xuan was not impatient.

It was as if an older brother treated his younger brother as gently.

Answered patiently.

During the conversation between the two, they reached their destination.

I came to Penglai Sanxian Island.

As soon as he entered, Kong Xuan directly brought Xuangui to Tang Yuan.

"Master, people have already brought.

Kong Xuan said to Tang Yuan.

Then he looked at the Xuan Tortoise on the side.

Xuangui saw Tang Yuan looking at him, and his heart was also shocked.

Just watching.

There was a feeling of strength and invincibility that he had never felt before.

It was the first time he had met.

However, Xuangui was not afraid, but felt more and more that he had come to the right place.

"Do you remember this?" looking

at Xuangui's shocked look, Tang Yuan spoke.

Then wave your hand.

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