In the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, the five elements, yin and yang, creation and other breaths.

Evolved in the big array, it became a world of its own.

In the formation, all of you scattered and connected with each other, maintaining the power of the large array.

"Ten Thousand Immortals Great Array, I can't imagine that the Prince of the East can put on such a powerful killing array!"

"It seems that Tang Yuan Daoist is in danger!"

Before the Ten Thousand Immortal Array came out.

Everyone felt that Tang Yuan was bound to win.

However, the moment the Ten Thousand Immortal Array appeared, let alone Tang Yuan.

In their own hearts, they felt a lingering feeling.

The feeling to them is.

This Ten Thousand Immortal Array is here to target its own.

It made many monks jealous.

Seeing this, Tang Yuan stared in his heart.

In the previous life, the Ten Thousand Immortals Array was in the hands of the Tongtian Sect Lord.


Although this Ten Thousand Immortal Array in front of his eyes is not as powerful as in the later life.

But the power that came out was that Tang Yuan himself also had a feeling of fear.

But after only a moment, it was erased in the heart.

If there is really such a powerful Ten Thousand Immortal Array in the later life.

That Tang Yuan definitely can't be broken.

But now the Prince of the East is only in the early stage of quasi-sainthood, and he puts on this formation.

You may not be able to break it.

"Daoist friends be careful!"

Queen Mother of the West looked at Tang Yuan's figure and said softly.

She also felt the power of this array, which was extremely terrifying.

I am afraid that the Queen Mother of the West has seen the most powerful large array since she saw the incarnation.

"Daoist friends rest assured, the poor road has its own proportions, if you can't break this array."

"I can retreat with my whole body!"

Tang Yuan signaled to the Queen Mother of the West not to worry, she had the ability to open the heavens and nine axes.

Innate treasure to create a gourd, still do not believe.

It will not be able to break a large array laid down in the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

Even if it is the Ten Thousand Immortal Array.

"Tang Yuan Daoyou, dare to join the battle!"

The Eastern Prince stood in the center of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array and laughed.

For the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, he was very confident.

He didn't believe anything.

Tang Yuan was able to break through the Ten Thousand Immortals Array alone.

"Ten Thousand Immortals Array, why don't you dare!"

Tang Yuan did not have the slightest hesitation and fell directly into the formation.

In Sanqing, Tong Tian always paid attention to this battle.

Originally, Tongtian was the same as Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, and he didn't pay much attention.

But after seeing the Eastern Prince put on the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, he watched wholeheartedly.

Tong Tian has a straightforward personality and likes to study formations.

Now there is such a strong killing formation, which appears in the flood.

How to say, also take a good look.

"I hope Tang Yuan Daoyou can break the formation smoothly!"

Tong Tian muttered.

Although Tang Yuan used to be a little too festive to Sanqing.

But it did not hinder his good impression of Tang Yuan.

As soon as he entered the formation, Tang Yuan felt endless traction.

Earth, wind, water and fire overflowed in the formation.

As soon as he entered, there was boundless anger coming towards Tang Yuan.

Fortunately, he was prepared early, and the divine light protected his body.

The fierce aura is not allowed to approach.

Inside the Great Array.

Tang Yuan couldn't feel all the connections from the outside world.

I can only see outside, but I can't feel a trace of the breath outside.

There is only anger in it.

There are also endless earth feng shui and fire.

Tang Yuan was cautious in the big array.

Because it really exceeded his expectations.

The anger in this is extremely terrifying.

Not something that the average person can resist.

If it weren't for Tang Yuan's body, it was the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

I am afraid that the moment I entered, I was hurt by anger.

And the burning of flames.

"Since Daoist friends are in, don't think about going out!"

The Prince of the East looked proud, showing a very arrogant look.

The day he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

He expanded so much power.

To wait for this day.

Trap Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan ignored the words of the Eastern Prince at this time.

Only by breaking through the big array can we have the right to speak.

in order to shut up the Prince of the East.

Ten Thousand Immortals Array, once in, it is difficult to come out.

Unless you find a breakthrough in the Ten Thousand Immortal Array.

Or the person holding the formation will release the person who joins the formation, if not.

Tang Yuan can't come out!

Of course, Tang Yuan would not think of the Prince of the East letting him out.

The reason why he did not hesitate to come in was because of his own strength.

For the stronger the large array.

The more Tang Yuan felt the urge to break open.


The East King snorted coldly, and the fierce aura in the large array frantically attacked towards Tang Yuan.


The fierce aura that filled the sky instantly gathered in front of Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan waved the Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler in his hand and waved it wildly inside.

The purple light was radiant, and the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Array flickered.

There was a slight shaking!

Under Tang Yuan's crazy wave.

I don't know how many times the fierce aura in the sky has condensed.

How much was scattered.

The fierce aura couldn't get close to Tang Yuan.

Although the fierce aura inside is surging and violent.

I don't know how many times more than the wall outside the large array.

Tang Yuan has a Xuanhuang Qi protective body, holding the Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler.

All the fierce aura that approached was worn out.


Suddenly, countless pillars of light within the large array rushed up, and the speed was extremely fast.

Almost shrouded the entire array.

Tang Yuan couldn't dodge.

Directly hit by a pillar of light, he almost fell from the void.

He immediately exerted great mana power before he stabilized his figure.

Seeing that Tang Yuan was hit by the attack within the large array, the Prince of Dong was ecstatic in his heart.

"Let your divine power be high, within the Ten Thousand Immortals Array of this Monarch."

"It's all useless, don't make unnecessary resistance!"

The Prince of the East scoffed, as if Tang Yuan had already lost.

"I hope Tang Yuan Daoyou can successfully break the formation!"

Queen Mother of the West was worried, when Tang Yuan had not yet entered the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

She felt that the Ten Thousand Immortals Array was very dangerous.

If you go in, there will be crises everywhere.

Now after seeing Tang Yuan was hit by the attack of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

It made the Queen Mother of the West even more worried.

"So strong!"

"It seems that the poor road underestimated this Ten Thousand Immortals Array!"

Tang Yuan said indifferently.

Although he received a blow from the Ten Thousand Immortals Array just now, it was no big deal.

It only took a few moments to recover.



The momentum on Tang Yuan's body rose.

Endless Xuanhuang Qi.

The wind howled, and a breath shook the Great Array of Immortals.

It emanated from Tang Yuan's body.



The Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler in Tang Yuan's hand emitted a buzzing sound.

It seems to be shaking like it is going to be taken off from your hands!

At this moment, Tang Yuan's body emitted a mutation.

In the blood, it was a dull state.

Instantaneously rushed inside him.

The blood is square and full of spirit.

Rushing blood flows all over the body.

The tendons and veins swell, like a thin filament growing strongly, thickened.

It is as one, gathering the law of heaven and earth, and condensing the power of heaven and earth.

Tang Yuan's strength suddenly soared, and he clenched his fists.

There is a tendency to break the world.

It is as if a single blow can break through a large array, and the power is invincible.

"What's going on!"

The Prince of the East noticed the change in Tang Yuan's body, and his heart was stunned.

He felt it, a feeling that he could not maintain the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

Rippling in the heart!

Then, the Eastern Prince looked ugly, waved his big hand, and monstrous mana appeared.

Madness was injected into the Ten Thousand Immortals Great Array, and the Great Array became more solid again.

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