
I don't know how long it took, the growing power in Tang Yuan's body stopped.

At this moment.

Tang Yuan completely displayed the Law of Destruction that he had mastered.

The Dao Dao Destruction Qi collided with the endless fierce Qi and exploded everywhere.

The Law of Destruction, as the name suggests, destroys all things.

All the anger on the collision is gone.

"Cut everything in one foot, destroy everything!"

Tang Yuan drank lightly.

Wave the Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler that is constantly shaking in his hand.

The shattering power that appeared within the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

Quickly integrated into the Hongmeng merit measuring scale.


The purple glow shot out in all directions, stirring the surroundings.

Eighty million zhang of purple rays appeared across the sky, suspended in the air.

Purple rays appeared, the void was torn, and time and space appeared extremely distorted.

The Yin and Yang Qi in the Ten Thousand Immortal Array were burned here.

The world inside the Great Array seemed to collapse.

It was dark and pitch black.

Under the control of Tang Yuan, the 80 million zhang purple mangs slashed towards the Ten Thousand Immortals Great Array.


Thousands of zhang of purple rays, in the moment of colliding with the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.


There was a tremor and chaos around it.

It is comparable to the chaos of the ancient times, Pangu fought the three thousand demon gods, and the array was ethereal.

It was hazy, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

The luster within the Ten Thousand Immortals Array loomed, as if it had been broken.


The Eastern Prince felt a reaction in his heart, and a mouthful of blood rushed to his heart.

Almost didn't squirt out of the mouth.

After Tang Yuan's strong blow, the Ten Thousand Immortals Array seemed to be less solid than before.

There is a shudder from time to time!

"All the immortals listen to the order!"

"Increase the injection of mana and swear to kill Tang Yuan!"

The Prince of the East shouted angrily and cast a secret technique.

Mysterious power infusion.

The Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals no longer swayed, and it was three points more stable than before.

Plus thousands of scattered cultivators to work together.

The power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array grew a little more.


The fierce aura between heaven and earth began to be continuously absorbed by the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

The entire West Kunlun began to fall into a dead silence, and all living beings hid.

They did not dare to come out for activities, for fear of being affected by the big array.

Everyone's eyes never left the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, and the surprise never disappeared.


Tang Yuan snorted dullly.

He did not stop, and the Hongmeng merit in his hand measured the heavenly ruler.

Bombarding the Ten Thousand Immortals Array madly.

While frantically bombarding the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

The attack inside slammed into Tang Yuan.

And with each impact, the damage increases a lot.

Tang Yuan's Xuanhuang Qi Protective Body.

Block the external attack and frantically bombard the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

"How is it possible!"

"How can the Ten Thousand Immortals Great Array not hurt him!"

Saw the attack of the Great Immortal Array.

After bombarding for so long, it didn't hurt Tang Yuan at all.

The Prince of the East was a little anxious.

You must know that the Ten Thousand Immortals Array is formed by thousands of people, and its mana is limited.

The Eastern Prince himself can hold out for a long time, but others cannot.

They have different realms and different strengths.

If it goes on for a long time, the great array will be broken sooner or later.

In the Great Array, the people who formed the Ten Thousand Great Immortal Array did not look good.

Apparently too much mana is consumed.


Just as the Eastern Prince was thinking, the Great Array passed through Tang Yuan's crazy attack.

There was a slight crack.

"Pure Yang Wuji, ten thousand immortals are one!"


The Eastern Prince waved his dragon head crutch.

Then thousands of streamers flew from within the formation.

Condensed on the faucet crutch.

This is everyone's mana, plus the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

The Prince of the East intends to fight for the last hand.

Or rather, he had to.

Tang Yuan's power was too strong.

It was simply beyond the imagination of the Eastern Maharajah.

If it is a long-term solution, it will be consumed in the large array.

I'm afraid that there is no need for Tang Yuan to break it, in the case of mana power not supporting.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Array will be self-defeating.

Although the Ten Thousand Immortals Array is very powerful.

But the mana required is also enormous.

It is impossible to last so long until it is fully perfected.

It was like the Twelve Heavenly Gods Array, summoning the true body of Pangu.

Powerful and invincible, but it doesn't last long before it collapses on its own.

The Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals is almost the same truth.

Therefore, the Prince of the East could not continue to delay, and could only think of a quick victory.


The Eastern Prince, who had condensed his powerful strength, directly threw the dragon head crutch into the formation.

Suddenly, the large array rose and was extremely solid.

It actually pressed Tang Yuan's breath over, and the fire burned.

All kinds of attacks hit like crazy.

At a glance, they are all attacks such as earth, wind, water and fire.

After Tang Yuan saw it, his expression was solemn, and he waved the Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler in his hand.

Face on all kinds of attacks.

Ring the bell!

I don't know how many attacks were wiped out, and Tang Yuan killed from thousands of attacks.

The Hongmeng merit in his hand measures the heavenly ruler, and he is invincible.

In the face of any attack, it cannot be resisted.


Thunder the size of 90 million zhang evolved in the Ten Thousand Immortals Array.

The divine power was turbulent, and the entire large array dimmed down, only dazzling electric light.

The large array flickered.

"Is this the last power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array?"

"Really strong~!"

In the endless darkness, Tang Yuan was protected by Xuanhuang Qi.

Feeling the power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, he sighed in his heart.

I have to say that the strength of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array is strong.

With so much less strength.

The Eastern Prince could actually rely on the Great Array.

Being able to compete with himself made Tang Yuan very surprised.

Tang Yuan, who was not afraid, held the Hongmeng ruler in his hand.

Rushing towards the 90 million zhang divine light.

The Hongmeng Merit Measuring Ruler held by Tang Yuan tore through a large area of void.

Colorful divine light shines.

The phantom of a seven-colored unicorn stepped into the air.

manifested behind Tang Yuan.

The unicorn's body was radiant and his face was solemn.

Head-on collided with 90 million zhang of divine light.


Time and space were chaotic, and heaven and earth first sounded a tearing sound.

Then it collapsed instantly, and a huge whirlpool was created.

Devouring the visions of heaven and earth, all the wind, water and fire of the earth are sucked into the whirlpool.

Endless flames poured on the earth, burning all things unbridled.

The fire is extremely powerful, and countless living beings are buried here.


Inside the Ten Thousand Immortals Array, a tearing sound sounded.

An even more obvious crack appeared throughout the formation.

The Prince of the East sprayed a mouthful of blood.

Scattered in the void.

It's not just the Prince of the East, but also after being swallowed back by a powerful attack.

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Immortals Array spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Suddenly, blood rained in the air, the blood mist was hazy, and the blood sky was long.

After this blow, Tang Yuan's figure retreated millions of miles.

But it doesn't hurt.

Tang Yuan didn't expect it either.

The attack of the Ten Thousand Immortals Array was too strong.

You can force yourself back millions of miles.

After stabilizing his figure, Tang Yuan looked at a crack in the Ten Thousand Immortals Great Array.

Wave the Hongmeng Measure Merit Measuring Ruler again.

Rushing towards the cracks.


The Prince of the East endured severe pain.

He hurriedly punched out Dao mana, wanting to block Tang Yuan's attack with this.

However, he was seriously injured.

Where can it still resist Tang Yuan's attack.

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