The rest did not speak though.

But the heart has already acquiesced, no matter who gets it.

can't let the West get it.

"Tongtian Daoist friend's words are bad, the Chaos Bell has something to do with me!"

"I also hope that Daoyou will let me!"

"I will thank you very much!"

Jun Ti also answered Tongtian.

This time he definitely wants to fight for it.

After all, now a congenital treasure is an ownerless thing.

It's possible to be anyone, so he wants to fight for it.

In Jun Ti's opinion, if he got the Chaos Bell.

There is a congenital treasure in hand, and when the time comes to fight Sanqing.

There are also more hole cards.

"The Chaos Bell is a thing of my demon race, how can it fall into the hands of others!"

Nuwa said at this time.

With such a treasure, she would not give it to the rest of the saints.

Nuwa already exuded an aura.

Ready to start fighting.

She belongs to the demon clan, and now the demon clan is in decline.

But the Chaos Bell is still a demon race in Nuwa's opinion.

The rest are not eligible.

A chaos clock, the temptation is great.

Even saints will be moved.

Although Yuan Shi did not speak, he had already sacrificed the Pangu Banner.

Also ready for battle.

The same is true of Lao Tzu.

The Taijitu in his hand was clasped in his hand, although he did nothing.

But there was something to fight for.

Lao Tzu will not be watching from the sidelines.

Although Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi Na both have innate treasures, but Lingbao is such a thing.

Who would be less.

What's more, it is still a congenital treasure.

In just an instant, a strong smell of gunpowder was about to erupt in everyone.


The breath alone caused countless peaks to collapse.

The void tore apart in large areas.

This is the power of a saint, even if it is a divine thought.

It's all terrifying.


Zhun Ti waved his big hand and hurriedly sacrificed the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree.

Brush towards the Chaos Bell.

He was fast and arrived in front of the Chaos Bell in the blink of an eye.


Just after Jun mentioned the Chaos Bell, a streamer struck.

Directly swept away the attack of Jun Ti.

Then Shippo Mysteriki's attack hit the other side.

And the streamer is the sword qi that strikes from the sky.

As for Tang Yuan's words, he was not in a hurry.

Now all the saints are here, who wants to get it easily.

That's all impossible.

In Tang Yuan's opinion, it was better to fight with them.

It's better to watch from the sidelines.

Then seize the opportunity and collect the Lingbao.


As soon as the saints were on the verge, they directly launched a fierce battle.

How terrifying the saint fights.

With just a small impact, it crashed into countless fragments in the void.

The sky is dark, and the flood is ready to break.

Fortunately, they restrained.

Otherwise, the flood famine would have broken at this moment.


Just when the saints were fighting very violently, Hongjun appeared.

And then an invisible force.

Spread the crowd's attack and turn the Chaos Bell into a small bell.

Put it away.

The eyes of everyone were very unwilling, but they could not do anything.

This is Hongjun.

His strength is strong, far beyond the strength of the saint.

Even Tang Yuan couldn't compare.

Jun Ti looked helpless.

From the look in his eyes, you can see that there is a look of unwillingness.

He originally wanted to burst into full strength.

Take the Chaos Clock away.

Left directly, but did not think of it.

Hongjun appeared.

Jean Jun Ti dismissed the idea.

As soon as Hongjun appeared, everyone did not dare to show the appearance of scrambling.

Strength is respected.

No one wants to mess with Hongjun.

"How did Hongjun appear!"

Tang Yuan said in his heart.

He had thought that he could get the Chaos Bell.

But I didn't expect Hongjun to come out, so I dismissed this idea.

"I've seen the teacher!"

The crowd respected.

It is a world away from the action just now.

"Now the Lich and Demon races have withdrawn from the Flood Barren Stage!"

"The flood famine needs to be re-established!"

"A hundred years later, you will come to Zixiao Palace!"

Hong Jun said expressionlessly.

Then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Congratulations to the teacher!"

Everyone said in unison again, looking in the direction he left.

Now the Chaos Clock is no longer here.

No one plans to stay here any longer.

Nuwa left with the demon clan.

After Sanqing and the others glanced at each other, they also left.

It was the two saints of the West who seemed to have a very dissatisfied look.

Came to such a trip, and got nothing.

Can be accurately lifted.

After Hongjun said that he wanted to rerectify it, Tang Yuan probably knew what he meant.

Now Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi have fallen.

The demon clan can't stay in the Heavenly Court anymore.

And the Heavenly Court is also a treasure land, and naturally someone has to come out to manage it.

Hongjun appeared this time, but for this matter.

And not to let the saints fight in the flood.

However, Tang Yuan didn't think much about it.

Since he couldn't get the Chaos Bell, he didn't feel anything.

He already has Lingbao.

One more Chaos Clock, or none.

It doesn't matter much.

Penglai Sanxian Island.

"The time of a hundred years has come!"

Tang Yuan opened his eyes from the retreat.

In this hundred years.

Tang Yuan digested all the ferocious qi absorbed by the Creation Gourd.

Moreover, all the prohibitions of the Lingbao were refined.

Now Tang Yuan.

The real power of the gourd can be exerted.

After feeling it, Tang Yuan turned into a streamer.

Fly straight into the chaos.

At the same time, in different directions of the flood.

They all flew streamers.

Rushing into chaos.

In an instant, Tang Yuan came to the chaos.

He is a saint, the wind, airflow, etc. in the chaotic world.

None of them can stop him.

It did not have any impact on Tang Yuan.

In less than a moment, a familiar palace appeared in front of Tang Yuan's eyes.

That is the Zixiao Palace.

"Time flies a little fast!"

Coming to the gate of Zixiao Palace, Tang Yuan muttered.

Think about when you first listened to the lecture.

His own strength is only Daluo, and he is now a mixed element powerhouse.

I can't help but sigh at the passage of time.

The palace is still the Zixiao Palace, but the mood is different from the past.

Tang Yuan was the first to come outside the gate of Zixiao Palace, and then Sanqing and the others arrived one after another.

The two saints of the West are still the last.

It's a long way and comes late.

"Tang Yuan Daoyou, do you think the teacher asked us to come this time."

"What's the matter"

Seeing that no one spoke, Tong Tian walked in front of Tang Yuan.

Now Sanqing has separated.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi are a little better, and they will basically talk for a while when they see each other.

But Yuan Shi saw the queen of heaven.

But he still blames.

This made Tsuten, who originally wanted to go up to say hello, cancel the thought.


Seeing Tongtian speaking to Tang Yuan, Yuan Shi snorted coldly.

He also glanced at Tongtian.

"Tongtian Daoist, the teacher summoned us!"

"There must be a teacher's truth!"

"We just have to wait here!"

Tang Yuan spoke, he knew what Hongjun was going to talk about.

But now he can't speak out.

Otherwise, Hongjun will have questions.

And in the gaze cast by Yuan Shi.

He completely ignored it.

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