Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 2 The Heart of the Primordial World

Buzhou Mountain is majestic and heavy, exuding a vast power, but here are more wills that are free between heaven and earth.

They are peaceful, violent, chaotic, cruel, and so on, but they are all eroding the pillar of heaven all the time. Even Tianyuan can only walk on the mountain and in the earth veins.

If other creatures enter this place, they will be lost in an instant and lose themselves.

And now, with the complete dredging of a branch vein, Buzhou Mountain can simply resist the pollution of those free wills.

He may be able to capture some creatures to help dredge and purify the earth veins.

It took him ten thousand years to comb a branch vein. There are 108 branches in the eastern land, not to mention the three huge main veins.

Mo Ming came to the prehistoric world, and Buzhou Mountain was his biggest reliance.

The Zixiao Palace has begun to preach, and the witch and demon catastrophe is imminent. He doesn't have much time.

The prehistoric world is endless and vast, and there are countless creatures. As long as there are enough living beings, he can purify and sort out more earth veins in a short time.

The more the earth veins are unblocked, the stronger the will of Buzhou Mountain will be, and it can resist the invasion of surrounding consciousness, and the mountain will become more solid and majestic.

By then, how can this great pillar of heaven be broken by the mere ancestor witch?

If the earth veins of the entire prehistoric land can be purified and repaired, then the power of Buzhou Mountain alone will be unstoppable.

And with Buzhou Mountain, he will surely achieve extraordinary achievements, or even be on par with those chaotic demons.

Tianyuan became more and more excited as he thought about it, and then he stopped staying, disappeared in the consciousness space, and returned to the canyon.

The Xiantian gourd vine swaying in the wind saw Tianyuan appear in an instant, and there was nothing strange.

Just now, the power of the father mountain increased greatly, and its way seemed to be somewhat clear. The Xiantian gourd vine planned to calmly comprehend and practice.

Tianyuan looked to the northeast, where there was a faint thumping sound echoing, as if a heart was beating.

With each vibration, he felt a weak will coming and merging into the mountain. The energy flowing from Buzhou Mountain into that branch was also gradually increasing.

In Tianyuan's view, Buzhou Mountain was equivalent to the heart of the prehistoric world, and that ground vein was the blood vessel of the prehistoric earth, ensuring the operation of the entire world.

Tianyuan did not hesitate and strode towards the direction of that branch.

Although Buzhou Mountain was no longer the same as it was at the beginning of the world, it still exuded a vast power. Except for the innate demon gods, few creatures lived in the mountain.

If you want to catch some creatures, you naturally have to look for them at the foot of the mountain.

This unblocked ground vein direction is undoubtedly the best choice. After all, standing on the ground vein, he has endless spiritual energy.

While flying, Tianyuan made a move and a stone the size of a human palm appeared in his palm.

The stone was five-colored, round and smooth, and wrapped in a layer of red, green, yellow, white and black halo. The halo bloomed, swirled, and blurred, making the stone in his palm look extremely mysterious.

Tianyuan put it into his mouth, and with a crisp sound, colorful rays of light spurted out, and he quickly swallowed it.

Rich spiritual energy poured in along with the law. Tianyuan looked at the faint nine-color light shining on his chest, and his eyes were full of joy. "The five-color divine stone is indeed much more delicious than those mud and sand."

Although he had the largest treasure in the prehistoric world, he was just an ordinary stone man before, and he was unable to absorb many spiritual fruits and spiritual objects.

The reason why he can achieve this achievement now is that he ate various treasures in Buzhou Mountain to improve his physique.

Among the many natural treasures, Tianyuan only loves divine stones, spiritual iron, etc., which not only taste excellent, but also suit his physique.

Buzhou Mountain is vast and boundless, and many creatures are looking for treasures on it, but there are still countless natural treasures.

In the past, many could only be watched, but now they can be eaten with an open stomach.

Because he was a clone, Tian Yuan was not affected by the might of the mountain, and could shuttle freely on Buzhou Mountain.

After a while, he arrived at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

"Huh!" Tian Yuan exhaled lightly and stepped onto the branch.

Sure enough, he could easily absorb the spiritual energy in the earth veins, but he lost the ability to move away in an instant. Looking around, Tian Yuan strode forward.

Many Hui Yuans have passed since the Longhan Calamity, and the Wu Clan has grown stronger and stronger, and has the potential to ignite fire, but the majority of the clans in the prehistoric world are still the Ten Thousand Clans.

After a while, Tian Yuan felt several fluctuations, but they were a little weak.

In that space, although Buzhou Mountain can simply resist the invasion of free will, its Taoism is too weak, and it is afraid that it will be difficult to do anything. After all, his trip is to find some creatures to clear and purify the earth veins.

At least you have to be a Golden Immortal, otherwise the spiritual energy washed in the earth veins alone is enough to make them explode and die.

Flying thousands of miles, almost all of them were people in the realm of heavenly immortals and true immortals.

Looking up at the sky, Tianyuan muttered: "Could they all go to the starry sky to watch the excitement?"

Only the Golden Immortal can enter the chaos, but it does not prevent some weak creatures from curiously following to the border of the prehistoric world.

Tianyuan was not in a hurry. This was his first time to go down Mount Buzhou, and it was just the right time to walk around.

The world was shrouded in innate spiritual energy, and there were almost no creatures below the fairyland. However, due to the shackles of the roots, the Golden Immortal was the end of the cultivation of most prehistoric creatures.

Finally, in a mountain stream, Tianyuan felt a fluctuation of the Golden Immortal realm.

The breath was weak, and the other party was hiding deep in the cliff. If it were not for his strong earth law, he might not be able to find it.

Taking a step forward, Tianyuan's burly figure sank into the cliff, and when he appeared again, he had come to a cave thousands of feet deep.

The cave was endless, with strange rocks standing in a forest, and a faint glow.

Before Tian Yuan could take a closer look, two blood-red eyes appeared in the jagged rocks below, and a huge body twisted in the darkness.

Tian Yuan was slightly happy after taking a look at the other party's realm, and was even more delighted when he saw his true body.

"Who are you, fellow Taoist, and why did you break into my cave?" A hoarse voice sounded, accompanied by a faint fishy smell.

Tian Yuan laughed loudly. "You and I are destined to be together, and I will give you a great fortune!"

After saying that, he jumped up and smashed his huge body downwards.

The blood dragon was furious, and a dark red gust of wind came out of his mouth, and his figure rushed straight up.

He had been in seclusion here for hundreds of thousands of years, and had never made enemies with anyone, let alone recognized the stone man in front of him.

It was just that the figure just rose up, and the blood dragon was stunned.

There was no fluctuation of mana, and the strange stone man did not use any magic or magical power, as if he wanted to fight with his body.

The dragon clan has been lonely for a long time, but it is not something that ordinary creatures can despise.

"Roar!" A low roar shook the surrounding stone pillars to pieces.

The dragon clan is one of the three innate clans. Back then, they were able to fight two people alone because of their terrifying body. He is a different species of the dragon clan, and his body is even more extraordinary, so what is there to fear.

However, just as this thought flashed through his mind, the blood dragon heard a popping sound above his head, and then two huge pieces of stone came towards him.

Blood dragon: ? ? ?

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