The kind that is not very cool.

In the Lich battlefield, corpses are everywhere.

Rivers of blood flow.

Rendered more than a million miles around.

Before long, many figures appeared here.

These figures are no one else, but saints.

Tang Yuan no longer needed to hide in the void, he was already standing in the void.

The Western two, as well as Laozi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian.

Even Nuwa, as well as representatives sent by Houtu, came.

Houtu can't produce six reincarnations, but she has already cut out the good corpse.

Can come out and move around.

The Lich War is over, but not all of the Lich are killed.

Houtu naturally has to help settle it.

"The great war is over, and the two Lich races have since withdrawn from the Flood Barren Stage!"

"As for how to dispose of it."

"It still depends on everyone's statement!"

Tang Yuan spoke.

He is the strongest and the first disciple of Xuanmen.

But it's time to stand up and speak.

The two Lich races must be properly handled, otherwise something will happen in the future.

That's still a bit of a hassle.

However, Tang Yuan did not pay attention, as for how to arrange.

After the soil came out, Tang Yuan guessed.

It must be for the witch clan.

And Nuwa appeared, naturally it was the same as Houtu.

For the only surviving clansmen.

Although Nuwa is a saint, she is a demon race after all.

This is immutable.

"Well, the Lich and Demon clans should indeed withdraw from the Flood Barren Stage!"

Lao Tzu spoke.

He also knew that at this moment, the peak period of the Lich and Demon races had passed.

The next era will be Terrans.

After everyone listened, they all nodded.

Even Nuwa and the good corpse Meng Po of Houtu had no opinion.

They are still very self-aware.

It is impossible to know that it is impossible to go from the Lich era before the present.

Even if at this moment, Dijun and Donghuang came back from the dead.

Or the resurrection of the twelve ancestors.

That can't be either.

"The matter of the Wu Clan, I will arrange it myself!"

Meng Po spoke, she spoke very softly.

It's about the same as the back soil.

The two also look a little similar.


Tang Yuan and the others all had opinions, and the people of the Wu Clan were extremely barbaric.

If the soil does not come out for management.

It will be a trouble to place under any saint's door.

Even Tang Yuan didn't necessarily care.

After all, the character of the Wu clan is like this, and it is difficult to change it.

"Then the demon clan will have me arrange it!"

After Meng Po finished speaking, Nuwa spoke.

However, Nuwa did not get everyone's consent like Houtu.

The Wu Clan is just a little barbaric, but its nature is not bad.

But the demon race is different.

They are brutal by nature.

Before, he had slaughtered many Terrans.

So there will be people who disagree.

"Nuwa Daoyou, the demon race has a deep sin!"

"But it's going to be handled by us!"

Jun Ti spoke.

He calculated so much, just for the West.

If you can pull the demon race to the west.

It's also a good thing for them.

"That's right, the demon race is deeply guilty!"

"It really should be dealt with!"

Meng Po opened her mouth and said that she was the good corpse of Houtu.

Naturally, it is to help the Wu Clan speak.


"When the co-worker hit Buzhou Mountain, it was also a deep sin!"

"To say it, where is the Wu Clan good!"

Nuwa did not show weakness immediately.

She can now be said to be the leader of the demon clan, if this can't keep the demon clan.

What kind of saint is that.

"Don't say it!"

"The two Lich races deserve to belong!"

"If you don't place it properly, there will be trouble in the future."

"Who is responsible!"

Lao Tzu spoke.

He still agreed with what Tong Nuwa said.

The meaning of the quasi mention is already clear.

He just wants the people of the demon race, as long as he gets people.

The luck of the West will increase.

How could Lao Tzu agree to something beneficial to the West.

"That's right, the demon clan naturally has to have arrangements!"

"It will be arranged by Nuwa Daoyou!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun spoke.

Although he does not like the demon race, if the demon race returns to the West.

It must be against them.

So Yuan Shi didn't want to mention this

, "Hmph!"

Thinking of this, Meng Po snorted coldly, and then glanced at Jun Ti coldly.

I don't care about it anymore.

So he put on a state of watching the excitement here.

Gonggong did not hit Zhou Shan, but it was calculated by the West.

Therefore, after saying it, Meng Po will look at it coldly.

"In that case, the demon clan is arranged by Nuwa!"

Tang Yuan spoke, no matter how the Lich and Demon races were arranged.

He wouldn't care anyway.


Jun Ti was furious.

The heart was unwilling, but he did not dare to do anything.

There is no way.

This is the land of the East, and there are more people than in the West.

It wasn't the turn of the two of them to speak.

Tang Yuan's words never cared about this

matter, what he paid attention to was the treasure left behind.

Before, the treasure was a master's thing, but they blew themselves up.

Although the power of self-detonation is very strong.

But if you want to make the Lingbao smash, it is obviously impossible.

After seeing that this matter was fruitless.

There was no intention to bring it up again.

Instead, he looked at the remaining Lingbao.

"Fellow Daoists, these twelve banners are the things of my Wu Clan!"

"It's up to me to get it back!"

Meng Po spoke, and the twelve ancestral witches fell.

But the twelve flagpoles remain.

After glancing at the long pole in the void, she waved her hand directly.

The twelve flags were put away.

Seeing Meng Po put away the twelve Heavenly God Poles.

Nobody had any opinions.

Although the twelve flags are an important pillar for the formation of the twelve heavenly gods.

But now there are no more twelve ancestral witches.

If you want to assemble successfully again, it is impossible for the Twelve Heavenly Gods to be destroyed.

So everyone is not against it.

But if it were possible, the saints would not agree.

After all, the power of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

It has been fully demonstrated in the Lich Wars.

Although in the end it disintegrated on its own.

But in terms of power, it can resist the saint.

That power is hard to erase in the hearts of others.

And the reason why Houtu wanted to get this flagpole did not want to gather a large array again.

Just want to get back what belongs to the Wu clan.

It does not belong to the Wu clan, and Houtu will not think about it.

"Farewell, everyone!"

After taking away the flagpole, Meng Po left in front of everyone with the remaining Wu Clan.

Directly returned to the six reincarnations.

Now most of the Wu Clan is injured and needs to be properly placed.

This is the last Wu clan, and Houtu naturally can't be careless.

"Fellow Taoists, I am barren in the West."

"I also hope that all of you Daoists will give me the Chaos Bell!"

Jun Ti clasped his hands together and looked at the Chaos Bell.

The greedy gaze in his eyes radiated, as if the Chaos Bell was his item.

He had actually taken a fancy to the Chaos Clock for a long time.

But as soon as the matter of the demon race was made up just now, I forgot about it.

I didn't think about it until now.


"I want to take the Chaos Bell and asked my Immortal Sword Formation if I agree!"

With a wave of his big hand, endless sword intent bloomed.

Posed with an imposing posture to fight.

After watching this scene, Tang Yuan couldn't help but praise.

Tsuten's is so tough.

After all, he was facing two people: Introduction and Quasi-Ti.

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