Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 10 Bloody Evil Under the Earth Veins

The excited Blood Dragons in the earth veins suddenly looked in front of them in surprise.

The Xuanhuang Qi surged under their feet and turned into a ring, surrounding them.

Looking up and looking around, all the monsters were shrouded in the Xuanhuang Qi, and each figure had a halo.

"Brother! What is this?" Xiong Da and Xiong Er asked in unison.

They didn't like to use their brains before, and after knowing the Blood Dragon, they were even more lazy to think about problems.

As long as there was something unclear, the two monsters were more accustomed to asking the Blood Dragon.

"Maybe the senior has made some arrangements." The Blood Dragon didn't understand, so he could only respond casually.

Putting aside the monsters cast by the senior, in all these years, except for those stone men who worked hard, he didn't see anyone else coming.

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his right hand and gently probed towards the Xuanhuang Qi in front of him.

Unable to touch, unmoved, the Xuanhuang Qi that was close at hand seemed to be non-existent.

Many figures around found this strange, but everyone just looked at it curiously, without any panic.

Before everyone could take a closer look, the rosy clouds in front of them were dazzling, and they had already appeared in another place.

The blood dragon immediately looked around, and his face was instantly ecstatic.

"Earth vein! It's another earth vein!" He exclaimed loudly, with uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Combing a ground vein not only eliminated the karma on his body, but also stepped into the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. Now there is another one, how can he not be excited.

"Roar! Great!"

"Big brother, second brother, let's go!"

Big Bear and Little Bear were also very excited, and they ran towards the nearest rocks.

There were exclamations all around, but with a rough glance, it seemed that there were fewer figures.

The blood dragon didn't think much, picked up the pickaxe and started working, but another doubt arose in his heart.

This is obviously a new ground vein. Many rocks can be seen floating and sinking with the naked eye, and there are faint lights and blood lights shining.

Why are all these ground veins polluted and blocked? Are the remaining ones the same?

What happened in the prehistoric world?

Xue Jiao didn't know, he was only at the Taiyi Jinxian realm. If it weren't for Tian Yuan, he wouldn't have been able to get in touch with these.

There are some records in the clan, maybe his ancestor knows more.

Xue Jiao put away his distracting thoughts and began to work on dredging the earth veins. Every piece of debris removed is a practice, and every minute and every second can't be delayed.

Many monsters around also seized the time, and suddenly there was a clanging sound.

Tian Yuan, standing on the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain, frowned.

The breakthrough of the monster realm was within his expectations, after all, it was to dredge a vein.

Although he only broke through one realm, it was just the feedback from the clone, and Buzhou Mountain had the biggest gain.

The mountain exploded tens of thousands of feet, becoming harder and thicker, and the will gathered was much stronger.

The strengthening of Buzhou Mountain's will made Tian Yuan make other discoveries.

Throwing out two monsters casually, he jumped down in the air and came to the branch that had just been purified.

Enveloped by a faint will, Tian Yuan's burly figure slowly sank and sank into the space below the earth vein.

Blood color! The blood mist was everywhere, and there was no end in sight!

"How could this happen?" Tian Yuan looked at the blood mist that covered the entire sight with doubt in his eyes.

Blood evil spirit, the entire earth vein was full of blood evil spirit, and the breath was very familiar.

Those blood-red strange stones in the earth vein were not polluted by the will outside, but erosion from under the earth vein.

Facing his appearance, the blood mist seemed to have life, quickly gathered towards him and eroded his body.

Tian Yuan's stone body shook, and a lot of blood mist spread out and floated around.

Looking around, suddenly his eyes narrowed, and his big hand reached forward, and a piece of black miscellaneous stone fell into his palm.

The stone was made of unknown material, with pits and bumps on the surface, covered with many protrusions, and several suction cups hanging on it.

It was the miscellaneous stones that blocked the earth vein, those foreign objects that were removed, and they actually appeared here.

With a light squeeze of his right hand, it turned into powder with a puffing sound, and was then corroded by the blood mist.

The ground veins were unable to shake, and were extremely hard, but now they were so fragile.

The blood-red impurities in the ground veins came from here, and other foreign objects that were removed appeared here again.

The function of the ground veins was not as simple as he imagined.

Tianyuan stood up and fled downwards, running at full speed, but the blood mist was still pervasive and there was no end.

After half a day, Tianyuan turned back and found nothing.

The space below was very large, and he had limited time, so Tianyuan planned to explore deeper before going deeper.

Tianyuan, who drilled back into the ground veins, flashed and appeared in the ground vein that was first dredged. His figure sank below, and it was indeed bloody.

Tianyuan drilled into other ground veins, including the three largest main veins, and the same was true.

The blood under the three main veins was thick and had the tendency to turn into blood water.

Fortunately, the will of Buzhou Mountain has recovered a little, blocking their erosion. Otherwise, the longer the time, the more serious the obstruction of the earth veins will be.

The gray sky is free with many mixed wills, and the ground is also filled with blood mist.

Because of the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, he began to feel a little unfamiliar with this primitive world.

Only by clearing the earth veins as much as possible can we thoroughly understand the situation in this space.

Tianyuan returned to Buzhou Mountain and took the time to see the Xiantian gourd vine.

Tianyuan has great expectations for this spiritual root that respectfully calls him "Father Mountain".

After getting familiar with his own realm, Tianyuan is very satisfied.

The more he mastered the law of earth, the stronger his body became. This was what Tian Yuan was most happy about.

A true man should crush everything with his violent body.

For this reason, he still admired the Wu clan very much.

Tian Yuan walked with big strides, and with a slight wave of his right hand, a fluorescent crystal appeared in his palm, emitting a faint light.

Star stone, falling from the ancient starry sky, is rumored to be the remnant of the star, and is extremely hard.

Tian Yuan took a bite lightly, and the starlight surged and drilled into his body.

The faint energy spread out, and most of it flowed into his chest.

Tian Yuan touched his chest with expectation in his eyes.

There was the only magic weapon he had, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

There were countless natural treasures on Mount Buzhou, but there were few magic weapons.

In addition to the seven gourds on the innate gourd vine, there was only the one he had sacrificed in his body.

Tian Yuan guessed that it was likely that he had been plundered by Hongjun and others before he came to this world.

That guy obviously didn't need magic weapons, but he had a lot of them.

When he arrived at the foot of Mount Buzhou, the witches who had ambushed him earlier were no longer there.

Tianyuan didn't care and fled towards the nearest witch tribe.

But before he took action, he had to find out the situation of the witch tribe.

Although he had encountered the witch tribe from time to time in recent years, it was almost just a casual encounter. Even if he saw a witch tribe, he would just run away from a distance.

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