Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 133 Fire Cloud Cave Appears, Humanity Returns

Zhen Yuanzi fell behind him, but the expression on his face was very strange.

"Brother Taoist has a profound blessing, and we feel ashamed!" Zhen Yuanzi cupped his hand with a little regret in his eyes.

Just now, he not only witnessed the power of Buzhou Mountain, but also witnessed the battle between the great witch and the ancestral witch.

The way of law! It is obvious that they all practice the way of law.

A long time ago, Tianyuan told him about the law of enlightenment. Zhen Yuanzi originally wanted to ask the other party in detail, but because of the lack of care about the ancestral witch at the foot of the mountain, he was left behind.

Later, Zixiao Palace came back after hearing the news. Because he became more and more familiar with the method of killing three corpses, he studied it out of curiosity, but unexpectedly he casually killed his own corpse.

Such an inexplicable breakthrough shocked Zhen Yuanzi, and later gave up the idea of ​​​​proving the law.

After hundreds of thousands of years passed, he beheaded another corpse.

But now that I saw Tianyuan's combat power, I felt a little regretful in my heart.

Although he killed two corpses and entered the ranks of quasi-sages, it was purely due to the increase in mana within his body and some additional life-saving means, but his physical body did not change much.

The essence of spiritual practice is self-cultivation. Now that I think about it carefully, killing three corpses always feels different.

The method of killing three corpses was passed down by Tao Ancestor, and more importantly, he did not have the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Zhen Yuanzi is not sure whether the last step can be accomplished or not.

What surprised him was that Hongyun, who had obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi, only killed one corpse.

In the battle between the ancestral witches just now, although many innate saints took sides, Zhen Yuanzi still vaguely sensed the behavior of the remaining three thousand guests from Zixiao Palace.

Whether it was Sanqing or Nuwa and others who disappeared a while ago, they were almost all above Hongyun.

But what he saw in front of him was too horrifying. After he appeared, his eyes were only on Buzhou Mountain, and he didn't have time to ask Hongyun.

"You two may have the same destiny, but you just haven't found it yet." Tian Yuan said meaningfully as his eyes crossed the two of them.

Hongyun is related to the will of humanity, and the earth book in Zhen Yuanzi's palm may be a good spiritual treasure that sorts out the earth's veins.

These two people will definitely be of great use in the Buzhou Mountain Will Space, so Tian Yuan plans to give them some good words first.


Zhen Yuanzi was stunned, with surprise and doubt in his eyes.

Hongyun next to him couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Dao, is that the mysterious space on Buzhou Mountain?"

Their abilities were extraordinary and their moral conduct was not weak. Hongyun naturally guessed what was going on in Buzhou Mountain.

Compared to other innate saints who were afraid of being captured by Tianyuan, Hongyun was not worried, but was very curious.

Seeing Hongyun being so direct, Zhen Yuanzi scolded: "Hongyun! How can you be so abrupt!"

Then he turned his head slightly and apologized to Tianyuan: "Brother Dao, don't blame me, Hongyun has this kind of character."

Because of the Calabash Vine incident, he had a good impression of Tianyuan, and the relationship between them was quite good, but Buzhou Mountain must be Tianyuan's big secret, so how could he ask directly like this.

After hearing Zhen Yuanzi's words, Hongyun touched his head, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

Practice should be so free and easy, with mind and action united, without so many twists and turns.

Zhen Yuanzi looked helpless and could only smile bitterly at Tianyuan.

Tianyuan waved his hand, but he was overjoyed in his heart. He was still thinking about how to speak, but he didn't expect Hongyun to pick up the conversation right away.

"That's right! Buzhoushan Consciousness Space!" Tianyuan nodded solemnly, his face full of solemnity.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun were both shocked. They speculated that the Tianyuan Law might come to that space.

The previous group of ancestral witches and great witches were able to explode in strength, which must be related to this Buzhou Mountain consciousness space.

The two people, who were excited in their hearts, were waiting for Tianyuan to elaborate, but they didn't expect the other party to say anything, but he didn't say a word.

Zhen Yuanzi was anxious in his heart, but his face was calm and composed, and he glanced at the red clouds beside him with his peripheral vision.

Sure enough, Hongyun, who was rubbing his hands together, asked with some hope: "I hope Brother Tao can give me some advice!"

Seeing Hongyun's expression, Zhen Yuanzi also raised his hands and said respectfully: "I hope Brother Dao will not hesitate to teach me!"

The words "Buzhou Mountain Consciousness Space" alone are enough to show how extraordinary that space is.

Since Tianyuan said it in front of them, how could they not find out what happened.

Facing the hopeful gazes of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, Tianyuan touched his chin and nodded: "That space is too mysterious and cannot be explained in just a few words. Two fellow Taoists can go with me and you will know after you experience it! "

Hongyun, who was listening intently, immediately looked overjoyed and responded repeatedly: "Hongyun will bear in mind the kindness of fellow Taoist!"

Zhen Yuanzi, who was next to him, also took a deep breath, and then said solemnly: "If my fellow Taoist needs this kind of kindness in the future, just ask for it."

Tianyuan is so extraordinary, Hou Tu and other ancestral wizards have greatly increased their strength after entering it, it is definitely not simple there.

Moreover, Zhen Yuanzi noticed that Calabash Baby, who had just transformed not long ago, was actually trying to catch up with him. More importantly, the other party practiced the way of law.

If Tianyuan can really take them there, it will be a great blessing.

Meeting the two impatient people, Tian Yuan felt strange in his heart.

He had just planned to use force if it failed, but he didn't expect that as soon as he opened his mouth, the two of them became impatient.

Just thinking about it carefully in his heart, Tianyuan felt that it was normal.

The two Lich Clan's resistance to him was entirely due to a bad initial impression. Of course, Tian Yuan could not be blamed for this. He was weak at the beginning and could only act in such a sneaky way.

But Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun in front of them were different. Because of the Calabash Baby incident, they had a good impression of him.

But now he has a profound spiritual practice and is inexplicably connected with Mount Buzhou. He is truly a person with great supernatural powers.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun should be so polite.

Tian Yuan, with many thoughts in his mind, inexplicably felt a little emotional. It turned out that he was no longer the stone man who secretly hid on Mount Buzhou.

Because of Mount Buzhou, he became the top great master of the prehistoric world.

Tian Yuan, who put away his distracting thoughts, responded gently: "In this case, I will take you there."

After that, a weak will rose on Mount Buzhou and wrapped around Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun.

The thin breath, but with a vast and vast power, was the fluctuation of Mount Buzhou.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun did not resist, their eyes were full of excitement and strong expectations.

Brother Tian Yuan really has a great relationship with Mount Buzhou!

In the sky above Mount Buzhou, Kun Peng's figure slowly appeared, looking at the disappearing Tian Yuan and the other three, his face was extremely solemn.

"Damn it! Damn it! How did Hong Yun hook up with Tian Yuan!" Kun Peng cursed in a low voice, feeling very bad.

He also saw the battle clearly. Tian Yuan could capture Gong Gong long ago, and now he seems to be able to control Buzhou Mountain.

Hong Yun is on good terms with Tian Yuan, and his hope of seizing the Hongmeng Purple Qi is getting lower and lower.

Even if he relies on the two demon kings, it may not be that easy.

Judging from the situation on the mountain, Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi must have entered that space, and they may have greatly increased their strength after a while.

Looking at the towering Buzhou Mountain angrily, Kunpeng fled towards the sky.

Just in case, he needs to speed up the cause and effect between him and Hong Yun.

In the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun appeared and stared blankly at the sacred mountain in front of them.

The vast and boundless breath rushed to his face, towering and unreachable, and the momentum exuded was even more exaggerated than that of Buzhou Mountain in the prehistoric land.

But before he had time to take a closer look, Hong Yun's body shook and he exclaimed loudly.

Zhen Yuanzi thought that the other party was just praising the majesty of Mount Buzhou, but he turned his head and looked away the next second.

Under the ground where Hong Yun stood, a mysterious and yellow aura gushed out, surrounding him, and then an inexplicable will rose.

"Brother Dao, this... this..." Zhen Yuanzi exclaimed, with disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't know what happened, but the rich Xuanhuang aura was enough to explain a lot, and his good brother got a great opportunity.

Tianyuan just said that they had an opportunity, and now there are such big changes in this space, which is too magical.

Tianyuan didn't speak, his face was full of joy.

Above the main vein in the middle of the eastern land, a red mist emerged, invading the surrounding space, covering a large area, and vaguely a cave was formed.

And with the appearance of the faint red mist, there was a weak will rising there, which was the will of humanity.

Sure enough, Hong Yun was the key figure in the opening of the will of humanity.

In the prehistoric world, everything in the world belongs to humanity, which is probably the fundamental reason why Hongyun is a good guy.

He is the saint of humanity appointed by the prehistoric world, so he naturally regards everything in the prehistoric world as his own, and has a character of not fighting or competing.

In order to get rid of this saint of humanity, Hongjun did not hesitate to use an open plot.

For Sanqing, Nuwa and others, Hongjun planned one by one, and calculated behind the scenes, but Hongyun was an exception.

Feeling a ray of will bursting out from Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan was extremely happy.

After the tunnel, humanity also began to revive, and immediately saw the majestic mountain in front of him with rolling power.

Zhenyuanzi, who was curious in his heart, was stunned, looked at the rumbling Buzhou Mountain, and then looked at his good brother next to him, and some of them did not react.

Even if he knew that Hongyun had a great opportunity, Zhenyuanzi never thought that it would be connected with Buzhou Mountain.

"Brother Dao, what's going on?" Zhenyuanzi really couldn't help the doubts in his heart.

Although Tianyuan was surprised, Zhenyuanzi could see that he was more happy than shocked.

This meant that Tianyuan might have known the situation long ago.

This conjecture in his mind undoubtedly shocked Zhenyuanzi.

He had known Hongyun for a long time, and Tianyuan had only known him after the Zixiao Palace talk. How could he know all this?

Tianyuan, smiling, met Zhenyuanzi's gaze and said softly: "This is a matter of great importance. You can ask Hongyun later."

Zhenyuanzi's combing of the earth veins also played a great role. Hongyun, who had already communicated with the will of humanity, must also know these things. It would be better for him to say these words.

Zhenyuanzi didn't say much after hearing this, but just stared at Hongyun.

Buzhou Mountain was shaking so much, and several figures flew in from a distance. They were Houtu, Nuwa and others who had come in first.


"Zhenyuanzi Daoyou!"

Houtu, Nuwa, Fuxi and others hurriedly greeted Zhenyuanzi, and they were also very familiar with him.

Only Gonggong, who followed, looked embarrassed, but still bowed to the other party.

Zhen Yuanzi responded by bowing one by one, and his eyes swept over several people, and his doubts became even more serious.

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