Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 1 Buzhou Mountain is my clone

Under the starry sky, the towering Buzhou Mountain.

The wind roared, the purple thunder surged, and the space around was wrinkled.

A tall stone man sat alone on the edge of the cliff, letting the strong wind and thunder rage, unmoved.

He grabbed a pool of colorful mud and sand beside him and threw it into his mouth. With the sound of chewing, light burst and shone, all into his stomach.

A wisp of black fine gravel fell from the corner of his mouth and was annihilated in the whistling wind.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound in the world, and the vast holy power was vented.

The stone man stood up suddenly, his expression was very solemn.

Then he saw the Xuanhuang Qi falling from the nine heavens, the ceiling emerged, the golden lotus stood up, and the colorful Manzhu was connected into one, hanging in the sky, making a light knocking sound.

Endless auspicious air rose up, and the whole world was rendered a sacred image.

Under such a shocking phenomenon, there was a rolling sound of Taoism.

"I, Hongjun, became a saint today. Three thousand years later, I will preach in the Purple Sky Palace of Primal Chaos. Anyone who is predestined can come."

The sound of Taoism rang three times in a row, echoing throughout the entire prehistoric world, shocking countless creatures.

In an instant, figures flew up from the prehistoric land. They looked up at the chaos with surprise and doubt on their faces.

The innate demon gods were shocked.

The pressure between heaven and earth was far greater than that of the Golden Immortal.

Since Pangu opened the sky, the prehistoric world has experienced many disasters, but no one knows how to practice after the Great Luo. Now someone has taken that step.

Swish, swish, swish, several long rainbows passed by Buzhou Mountain in an instant, all of them plunged into the depths of the starry sky and fled into the chaos.

In just a few breaths, the entire sky was cast into the rosy clouds of chaos.

The stone man looked up at the starry sky, and there was a stream of light flashing in his fist-sized eye holes: "The Zixiao Palace has started preaching. I don't have much time."

Looking deeply at the direction of chaos, he jumped up, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at a valley.

The valley was filled with clouds and mist, and the innate spiritual energy was as thick as rain, and spiritual flowers and strange plants could be seen everywhere.

On the cliff deep in the valley, five-colored light was shining, covering a large area of ​​colorful vines, on which seven gourds of different sizes were hanging.

They were of different colors, surrounded by the mysterious and yellow air, and all had Taoist patterns engraved, mysterious and extraordinary. With the breeze blowing, there was a faint Taoist chanting, echoing in the valley.

It was one of the ten best innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, the Buzhou Mountain innate gourd vine.

With the appearance of the stone man, the seven gourds shook happily, looking very excited.

"Father Mountain!"

A child's voice full of reverence sounded in his heart, and Tianyuan nodded slightly.

He stepped lightly with his right foot, and suddenly there was a rumbling sound all around. Ripples appeared on the ground, and the entire earth began to move. The cliff not far away also had wrinkles moving.

The innate formation covering the valley seemed to take off.

Things changed and the stars moved. In the blink of an eye, the surroundings became quiet and returned to their previous appearance.

The innate gourd vine glanced at the position of the stars above its head and knew that it was no longer in the same position as before.

Ten thousand years ago, the father mountain revived and sometimes moved this valley, but it never asked the reason.

The stone man in front of him was the incarnation of the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain in his eyes, and the father mountain that nurtured it.

Tianyuan looked at the valley still shrouded in mist, and the solemnity on his face did not subside.

After the first sermon in Zixiao Palace, the seven gourds that condensed the origin were taken away, which also cut off the path of the innate gourd vine.

How could the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu not accommodate a top-grade innate spiritual root?

Besides, Xiantian Gourd Vine was the only creature in the mountain who knew about his relationship with Buzhou Mountain. The other party was not just a spiritual root, so Tianyuan would not allow it to lose.

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard a rumbling thunder above his head.

Tianyuan just looked up, and his whole body was shaken, and the rich laws poured into his feet. There was a stream of light flickering on his khaki skin, and a mysterious nine-color light burst out from his chest.

A powerful momentum surged up, accompanied by impurities overflowing from his body and dissipating into the air, and his already burly figure became more majestic.

"Finally, a vein of the earth has been completely unblocked!" Tianyuan's eyes could not suppress the joy.

The Buzhou Mountain under him also exploded wildly in the rumbling sound, exuding a monstrous power.

Countless creatures in the prehistoric land were lying on the ground, looking at the sacred mountain from afar, feeling awe.

The Xiantian Gourd Vine next to him shook violently, and the little faces on the seven gourds were full of joy.

The breath of the Father Mountain became thicker, and the power of the Father Mountain became stronger!

Ignoring the excited Xiantian Gourd Vine on the side, Tianyuan exhaled deeply and disappeared into the valley.

In the center of the gray world, there is a towering and majestic mountain, shrouded in a thick Xuanhuang aura.

Tianyuan landed on the top of the mountain and immediately looked to the east.

In the misty eastern land, three golden rivers roared and roared, like roaring dragons running from the foot of the mountain to the distance.

On each river, there are rows of smaller tributaries, which are also like wild horses running away. Counting carefully, there are thirty-six, all of which are shining with golden light, which is very spectacular.

These are the three main veins connecting the Eastern Land to Buzhou Mountain, and the 108 branches.

Ten thousand years ago, he came to the prehistoric world and became a stone man on Buzhou Mountain. But when he calmed down, he found that he actually had another body, which was the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain.

Mount Buzhou stands tall on the ground, and is the ancestral vein of the vast land, blessing all living things in the world.

However, the vast land has been through many disasters for a long time, and many veins have been broken and disappeared. Only the eastern vein is still intact, but it is also not optimistic.

Looking closely, the three main veins and one branch vein were all golden with a hint of dark red.

The flowing light was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, as if it had been infected and blocked.

Only in the northeast direction was there a branch vein that was golden and full of vitality, with auspicious air rising and emitting brilliant light. It was the one that had just been completely cleared.

After opening up a branch vein that runs through the eastern land, Buzhou Mountain became more majestic and vast, and he also took this opportunity to enter the ranks of Taiyi Jinxian.

At this moment, in that branch vein, stone men as burly as Tianyuan jumped out one by one. They carried pickaxes and hoes and jumped towards another nearby branch vein.

This is the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, or the primitive world in the eyes of Buzhou Mountain.

The mountains, rivers, and lakes are the same as the primitive land, but there is no living creature. Only many mixed wills wander between heaven and earth.

As for those stone men, they were just manifestations of the will of Buzhou Mountain. There were three thousand of them, which coincided with the three thousand great ways.

They worked day and night for ten thousand years before they completely cleared a branch.

Glancing at the busy figures, Tian Yuan calmed down and felt the changes in Buzhou Mountain at the moment.

After a while, a look of joy appeared on his honest face.

Spiritual energy was flowing into his body all the time, and more importantly, the will of Buzhou Mountain had become stronger.

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