Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 11: The Witch Tribe

"Haha! It seems that God is helping me!" Tianyuan touched his chin, his face full of joy.

The short Taoist priest, who was hunched over, said with a little flattery: "Senior, this is all the news I know."

After speaking, he looked at Tianyuan with tears in his eyes.

The Taoist priest was dressed in linen clothes, his body was slender, and his expression at the moment was extremely funny.

He had been hiding deep underground to meditate, but suddenly a stone man appeared and captured him.

Fortunately, the other party did not do anything to him, but only asked him some information about the witch clan.

Fortunately, he was a spiritual rat who had achieved Taoism. I dare not say how deep his Taoism was, but he was very well-informed about the news in the area at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

"I want to give you a good fortune, don't you need it?" Tianyuan leaned down and spoke softly.

Looking at the big mouth that could swallow him in one bite, the Taoist shrank his neck and quickly responded righteously: "It is my honor to be ordered by the senior. How dare I ask for anything."

They have never met before, so the Taoist does not believe in any good fortune.

Besides, it is related to the Wu clan, he does not want to get close to them.

Seeing the Taoist's appearance, Tianyuan shook his head and waved his hand to signal him to leave.

The Taoist is in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm. If it was earlier, he would definitely capture and dredge the earth veins without any hesitation.

Now is different from the past. He just wants to capture a Wu clan and study it first.

If it is as he guessed, it can definitely greatly reduce the time for dredging the earth veins.

The Wu clan lives in tribes, so they can just block the door at home, and there is no need to search all over the mountains and plains.

Seeing Tianyuan's gesture, the Taoist bowed repeatedly, then dived into the ground and disappeared in an instant.

Tianyuan did not care, and looked into the distance.

From the monster just now, he knew that the ancestor witch tribe on this branch was under the jurisdiction of Hou Tu.

Hou Tu was the most special of the twelve ancestor witches. She did not die in the catastrophe, but was reincarnated.

Compared with the belligerence of other ancestor witches, Hou Tu was a little gentler.

Only Hou Tu and Xuan Ming stayed in Zixiao Palace to preach.

As for the other ancestor witches, one said that they did not go, and the other said that they rushed to Zixiao Palace early, but the gate was not open and they ran back impatiently.

But no matter which situation, Hou Tu was definitely not in the prehistoric world at the moment.

If Tian Yuan rashly moved the witch tribe, he would certainly worry about attracting the ancestor witches, and these ancestor witches were all Daluo Jinxian.

If more witches were captured, it would also attract the attention of other ancestor witches, but what he needed most at the moment was time.

If there were more veins to be purified and the Taoism was higher, these ancestor witches might be captured.

With excitement, Tian Yuan rushed towards the nearest witch tribe in his memory.

Along the way, Tian Yuan did not meet a single Wu Clan member, which made him feel strange.

The Wu Clan was warlike and liked to eat flesh and blood. In the past hundred years, he could see those guys every time he came out. This was one of the reasons why he was hated by the Wu Clan.

Turning around the hill in front, the valley was the nearest Wu Clan tribe.

Tian Yuan had seen from a distance that there were simple houses piled up with huge stones, and there were also many huge stones piled up in the middle of the tribe.

Anyway, the whole tribe was nothing but stones.

Just as he approached the hill, Tian Yuan heard a whirring sound coming from behind the hill.

He jumped up and landed on the hill. Although it was called a hill, it was also ten thousand meters high.

Tian Yuan saw the situation in the valley clearly and knew why he did not meet a Wu Clan member along the way.

But in the center of the Wu Clan tribe, there were several huge corpses of monsters, and blood was flowing all over the ground.

Surrounding them were thousands of Wu Clan members, men and women, adults and children.

Some people knelt down, some danced, and some sang some obscure words.

Tianyuan flew down, he did not hide his figure deliberately, but no witches noticed him coming.

When he was near the tribe, Tianyuan knew what the witches were doing, they were offering sacrifices to Pangu.

It was probably because Buzhou Mountain had just exploded, so the witches were offering sacrifices to celebrate.

Tianyuan pursed his lips and stopped the idea of ​​knocking him out and taking him away immediately.

Tianyuan still respected Pangu very much, and he did not want to disturb the witches at this time.

When he walked outside the tribe, he sat down on a stone, propped up his chin, and quietly watched the celebrating witches.

After most of the day, the sacrifice was finally ended with a huge cheer.

Tianyuan stood up and strode towards the tribe, openly.

Hiding his figure and doing something dirty? There was no need for this, after all, they were all old acquaintances.

As soon as he moved, he was spotted by a witch.

Tianyuan's stalwart figure was no worse than that of the Wu Clan, and indeed somewhat dazzling.

"Stone man! It's that damn stone man." The Wu Clan glared at him and ran over.

A sound caused a thousand waves, and all eyes gathered in an instant, accompanied by many roars.

"Catch him!"

"Everyone come together, we must not let him run away!"

With a rumbling sound, it was like a large group of wild horses running over.

The stone houses blocking the middle of the road were instantly turned into ruins.

The women and children in the tribe were not angry when they saw this, and they also ran over with roars.

Seeing the enthusiasm of many Wu Clan, Tianyuan was also very happy.

He ran forward and punched the Wu Clan who ran over first, turned his hand under his armpit, turned around and flew away.

The Wu Clan was only in the late stage of the Golden Immortal, and he didn't react before he was captured by Tianyuan.

Tianyuan didn't know the specific situation of the Wu Clan for the time being, so he could only catch one and take a look at it.

How could these witches catch up with his speed? They had already run out of the valley.

Wu Man was furious, completely furious!

Originally ambushed and encircled the enemy in Buzhou Mountain, the Father God's will was inexplicably revived, and they returned to the tribe.

Just thinking about going to Buzhou Mountain again after the sacrifice, who knew that this stone man actually came to find them and set his target on the tribe.

As the tribe leader and the strongest warrior of the entire tribe, he watched his tribe being captured by the stone man.


Wu Man roared to the sky, and with a bang, he broke through the mountain directly.

Many witches who were chasing him angrily behind him also smashed on the hill one by one.

Rocks exploded, dust flew, the whole earth was shaking, and the ten thousand meter mountain peak collapsed.

Seeing the scene behind him, Tian Yuan curled his lips, didn't care, but looked down at his waist.

The witch just now actually woke up in a daze.

It's different when the body is strong, one punch won't knock him out.

Before the witch could see the situation clearly, Tianyuan flipped his hand and punched him again, and this time he was completely knocked out.

I don't know if it's because he hit people too many times, but Tianyuan really likes the feeling of punching people in the head.

Tianyuan, full of joy, ran towards Buzhou Mountain.

Behind him was a rumbling sound, and the witches plowed a large mess on the ground.

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